• General 07.06.2012 Comments Off on Hume

    For Hume these principles are consequence of a constant conjunction between phenomena that we project in the reality, and not one necessary connection. E, this debate between racionalistas defending that everything that exists is relative to the mind that is interpreting and the empiristas and realists, for who everything who we know comes from the sensorial experience, marks the trajectory of the philosophical-scientific thought occidental person. Kant tries to conciliate this dualism, between the reason and the experience, considering the priority of the first one, that she constructs knowing, but keeping the experience as the foundation for the reason to develop itself. Here, reason and experience send to the basic dualism above cited: I am the reason and the world is the experience. Hegel all constructs a system based on the dual opposition, the historical dialectic, to explain the order of the relation enters the things of the world.

    As well as Heraclitus, Hegel claims that it is the tension between the opposites is that it is in the base of everything and is thus creative source of all the things. Hegel, Nietszche, Heidegger, wanted ' ' destruir' ' metaphysics, for them the great illness of the philosophy occidental person, ' ' one history erro' ' , the split between the sensible world and the intelligible one. But none obtained to escape, as its better critics, of some type of boarding that brought in itself, a Metaphysical formatting. For Nietsche, the language that we inherit of metaphysics, essencialista, causal, scientific, is incapable to describe the reality, it strains and cuts the reality through concepts. William James (1842-1910) meant an enormous alteration in the thought contemporary occidental person. Its basic premise is ' ' integralismo' '. James affirmed (up to 1906) that the philosophy occidental person had not made nothing seno to live going of a extremity to another one in the agreement of the existence: of Parmnides (as something always static) Heraclitus (as something always in change), deAristteles (with its insistence in the material as truth criterion) the Plato (with the ideas as parameter certain it), of Hegel (with the idealismo) the Auguste Comte (with the positivismo).


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