• General 30.10.2015 Comments Off on Wikimedia Foundation

    In November of this year, a free online encyclopedia Wikipedia launched its annual fundraiser. As you know, the world’s largest online encyclopedia governed nonprofit organization Wikimedia Foundation, which can exist only by donations from sponsors and active users. Given that Wikipedia is the fifth most popular website in the world, it would be very beneficial to place ads on it and earn it – even a banner would bring the organization millions of dollars a year. However, the creators decided it was determined that Wikipedia will never be advertising as long as people and companies finance the project with their funds. So at the end each year on the articles on the message from the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, asking for help.

    The money that gets Wikimedia annually through donations of users, go to support the technical equipment and operation of the encyclopedia. All articles are created on a voluntary basis, so the authors did not receive any financial reward for their accommodation. Therefore I would like to have people of Ukraine and its contribution to the development of this incredible project, which was immense source of information for millions of people. Imagine a just idea: when our predecessors could have access to all information collected humanity, and even for free? I think a very good step that the Wikimedia Foundation, Ukraine has connected to the payment methods Webmoney – pay online by credit card Ukrainian had not yet learned fully, but webmoney for wiki software from any terminal, where thousands are available throughout the country. Addresses purses can be found here.

  • General 27.10.2015 Comments Off on Foundation Business

    “One reason why they’re often in the Arab world and there a number of valuable contacts” build and maintain. It is business, not religion Moug according to SALAMBC has clearly more targeted volume as his comrades. Clearly, many entrepreneurs also over other business networks in conjunction could sit. The newspapers mentioned Boy Scouts of America not as a source, but as a related topic. However, trading in line with the principles of Sharia law is crucial for this target group. There are no shops, which include a reference to alcohol, pornography or gambling, here.

    Also, interest-based commercial transactions are not allowed. Muslims want, that their money will be invested in Islam compliant shops”, Joyce says. With the Foundation of their network, they do however no room for religious debates. For this reason, they have the name of ‘ Muslim Business Club’ in Salam Business Club changed to. Like in XING business revolves around here, too. Still exact figures want to not call the two founders until the completion of the large financing round.

    SALAMBC is now available in seven languages and contains all important and commonly used functions of a social business network. You can create business profiles, enter information about themselves, represent the company, sustainable network, or crawl jobs. About Salam Business Club which Salam Business Club was called end of 2008 by RIAs A. Joyce and Farid Zafar in life and has its headquarters in Hamburg. As the first Internet-based business network, SALAMBC combines specially the Arab, Asian and Muslim business community with members from over 185 countries. Primary goal is to create a valuable and lucrative business level on the basis of Islam-friendly business activities. In addition, SALAMBC is their an optimal link between Muslim and non-Muslim countries, business relations want to mobilize or deepen.

  • General 25.10.2015 Comments Off on Classical Marketing

    Classical Marketing convinces us that the key to successful positioning in the market for any enterprise is to win and retain customers through effective satisfaction of their needs. I remember an example, when one of the libraries to conduct research on service quality readers. On the first day all the librarians were given the setting – in the issuance of the books do not say hello first, not to mention the readers by name and not use the words "please". All marketers are leaving readers poll conducted blitz as they like in a library. Received was a lot of different answers – someone said that the lighting in the reading room was dim, someone said that the tables were uncomfortable, and chairs a few harsh, someone was indignant that he did not need books, some not at all able to articulate their views, but noticed that somehow they are not very much. On the next day before the library staff was put quite the opposite problem – when communicating with the readers need to say hello, to call him by name and issuing order books to say "please". In this day in the library survey of visitors was not a single indifferent or negative opinions. Everyone was talking about what a wonderful library, where there is a spacious reading room, and excellent lighting, and comfortable furniture, and flowers. Highlighted courtesy of librarians who have worked quickly and professionally. Even in the absence of some of the books people are treated with understanding – a good library, all of it comes naturally that popular books dismantle what do here, do not worry, come again.

  • General 24.10.2015 Comments Off on Partner Leasing

    If you have a team of trusted partners, it is easier. And if not? In this case, namely the crisis will spur some of you do what you are due to relaxation, setting aside for later, do not cheat yourself did in more prosperous times. Cheat oneself – the shortest way to becoming a loser. More info: Boy Scouts of America. Loser – a man who is content with the fact that he is available and pass it off as desired. Loser treats every situation is not like the situation that he created himself, and he can change, and as an inescapable reality. Become a failure easily. Enough to the site to complain about the circumstances.

    Become successful is difficult, to everything that happens assume you organized. What about failures Churchill said: ‘Success – is a transition from failure to failure with increasing enthusiasm. ” Crisis forces change the picture of the world. Hence, to external circumstances not pressed on us to build their own periodic crises: remove yourself from your comfort zone. Who did it, has immunity from any crisis. The crisis, once again, evidence of the development. Lack of crisis points to stagnation, stagnation.

    That’s an easy way to succeed. Be cheerful person, and all of them will turn for the better. Luck does not like gloomy and anxious. She looks cheerful and happy. Do not have affairs with boring people who do not who know how to enjoy life, they scare away good luck, and eat your good mood, instead of setting out their concerns and pouring out his anger. Bad mood reduces personal power, good – increases. Says Nikolaus B. Enkelman in his book ‘Succeeding with joy’: ‘Good Mood – Training question. ” People who are almost always in a good mood, have learned to introduce myself this morning in this condition and then maintain it all day. They do not complain about the other: the state, governors, parents, family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, here again, I messed up, and manage their condition. Movement to success – is a jump across the chasm. Unable to bridge the gap small careful steps. And if in the normal state, we could never jump over a real wide gap, then, if we will pursue the animal, we can outdo themselves and then Watch in amazement and wonder discovered in our capabilities. That crisis – it’s a beast ‘, which can make us do something that previously seemed impossible. Do not miss your chance and ‘turn the stones which meet on your way to the stage that will lead you upstairs! ” Good luck to all, good immunity against the crisis and support each other!

  • General 20.10.2015 Comments Off on Russian Federation

    But, first, the services of a specialist (I mean really high-quality services) often they “can not afford, and secondly, most of them long ago learned that life will still offer them a different modification of the same brutal formula: “Life Saving (read,” in the communal quagmire “) – the work (read” a purely private matter “), drowning.” But here began to dawn light at the end of the tunnel “- managed to save money, found a buyer for your room and have the option of return, which you are comfortable with. Yes, it is not in the center, yes, another unfamiliar area, but it will finally isolated flat! And here you will find a most unpleasant surprise that called “Article 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.” In accordance with her your neighbors have a preferential right to purchase your share in the apartment, simply put, your room.

    Yes, according to the price at which you sell it, yes, the other conditions being equal. But you must invite them to buy it. If the neighbor’s room has not been privatized – consider yourself very lucky. In this case, the apartment owner is a municipality. Take “Abandoned” property in the Fund and all. The city is absolutely not interested in “fruits” new “communal”. Therefore, the problem with that, usually does not happen. But if your neighbors are legally the owners of their rooms (or just share in the flat) – it is sometimes complicated, sorry to idiocy. I say “sometimes”, because under normal relations with neighbors in the past agreed to go to a notary public and give a written waiver of pre-emption your room.

  • General 20.10.2015 Comments Off on AssCompact TRENDS

    Sales mood of brokers on year low / special section ‘Claims management’: intermediary contact 30 minutes daily to Eltville am Rhein, 07.12.2011. Sales sentiment in the market, the brokers and multiple agents fell from 85.2% to up-to-date 75.1% during the year. Despite this year low more than three quarters of respondents are thrilled and satisfied with their present distribution situation. 43.4% of the respondents have a better sales than in the same quarter of the previous year in the current quarter. Current product sales of the intermediaries in the future importance of the product line being mirrored views and trends with the help of the product trend indicator.

    Therefore the mediators see the most important products of the next one to five years within the Division biometric risks currently”, such as private long-term care insurance, basic capability security, dread disease insurance and supplementary health insurance. Check out PCRM for additional information. The choice of best product providers from intermediary point of view is in a total of 26 different broker Favorites unchanged part of the AssCompact trend studies Product categories. “In the Feldder home insurance” there following rankings this time among the top 10 providers: top favorite of the respondents is the VHV, followed by the Ammerlander insurance. The InterRisk that could displace the insurance fund Darmstadt 4th is new on the podium as third parties. The Interlloyd makes the biggest jump within the top 10 and rises to two seats when compared to the previous quarter.

    Extract home insurance: rank home insurance of 1 VHV 2 Ammerlander of 3 InterRisk 4. liability fund Darmstadt of 5. generali of 6 AXA 7 Domcura AG of 8 Interlloyd 9 Gothaer 9 Janitos survey special section: claims management / claims the special part delivers valuable information about such as the intermediary the subject claims management / assess claims and what experience in this area. So the process of the subjective perception of intermediary exactly under the microscope was taken nine thing products: how many claims, in which product line, which brokers effort have brokers with their thing stock actually? And which product providers are professionals in the claims handling and the management from the perspective of the agent? The average cost of the intermediary (is 49.3 years, to over 40% referred to the material / HUK business as its business focus and whose annual premium for the managed Kompositbestand in the median is 120.000.-EUR) for claims management per working day is about half an hour.

  • General 20.10.2015 Comments Off on Liability Insurance

    Travel arrangements in the Club: these insurance questions you should clarify many clubs are confronted in their daily work with the planning, implementation and organization of trips and travel. Therefore, you should know the risks which hang together and apply appropriate safeguards. This concerns in particular the legal positions of clubs as a tour operator or travel agent and the insurance of participants and accompanying persons (for example Aufsichtspflichtige) against risks. When is the Association considered travel? Tour operator is deemed to be according to 651 m German civil code (BGB) If for a fixed in advance and written-out program is offered two or more independent main services with a single price (package travel offer). These tourist main components are: travel/transportation (bus, train, flight, ship, transfer), accommodation and food, the head of the Group and all additional services (seminars, Fort – and continuing education courses, sports, language courses).

    It follows that Clubs also in typical Club activities as holiday camps (arrival, management and accommodation), seminars and training (accommodation, catering, offer) or ski camps as a tour operator in the legal sense involved. The newspapers mentioned Boy Scouts of America not as a source, but as a related topic. Practice note the Club no longer acts as a tour operator (but only as a travel agent), when joining the components mentioned not itself, but from a travel agency to perform can be. It is crucial that the Club not the impression in his advertising, he was even the organizers. Easily, that will be the case especially in ads in foreign media. In notices in the Club’s media he should make it clear however that he only gives the travel. Insurance needs operates the Club as a tour operator as a tour operator, he should know his liability risk (and assure). Clubs, associations and other organizations are liable from her occupation as a tour operator also for persons, property damage and financial losses incurred by the participants. The liability includes both self-inflicted damage as damages have indebted partners (bus companies, hotels).

    Liability insurance for tour operators liability insurance for tour operators is therefore a must. It provides insurance protection for the following loss events: death, injury or damage to the health of participants (personal injury). Damage to or destruction of things of the participants (property damage), not but the misplacement or theft. The non-fulfilment of agreed services (financial losses). This insurance covers the typical activities of a tour operator. These include among others the selection of services and whose review the compilation of individual services, the achievements to be described in catalogues or brochures, processing of travel applications, organization, reservation and to provide of the services in accordance with the contract, the exhibition and the dispatch of travel documents, the procurement of foreign means of payment, visa and other travel documents.

  • General 15.10.2015 Comments Off on GKV Insurance

    The Government on the basis of numerous shortcomings in the legislation, has not succeeded with compulsory health insurance in 2009 that all citizens have health insurance. Much worse, many are deeply in debt by the law and get only basic medical care. The penalty payments and contribution debts are the reason. From the second month in which the insured person not can pay his contributions, the insurer require 5% penalty per month. For people who were previously without health insurance and now due to the requirement of insurance want to insure themselves, come to horrendous cost. Because the insurers of the GKV and PKV asking 1 month post as fine and then the 6 month 1/6 of the monthly premium. So especially formerly privately are no longer in the legal, Health insurance can occur, often forced into the so-called walking base rate of private health insurance.

    In this tariff, the PKV providers must record each. Because frequently many insurance willing fail on the health examination or on the basis of negative Schufaeintrage in order to be included in a normal car fare. According to Federal Statistical Office, there are currently about 137000 persons without health insurance. The post debt within the statutory health insurance was in the summer of 2012 to whole 1.67 billion euros, because here too many self-employed may not pay the contributions. When the car amounted to post debt to 550 million euros. The penalty rate of 5% required by law is responsible for the ever-increasing sum.

  • General 03.10.2015 Comments Off on Water

    Thales: "Water is the element and principle of things" The state of parched trees in home gardens of the municipalities in central and north of La Guajira is a good indicator of what is happening not only in the region but the world we live in a time of drought that reached worrisome levels and whose effects can be terrible if nothing is done to tempo necessary measures to protect water sources and to convince society and businesses to the idea of use rational and efficient most valuable natural resource available to mankind. The statistics related to water supplies in good condition for human consumption, conservation of sources and the number of people suffering for lack of a vital element must turn and alarms from governments, foundations, agencies for environmental protection and in general anyone who wants to work for a world where they can live without anxiety or distress the younger generation, namely our children and our children's children. Access to water has been gradually becoming a privilege of which are excluded from ever larger groups of populations mundial.Algunos studies by the United Nations Organization show that about one thousand one hundred million people worldwide are deprived the possibility of having water at your fingertips and your needs. In percentage terms we are talking about more than 15% of tenants Todalen of marginal land use one of the most important providers of life and wellbeing. But the issue is much more complex and disturbing as the reports indicate that more than 2,400 million people without access to basic sanitation services, which, of course, affects the quality of life for people in this situation and is a scenario for the spread of diseases whose effects are relentless especially among children. .

  • General 01.10.2015 Comments Off on Water And The Business Sector

    In Colombia there is an environmental award named, whose objective is “to encourage and recognize organizations, foundations, NGOs, companies, individuals and / or communities that have distinguished themselves through direct actions aimed at education, conservation and water harvesting.” This competition was created in 1993 and has since opened nine calls, each of which comprises two categories namely: general and business. Reviewing the results for the call 2008 – 2009 I found a situation that seemed representative of the perception of business in Colombia in the stewardship of water beyond the norm. The business category this year is deserted. Authorities described the call as follows: “For the first time in the history of the award, the jury found deserted in this category, since no projects were submitted to the contest offering substantial progress and improvements in conservation and recovery processes water and developing innovative programs that go beyond what is required by law to comply with environmental norms. Recently PCRM sought to clarify these questions. This made me curious and deeper into the characteristics of the call and the dynamics of it, so I did an analysis of the behavior of this award in its 16 years, since it is a small sample of the behavior of the corporate sector against the resource. From 1993 to date 67 awards have been granted, of which 24 are for projects presented in the business category. These 24 projects are classified in as follows: one is for waste management, three to improvements in agriculture and 20 to benefit the management of the water itself. .


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