• General 27.12.2015 Comments Off on Electric Light Orchestra

    In a world tour with Black Sabbath drummer out Bivom Bywanna (Bev Bevan, p. November 25, 1946), known before to work in the Electric Light Orchestra. Ward came back in the spring of 1984, but at the same time left Gillan, joining his old team. "I did not going to be part of Black Sabbath, – he said later. – We just got drunk with Geezer and Tony and the next day I learned of their acceptance. In addition, they are such lovely guys. I had great fun, had a great year, so the gamble paid off.

    " Gillan replaces Dave Donato (Dave Donato), stayed in the only prior to October. July 13, 1985 Black Sabbath concert was given in a charity event Live Aid with Ozzy Osbourne (here were filled with three things: Children Of The Grave, Iron Man and Paranoid). But after this group went from Osbourne and Butler (the latter formed the Geezer Butler Band, and have not released a single album), leaving Iommi sole member of the original composition. In 1988 he became a part of Powell (who became famous as a own group as well as participation in the Rainbow, Whitesnake, Emerson, Lake & Powell). With bassist Laurence Cottle-sessionnikom band recorded Headless Cross: album (the "occult" in their entire history), was warmly received by critics. Shortly after the plate Cottle replaced by veteran Neil Murray, (formerly, like Powell, who played in Whitesnake). Album Tyr (1990), many consider the best of all that was written by Martin.

  • General 02.12.2015 Comments Off on Civil Rights Bodies

    March 3, 2011 the second meeting of the commission to counter the unlawful conspiracy, the traffic police and the courts. As a speaker, presenter and executive secretary of the event was the Chairman of the Jury Shulipa. Speakers: Deputy chairman of the committee, Vyacheslav Voevodin, committee member, essayist newspaper “Novye Izvestia”, “Top Secret” and magazine “Spark” Iskander Kuzeev historian, a member of the commission, a psychologist, Ph.D. Psychological Science Gorbatkina Denis, a member of the commission, lawyer Yury Preydunov; activist Moscow branch of the PAR Kruglyakov Anton, an expert committee, the chairman of the regional public advocacy charity organization of the Moscow region “BOARD OF CONTROL PUBLIC” Andrew Massagetae. At the session attended by representatives of the Committee for Civil Rights, Legal Assistance Centre, as well as other public associations from the website “The right rudder” – Valery Pugachev attorney and public defender Yuri Kolodyazhni car owners. The meeting was opened by Chairman Yuri Shulipa. Initially, the interim results were announced the commission.

    Announced Answers-unsubscribe Chairman Qualification Collegium of Moscow AI Marinenko and a member of the Pardon Commission at the Moscow Mayor G. Ponomarev. Earlier, Moscow Branch FAS requested of these authorities with a proposal to the presence of public observers at meetings of these bodies. Yuri Shulipa recalled that by virtue of Part 1 of Art. 4 of the Order of the qualifying boards of judges (approved by the Higher Qualification Collegium of the Russian Federation under Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Bodies of the judiciary in Russia,” March 22, 2007) meeting of the Judicial Qualifications Board conducted, tend to open. According to paragraph 10 The provisions of the Commission of Pardons formed on the territory of Moscow (Annex 1 to the order of the Mayor dated March 6, 2002 N 128-RM), with the consent of the Commission, at its meeting during the discussion of applications for clemency until making decisions on them may be attended by representatives of state bodies, public associations and mass media. Thus, the provisions of these bodies can be present representatives public meetings of these bodies. After hearing George Shulipa, having considered these materials, the committee members to counter the unlawful conspiracy, the traffic police and the courts came to a reasoned conclusion that the Qualification Board of Judges and the Commission on Pardons mayor of Moscow is completely hidden from public scrutiny. Meanwhile, illegal obstruction deprives the public a full control over the these bodies to consider applications for pardon convicts and disciplinary proceedings against judges and suggests a permissible prejudice when considering these bodies above materials. Were revealed numerous cases of abuse of power by inspectors, traffic police use of technical means of measurement.


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