• General 25.08.2016 Comments Off on Assentis Releases New Version Of Output Management Solution DocFamily

    Users benefit from simplified handling improved quality assurance, and formatting options advanced users benefit from simplified handling, improved quality assurance and advanced formatting capabilities Red Cross October 29, 2009. With the now available version DocFamily 4.5 optimises the processes around the text creation Assentis and simplifies the handling of the software and their processes. The output management solution allows you to create individual documents and letters within a very short time, to create and distribute. In the new version, Assentis also improves quality. Is as of now the so-called four eyes principle”in the workflow implemented. This is to prevent errors in the documents to infiltrate. The workflow stipulates that every revised document must be checked by a second person.

    This controlled the writing as well as the rules required, and then releases it. Also the formatting options of the text editor DocWrite were significantly expanded. Tables can be made now more individual and more quickly. DocWrite also includes two new graphical editors, which letters, contracts and deals to rapidly create and customize allow. The user creates the rules required now drag & drop. Eliot Lauer oftentimes addresses this issue. So he selects appropriate text modules for specific target groups within a very short time and is made to individual customer letter. Special benefit for German-speaking users: online help is now also available in German.

    In particular the new condition Editor”and the expression editor” provide a simplistic text composition. This staff establishes rules, to associate certain blocks of text, graphics, or other objects to the various target groups. So, it assigns a text module with an investment recommendation, for example, a bank customer who already has a current account. The recipient of writing only about a savings account, has a checking account, we recommend it. These rules can immediately by Drag & drop are created using a graphical editor. So far, some programming skills in a so-called query language were necessary here as in the rest with other output management systems. With the new editor, they are no longer needed and also complex rules can be up within a short time. Customized and personalized letters are posted within a few minutes. Also the formatting options in the text editor DocWrite were significantly expanded and improved. In particular, tables can be now more individual. An additional benefit of text editing: in the text editor line wrapping for long words can be suppressed now also. So far, this was possible only through the templates. What’s new in version 4.5 bring considerable relief to users. The new rule editor massively simplifies the handling and the user need immediately-no knowledge of a query language”, explains Ralph Walter, head of product management at Assentis Technologies AG. So can letters, Contracts and offers are even faster to create individualized and personalized.” Assentis Technologies AG: Assentis Technologies AG is a software house and innovative partner for the optimization of communication with documents. It opened its customers new ways to collaborate with customers, partners and suppliers. With its proven software solutions, the complexity of business communication is efficiently managed and maintained a high degree of individuality for the users. Assentis is represented by affiliates or branch offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Canada and the United States. The company counts among its customers as well as the leading supplier in the field of telecommunications, insurance, trade and production well-known big banks in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the United States. Contact address: Assentis Technologies AG Blegistrasse 1 6343 Rotkreuz, Tel.: 0041 / 41 / 790 91 92 fax: 0041 / 41 / 790 91 93 E-mail: Internet:

  • General 22.08.2016 Comments Off on United Kingdom

    Especially the well-qualified go, the powerful, self-confident, risk making”, business week reported. These talents are missing the science as inventors and teachers, they are missing the company as professionals, they are missing the State as taxpayers, the site as the founder. And they lack the society as role models”, it says. And when the emigrants have once left the country and integrating in a foreign land is managed, then almost no longer want to go back”to the magazine. That especially well trained Young Professionals and for those who should keep the innovation engine running, to follow the call of the brave new world, Udo Nadolski by the consultancy Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf on the sometimes little tempting career prospects in Germany, specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services is according to human resources experts: we have a Problem, if on the one hand more and more well-trained Germans out of frustration that service providers in Germany is not enough promoted abroad, the policy but on the other hand there is no concept developed, how do we get highly educated foreign professionals in the country. For top people the Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Austria, Poland or the United Kingdom are sometimes simply more attractive than Germany”Nadolski.

    Who in some scientific fields of the future, as the bio – nanotechnology, an adequate research opportunity search, run against a wall of concerns and bans. To get the under-funding of basic research at universities and research institutions. In contrast, States, almost paradisiacal conditions offered to foreign institutions, especially in the United. A message vn plain text ONLINE. Responsible for the content, plain text is ONLINE. Plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 43 82 E-Mail:

  • General 20.08.2016 Comments Off on Creative Garden Concepts

    Galabau Fritz from Hamburg informed its customers the garden fence is used in its actual function of delimitation of a plot. But the plot frame should fit into the overall picture of the Garden: just the definition leaves a lasting impression. A lovingly-produced and well-kept garden should have a corresponding individual and appropriate distinction. Creative concepts of garden leave is only complete with elegant and richly detailed jewelry and decorative fences. Decorative and jewelry fencing offer a wealth of variations individually to delineate the overall impression of the garden whether classic or modern. The horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg experts provide information about the different ways of the design of decorative and jewelry fence. Decor elements give individuality made are the elegant and detailed decoration and jewellery fences in metal construction.

    Individual special designs are possible, as the wrought-iron fences of jewelry is mostly produced in hand work. According to the wishes of the customers can the fence elements in almost unlimited diversity are equipped with different kinds of decorative elements. The elements include lace, bows or jewelry post with applications. The playful and accurate symmetry is a real eye-catcher in every element of the fence. Different combinations can further increase the individual impression: for example, a combination of various elements of the fence or a combination with brick posts. Stainless steel or aluminium is used as material for the jewellery fences and decorative.

    These high-quality materials are delivering an elegant appearance and absence. The fences by galvanizing or powder coating are particularly easy to maintain. The decorative and jewelry fences are available in all colours. For detailed information on the subject of jewellery and ornamental fences, the experts of horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg at any time are available. Press contact Galabau Fritz contact: Martin Fritz Rothmoorstieg 5A 22459 Hamburg Tel.: 040.5 58 39 89 fax.: 040.55 98 36 20 E-Mail: Homepage:

  • General 11.08.2016 Comments Off on Acupuncture

    There are many people who look for aid to stop smoking and do not want to accede to the laser or pharmacological treatments by diverse questions. Luckyly, the Asian millenarian techniques are also used in the western world and are perfect to come off the bad habits and other ailments. Acupuncture is based on the application of needles in certain nervous centers of the body to stimulate the flow of the energy. This fabulous technique at present is used like one of the methods to stop smoking more less invasive cash and. It has been readapted to reach this aim with excellent verified results and a very high satisfaction in the majority of the patients. Once it has been decided to look for aid to stop smoking, if it has been decided on this millenarian technique, is important to consult well about how it will be the therapy and how the patient will reach goals like stopping smoking definitively. During the sessions of these treatments to stop smoking, approximately twenty needles in the diverse ones will be placed key centers of the organism, in order to obtain that the patient diminishes his levels of anxiety remarkably and, consequently, leave the habit of tobacco addiction. The sessions of acupuncture destined to that the patients stop smoking last, in general terms, about thirty minutes and they settle down, at least, during four weeks. In comparison with the rest of the methods, he is much more economic, considering the relation between the cost and the effectiveness. It is a technique that practically works for all the ailments, but mainly for those like tobacco addiction that generate an anxiety state very elevated. If the patient wanted, could decide to complement it with another type of natural therapies, generally also ligatures to the Eastern medicine, like the therapy with the Flowers of Bach.

  • General 11.08.2016 Comments Off on The Definitive

    Some gastrointestinal physiological manifestations in detriment of stress. Ulcer: it is the mentioned riot more, when relating with the psychological one, it can be called gastric ulcer or peptic, this gastrointestinal ulcer is an injury that occurs in the mucous membrane that is typical of stomach for the hipersecreo of the gastric juice, that is sufficiently acid, and it causes new injuries or can also reactivate the healed ulcers already. It is a riot that causes pain, and this can vary of a light discomfort or a chronic pain, pain tends if to relate with the digestive cycle, in general before desjejum it is absent and in elapsing of the day if she intensifies, and this pain, frequently is alliviated by the light and antacid food ingestion and can also have its effect intensified for food ingestion very tempered and for the alcohol. Gastrite: it is an inflammation in the stomach, this state has much relation to the specific situations where a constant exposition occurs the aversivas situations what it can become chronicle. This riot can have some symptoms as: indigesto, hiperacidez, eructation, flatulence and nauseas, it can also vary of intensity being able to be weak or to a serious state. In the superficial gastrite chronicle the majority of the people tells to have sensations of epigstrica burning (in the popularone) and it can cause to nauseas and vomits, already the acute gastrite can be considered a direct consequence of the activation of the likeable nervous system, occurs independent reactions to the tension, being able to cause disorganizations of the digestive functions, riot of the acidity-alkalinity balance and interruptions of the peristltico movement and these reactions are a refugee before the definitive tense situations for the individual. Colite: it is the inflammation of clon, and it can present itself of two different forms, one of them is the chronic ulcerosa colite, is a state of clon ulceroso, inflammatory, not specified and persistent, if it resembles the peptic ulcer very, in certain cases can cause hemorrhage or perforation of clon, when in more advanced state, all the mucous covering of clon can be disintegrated being necessary partial removal of clon; already the second form is the colite of the mucosa, it is a less serious state and if it characterizes, for the riot of the motor activity and the secretoras activities of muco of clon.


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