• General 26.02.2017 Comments Off on Force Units

    Already the Navy, force whose main ship, the So Paulo ship-aerodrome, meets off-hook has years, it is sucateada. New and modern moved submarines diesel as the Russian model Kilo or the Scorpne Frenchman are necessary, since the models of national manufacture are incapable to provide the capacities of which the Force needs. The amount would be adjusted of, at least eight units of the cited models. It is of urgent necessity also the incorporation of, at least, two submarines moved to the nuclear energy. New and modern torpedoes to equip such boats also are necessary.

    In if treating to torpedoes, equivalent in the world to the torpedo does not exist/supercavitante rocket Russian BA-111 Shkval. The acquisition of new destroyers, as the Sovremenny Russian, totalizing a minimum amount of twelve units is urgently necessary. Thus, we seriamos capable of, truily, possessing a green water navy, capable to project the national naval power in regional scope. New frigates, as European FREMM, with a total amount of, at least, forty units, also they are required, as well as new boats modern hunting-mines. Another urgent acquisition is of units of landing on air mattress, popularly known as ' ' hovercrafts' ' , that simply they inexist in our armory. An amount of, at least, seven units is necessary. Similar models to the Zubr Russian or American LCAC, supported for similar boats of amphibious landing to the Russian of the classroom Ivan Rogov or to American LPD-17 San classroom Antonio are indicated.

    An amount of, at least, two boats of amphibious landing is necessary for efficient projection of being able strategical in the South American region. The sea and air force carried by the ship-aerodrome also lacks of equipment. The aircraft A-4 Skyhawk are absurdly incapable to provide any support to the fleet, beyond being sucateadas and in operation in small number. To substitute them, the most indicated they would be or the Russian Sukhoi Su-33 or the Dassault Frenchman Rafale.

  • General 24.02.2017 Comments Off on Civil Policy

    Also it is truth when the policeman says that she is destemido. How many times I it vi to walk for the center or in slum quarters without vest the test of bullets and with the black t-shirt written Civil Policy, exactly in these times where policemen prevent to say that they are of the Policy, therefore fear retaliation of criminals. How much the CPI of Drug trafficking, for ‘ ‘ au’ ‘ that he was, with right the member of the house of representatives to make propaganda to the living creature in the transmission of TV of the supplier of snacks, but that finished in ‘ ‘ pizza’ ‘ , what he seems he was alone springboard for some members of the house of representatives. I was the first reporter to raise it the name of one of main involved in the presumption the project, but strangely I would be dismissed of the periodical where he worked, after to be summoned by Justice to speak of a cigarette load shunting line substance, of which the judge said that nor wise person because my deposition was requested, since the news article was necessary. Also it did not know, when arriving in the writing I and other colleagues we were in the street. In case that personal to the part, the CPI did not say and ‘ at the time; ‘ Lazinho’ ‘ it did not speak now that it has about 10 years wanted to only blame policemen, as if did not exist a government of the state as responsible for the degradation of the institution Policy. She is not necessary to go far, is enough fast research in the Internet to see that it has 15 So Paulo years is governed? for the PSBD, that at the time lost the control on the Policy and later it would lose the control on penitentiaries and until it would deny existence of organized crime, today, unhappyly sad and uncosteded reality for all natives of So Paulo and paulistanos. ‘ is investigating; ‘ Lazinho’ ‘ , you have reason: ‘ ‘ they are sobrando marmelada and goiabada!.

  • General 21.02.2017 Comments Off on Constitutional Reform

    They say that the new Magna Carta announced by Mohamed VI aims to give a constitutional aspect to an absolute monarchy. Summon a national demonstration for this Sunday. Political parties give you the warm welcome to the new Constitution. The movement February 20, claiming democratic changes in Morocco, said Saturday that the new Magna Carta announced Friday by King Mohamed VI aims to provide a constitutional aspect ste to an absolute monarchy and convened a national demonstration for this Sunday. This youth movement Najib Chauki activist said that the new Constitution gives wide powers to the legislative, Executive, security and religious King in the fields. Chauki explained that the monarch retains its powers in the draft of the new Constitution that allow you for example to preside over certain institutions or appoint and dismiss senior officials belonging to the different powers. In addition, Chauki criticized that the King can dissolve Parliament, something that It was considered as an intervention in the legislative field.

    The activist concluded that his movement rejects a granted Constitution and claimed a Magna Carta democratic, in form and in content, that establishes a clear parliamentary monarchy. On the other hand, the same movement Munaim Musaui activist explained that most of the new powers of the President are not true but formal because, according to the new Constitution, he is obliged to consult the King before executing them. The draft Constitution, which must be approved in rrendum next July 1, transferred part of the powers of the King to the Government and the Parliament and recognises the official status of the Berber language. However, Mohamed VI will remain the j of the Army Commander-in-Chief and the highest religious authority in the country. Protests of the movement movement 20 of February brings together young people who convened the first mass protests in Morocco that day, in part through Internet the wave of Arab revolts, to request the establishment of a democratic Constitution and the dissolution of the Government and the Parliament.

  • General 19.02.2017 Comments Off on Unlimited Article Advertise Free Of Charge

    All rent and rent on mietmeile.de who rejected his basement or his summer house, assessed the HAB and I’m glad that there is emerging, even after his saleability on auction platforms. The idea is not new. For most things, and also a useful idea. A new idea is to rent a few of the things. So, as there are unimaginable for a things, there is unexpected tenants for other things? Clear advantage of rent to sale: the rental items discards in the long term more yield as the sold items. Mietmeile.de is a portal for tenants and landlords in all apartments for rent can.

    About 10,000 daily visitors come from the private as well as from the commercial sector. Anyone who has to rent something, can advertise it for free on Mietmeile.de. The range spreads out over 700 categories. The operation of the Inserierens is simple and completed in a few minutes. He will be reduced, if you a high quality image and a precise description of his rental property holds. The landlord must invest only some time to create his presentations and to process the requests. The contact between landlord and tenant is directly concluded, which means, the landlord pays no Commission at Mietmeile.de.

    His interest the lessee either by phone or email. He is usually first enquiry, which contain all the information relevant for the landlord. The offer of the landlord applies to mutual consent, nothing more in the way is the rental. The proceeds from the rental remains fully with the landlord. To successfully present its object, the landlord from various fee-based options can choose. The possibilities range from a highlight with a simple frame to down to the premium photo link on the home page of Mietmeile.de. The ordering of the displayed article in the search results is in the order of time entries. The latest, so last registered articles are displayed first. His rent article one of the first You can book the PushUp of a daily or a weekly PushUp to secure places. Every landlord on Mietmeile.de will receive a free customer account. On this account, he can advertise any number of objects. For each object a statistic runs here, so that the landlord sees, how many times it has been called, how many requests it has received and how often the landlord’s phone number was displayed. For the case that even allow a second and a third gazebo there is, therefore offers the ideal platform to present larger amounts for rent. As a result, the portal for business users is attractive. Whether it comes to tableware, costumes or vehicles, no matter. All rented items are offered in large quantities, can present themselves individually as well as individual pieces. Martin Sankey

  • General 12.02.2017 Comments Off on Ruynivnik

    … In these days on television and started mass active advertising KIA: KIA! – Ruynivnik stereotipiv "(KIA – destroyer of stereotypes, that is to say, in Russian) It seems that the company is trying to turn the thinking of the domestic consumer's strong belief in a certain (will not say out loud what) opinion with regard to brand KIA. Perhaps, to This has all the prerequisites, as even a cursory glance at the reports sales are made to believe in the increasing popularity of car brand KIA (or comparing the overall trend of increasing car sales in Ukraine include these results to a more convenient, compared to the other, the method of purchase, a good filling of the warehouse, a good model lineup, as well as advanced network service). I do not judge, because I am not expert analysis and evaluation of the automotive market, but as an ordinary citizen no one bothers me to have an opinion on this subject, like millions of our fellow citizens. And this opinion, as I have emphasized in the preceding article with buying "Sorrento" was strongly committed to the innovative style of KIA. (Take the example of degeneration of the old Sportage in the new – it's the easy revolution in a separate automobile concern – from the ugly "Soap" make a "swan song – best seller"). But the fairy tale and euphoria when either end (with BMW, Toyota, Subaru and others, I hope, not so fast J) and all innovations are not backed by a credible, as a result, become zilch, which the consumer evaluate adequately. .

  • General 12.02.2017 Comments Off on Economic Dynamics

    Summary: Inside of an organization one analyzes simple of any process, product and service, provides a harmful error in the economic evaluation. Although the absolute analysis, to be simplest, the same one becomes difficult in the understanding of the real nature of the process. Therefore we have that to have an analysis in diverse dimensions and to change the absolute conception for the relative one. The diverse economic systems are based on the beginning of the man power and means of production (tools, machines and raw material). However this vision limited not express to the current trend where we need to also evaluate the product and service commercialized in relation to the quality and price (cost-benefit), the relative qualification of the man power and aspects referring to the place and observed time has been them pillars of a new economy. The current models are static, where one is functioning, it does not mean that the same it will take care of in another place. The models must be dynamic, that is, to keep the balance we need to put into motion.

    In this case from a point the positive paper of a model can confuse another 0 variable of negative form. It is there that the strategy enters to have constant changes to keep the economic stability. All economic system will have in mind Acumulo de Capital (Profit) or Growth of Market, never the two at the same time. Each one will be defined by the commander of the organization. The wealth of a nation is on the individual wealth of its markets, where she is on to the performance of its man power and relative quality of its products. economic Dynamic Word-key, cost-benefit, formation of prices and relative analysis. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.

  • General 08.02.2017 Comments Off on Western Armenia

    Officially it is called 'peace plan', designed to end the conflict in the south-east, where most of the population are Kurds. Ankara proposes to remove restrictions on the use of languages of national minorities, to reduce the number of military roadblocks in the south-east of the country and create a commission to investigate allegations of torture. "We want everyone in this country concerned is' – Atalay said, adding that the goals will require fundamental changes in the outlook of the Turkish people. At the same time during their half-hour speech Atalay never specified that it comes to the Kurds. Also, nothing was said about a possible amnesty for PKK guerrillas. But then what kind of 'peace plan'? In the end, in recent decades, war (call it what you will – inter-ethnic war of the Turks and the Kurds internal civil armed conflict or something different!) was just the members of the paramilitary wing of the PKK.

    And if the Ankara really want a real, genuine peace in this most south-eastern Anatolia, which in actual fact no other than the Western Armenia, then, consequently, one of the most important and priority issues of this 'peace plan' was supposed to be this point about the attitude of the Turkish authorities to the PKK. And so – like a regular profanity is quite real and carrying a lot of threats to the problem. Despite the fact that pro-government MPs are a majority in parliament, the opposition met with hostility reform project. Representatives of the Turkish Nationalists argue that the changes threaten the unity of Turkey.

  • General 07.02.2017 Comments Off on The Dependency Lo Away Your Own Power

    Falling into accommodation in certain situations in life is easy and sometimes gives the feeling of happy to have favourable conditions that others do not have, when we become accustomed to other people to solve some problems in our life we are totally away from the light of power to act and enlighten our lives. Dependence on the only thing that creates is mediocrity and futility, why you be alert to avoid it because it usually comes into our lives in a manner so secretive that not even we are aware of it, we quote an example where a person begins to face economic problems due to the lack of employment, decided to resort to their relatives and originally the idea sounds goodIt makes a small station there for while it resolves the problem, some manage to resolve it quickly and again return to independence, but a large number will become wealthy and solution almost never arrives. What is the risk to seek help in less adversity? That his mind will get used to others to solve their life and each day will have a lesser autonomy, then is creating a mental path of dependence and then change it can be quite hard. One of the features of the subconscious mind is looking for action when pressed to the end, we return to the case of the person who has been without employment, if seeking help in the family and there has it all, then internally your mind will say: I’m well, here I have everything, there is nothing that worry, quiet, mira television what? The mind is not feeling the pressure of change, then the likelihood of the problem being reduced, because you yourself do not sit in a State of emergency. Now suppose the case that this person’s family is far away and does not have any form of help, then is person looking for employment and what happen? The mind will say I’m hungry, my life is in danger if I don’t have to eat, I am adrift etc. .

  • General 06.02.2017 Comments Off on Choose Web Developers

    This article is intended primarily for those who are thinking about building a website for your company, firm, shop, salon, club … list and continue, but not the point. Unfortunately, the experience we were faced with the fact that the majority of customers at the beginning of the search Web site development for the studio preferred the proposals with prices more than low. This happens for good reason … why pay more when you offer the same thing, but for much less money. With this we can agree when it comes to buying something tangible that you can touch it or try on the tooth. But in any case when it comes to your website.

    For most inhabitants site – this is advertising or news magazine, in electronic form only one like it more than others. If necessary, we introduce a search bar specific set of words and "voila" immersed in the world virtual information, moving from one site to another. We hammered favorite resource to bookmark, so do not waste time looking it up in the future, or even remember. Criteria in selecting a site for obtaining information from all about the same: an attractive appearance, easy navigation, quality content posted (not very pleasant to read the text for spelling and syntax errors), an established feedback and much more, Depending on the theme of the site. You may ask, why such a long introduction, but the point is this.

    The process of choosing a web-studio of the average organization wishing to acquire their own site, can be divided into several stages: the manager of the company collects information required for companies providing these services. Please note that this collection of information itself is usually in the opening of the local "Yellow Pages", and telephone number – the sole purpose of this is certainly an interesting job. What follows is no less fascinating process – call-up of selected web studio.

  • General 01.02.2017 Comments Off on Russia Gift

    Choose a good and appropriate gift for men – it is not as easy as it might seem at first. Yes, there are no problems with range. Any online gift shop just incredible widest choice for any 'taste' But if you choose the first available thing, the man will feel it right away, make no mistake. Neither you nor him such a gift does not bring joy … By the way, the representatives of the stronger sex mankind to look a gift pay far less attention. For them the main thing – and what's inside? That's why men need to present a gift above all functional and practical. And here you are extremely useful at least some of the knowledge of male psychology.

    In addition, you at least something should be aware of his interests and hobbies. For example, if a man – a heavy smoker, but he has only one ashtray, permanently lost, the wonderful gift will be yet another. If it is – a lover of all kinds of board games – gave him a good gift chess, but if it is not without his morning coffee aroma and refreshing – a good buy for the Turk coffee. Turks and coffee – is one of the best in all respects a true coffee lover gifts for. After all, this accessory has already become a symbol of the drink. And all those who brew coffee with the Turks regard as the true connoisseurs. More You can surprise your man such a gift as holders with an interesting logo or inscription.

    If the Fatherland Defender's Day approaching, we presented a coaster with the arms of Russia, if your man has his firm, it is appropriate to give holders of the company logo. If you think that the tea – not exactly man's drink, then select a beautiful set for a strong drink. It can be made of bronze or other precious materials. You will see that your man will appreciate it! Another great gift option for men – a hookah. This will show you that care about the mental state of his beloved. After hookah ceremony instantly relieve any stress in men. Believe me, your gift will be appreciated! And remember the main thing: is not only important and not so much a gift as your attention and care! So make sure to attach the gift your kind words, a kiss and a hug. Put in the selection and presentation of a gift a piece of his soul!


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