• General 26.01.2018 Comments Off on A Dream Break – A Piglet

    A pig dreams of a Prince who becomes his friend, it was once a sweet, black-and-white piglets from the family of a few pigs. That lived on a small farm with the name “entenhoff”, located in Lower Saxony between Hamburg, Bremen and Hanover. It lived there with his 22 brothers and sisters and many chickens and ducks. All had one common, they were looking for a sponsor who sometimes visit, gives a name to them, giving them the “everyday food” and they then one day… So was looking for and also our black-and-white piglet waited for the Prince of his dreams.

    On August 12, he actually came, it was indeed not a Prince and he did also not on a horse. It was a radio presenter and he came up with a quick Trek and large Entourage. He took the small piglets on the arm, stroking it very sweet and let himself be photographed with him. Our little piglet was instantly in love and had to listen to his favorite stations now every morning from 5: 00 until 10: 00. It dreamed of, “Its leader” would adopt him and he then should bear its famous name.

    Some emails were written back and forth and it looked good for our piglets. Especially since the piglet who had agreed, for a charity auction is to let… Such a piglet would bring in an auction if it were then grown, so 400-600. A well-known piglets with a famous name of course even more. But on 19 August came the news that there would be no adoption. Were the men from the boardroom. Now, a world collapsed for our small, black-and-white piglets. How would like to have it played a famous name, time taken with a radio show and later sacrificed his life for a good cause. Now, our little black-and-white piglets sitting sadly in his stall. It is so sad that it even more in the morning can be consoled by 5: 00 until 10: 00 by his beloved radio show. Whether the men in the boardroom are aware of what they have thrown it? (Because: even PIGS have feelings) Sad greeting Helmut Ermisch of the entenhoff

  • General 14.01.2018 Comments Off on Bank Money

    When the Human being to discover that he is you of the money and not it its slave, will open the doors of the world-wide balance. It will not have nobody to the edge of the way, therefore the goods distributed with Spirit of Charity will make of who have more, a booster of the other people’s improvement. What somebody advances to have money in the world-wide banks if does not go to take nor a tosto when to pass of this side for the other? If to meditar a bit in the brief existence ahead of the Eternity will perceive that it can become rich in this world and the other. Does not exist the other world, the spiritual? Air that you breathe and that you do not see is in another dimension. Money What empobrece works with negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent ones comes to become rich itself.

    Sayings of Salomo, CAP. 10:4. The money Always goes and comes back pra hand of people, Either little, either very, Never is indifferent. The money is Russian roulette, Is devorador casino, Of the balance of the man When he is esbanjador. The well lead money, Raises homes and schools, When distributed well It finishes with the almses. Money goes and comes back, Walks of hand and hand, Still is it in the land That molds the citizen. Money goes and comes back, Is in the Bank, is in the Box, It in all the countries Put the Stock market in high and low. It is who will knock down the wild capitalism, a group devorando the other, Will make of the money mirage. The money if puts into motion, Is in the Saving, is in the Exchange, Is it who will destroy Everything what he is desumano. The money wheel, wheel, In continuous movement, and thus it changes Of the man the condition. It is lottery, it is game of chance, It is animal race, and the man puts into motion its passenger capital.

  • General 12.01.2018 Comments Off on Recipe Exhibitors

    Antirecessionary recipe from Negus Expo. Another summer of 2008 the business processes were boiling and bubbling. However, in the autumn crisis of the real sector of the economy led to a sharp reduction in advertising budgets of most companies. From the standpoint of today reality shows that before the crisis show the market was overheated. Along with an increase in the number of events grew and budgets of participating companies of various business forums, and fold increase in the number of exhibitors of many exhibitions spoke more about the availability of funds to meet the ambitions of fashion companies. The current phase of the crisis that has spread to the real economy, has dramatically altered and exhibition business, which, as litmus test reflects the processes occurring in the economy. Exhibition business, as one of the most expensive and labor-intensive sectors of marketing at this time of crisis, forced to reduce its costs. Since the exhibition costs include direct costs of funds for space rental, equipment, transportation, transportation, travel, hotels, and payment of the stand staff, many of the participating companies reduced their budgets for participation in conferences and exhibitions, and managers who make decisions about participation in exhibitions, will be a long time to ponder where to put the comma, looking at the phrase "exhibit can not be undone." However, before you strike out from their budget expenditure item in the exhibition must carefully weigh the pros and cons, to assess how participation (or nonparticipation) in important exhibitions will affect the conduct of business in the short term.

  • General 09.01.2018 Comments Off on Data Breakdown At The Deutsche Post AG

    Access to thousands invoices including address data in the PostOffice shop possible. After note by onlinekosten.de, privacy gap fixed promptly. Hurth near Cologne, 11 November 2009 a data protection gap has access to thousands of invoices until November 9, 2009 and by customers of the PostOffice shop on the Internet allows you to address. According to a note from onlinekosten.de fixed by Deutsche Post AG as a competent operator within 24 hours. The PostOffice shop offers postage for letter mail and parcels mainly office supplies and computer accessories for business customers. By simply editing of a Web address were unauthorized able to see the order history of other customers of the Internet shop without their own registration.

    Similarly as with other recently reported cases here merely the change of an ID in the address bar of the browser was necessary. The orderID parameter was replacing some digits to manipulate, that personal data of other buyers available were. Shown were both billing and shipping address, the products ordered including price as the selected type of payment and the date of dispatch. Cannot be read, however, were corporate or customer name and account or credit card information. According to a note from onlinekosten.de on Monday (9 November), promptly responded to Deutsche Post AG and corrected the vulnerability within 24 hours.

    The PostOffice shop is again fully available since Tuesday noon. To the extent of the data breakdown, Deutsche Post AG said it had acted to several thousand order overviews of corporate and business customers. Inferences about individuals or the personalization of data had been therefore not readily possible. “Only by chance an employee of our Technical Department has become attention last weekend on the privacy gap. In a common analysis we were surprised that we could access without detours or technical hurdles on the accounts of dozens of customers”, says Enrique gap, Editorial Director of onlinekosten.de. “The immediate intervention of Deutsche Post a positive signal is that privacy on the Internet is ever written.” About onlinekosten.de: with monthly 1.33 million visits and 784.000 unique visitors (source: Google Analytics, July 2009) is onlinekosten.de of one of the largest IT magazines in the German Internet. Onlinekosten.de make one of the top addresses for all those interested in Internet news, background reports and reports, as well as a large community with more than 55,000 registered users. Divided into different departments, onlinekosten.de intuitively offers a fast and effective selection of desired information around the topic of telecommunications. A core element of the portal is updated daily broadband calculator with over 1,400 rates in the areas of mobile Internet, DSL and cable. onlinekosten.de is a subsidiary of intergenia AG from Hurth near Cologne. Press contact: Hayo gap editorship Daimler Street 9-11 50354 Hurth phone: 02233/612-3901 fax: 02233/612-3902 email: Web:

  • General 04.01.2018 Comments Off on Axel Wenderoth Roquetteweg

    It will be headed by Ulrich Rudolf. For eleven years, there is a class for education help of Gabriel Biel school in cooperation with Haus Waldfrieden in teachers and social pedagogues work together successfully. With the two new classes, Haus Waldfrieden supervised a total of 39 pupils from the district. The success rate is around 80 percent. This is the percentage of children, who can again visit a regular school after.

    Your contact for technical information: Mission life – youth and for the disabled assistance GmbH children and youth centre Haus Waldfrieden management of Department of school for education help Dipl. vaccined Annette Kuhlmann phone: 06033 / 9151261 E-Mail: company description mission life at a glance to mission life provides the interface between welfare State, market and Church social work on the basis of the Christian commandment of charity. The Agency company supports people who have been in need of help by age, illness, disability or socio-economic problems. The professional Services of mission life have aimed to lead a life in utmost self-determination, security and dignity of this people. Mission life GmbH is a company of the Foundation of inner Mission in Darmstadt. Both are associated with the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau and members in the Diakonisches Werk. Its subsidiaries are life – In the age GmbH mission, life – youth and help for the disabled GmbH and mission life – learn mission GmbH. Charitable commitment of the Group of companies is divided into five major fields of activity: care for the elderly, Wohnungslosenhilfe, child and youth welfare, handicapped and vocational training.

    Approximately 1,100 employees in 19 different institutions work in 16 locations in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. The own educational centers ensure the qualified training and continuing education of nursing staff.


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