• General 20.02.2018 Comments Off on Workshops

    A massive meeting under the name championing the voice: first Assembly aysenina is organizing for Saturday, August 28 the citizen movement cross that opposes dams in Patagonia, and bringing together multiple grass-roots organizations and community of the Aysen Region than from the own localities have mobilized against mega plants hydroelectric and laying electric projected for its territory. The activities of this weekend will begin Friday, May 27th with the exhibition, from 18: 00 to 21: 00 hours of documentaries depicting Patagonia without dams and conflicts socioambientales marked by the imposition of the market by primarily ethical use of Commons as water, soil and air. Reported the organizers Saturday 28 activity will depart with a panel on the history of the movement and the campaign Patagonia without dams, and the main aspects involved, such as the appropriation of water by party rights private companies and the need to generate an energy matrix sustainable for Chile. Also will expose Felix Gonzalez, who was one of the leaders who led the process which ensured that more than 3 thousand inhabitants of Penco give your signature for a plebiscite on the possibility of installing a thermoelectric coal in that commune. After getting such support, the Southern Cross company withdrew the project. His presentation will address various consultation mechanisms citizens which have been developed in the country.

    Then shall conform workshops which will address issues such as human rights and megaprojects, information v/s disinformation, Aysen decides as a proposal for a regional plebiscite, debate about the kind of development that wants for the Region of Aysen and civic strategies to face the dam projects. In particular there will be a space dedicated to children are met, where will work in reuse of waste. Subsequent to collective lunch to be delivered to the participants, will come starting in common of the conclusions of the tables, generating a debate and discussion on key issues to address around the various initiatives that transnational corporations seek to develop in the Region of Aysen. Both the exhibition of documentaries and the Assembly will be in the Liceo Josefina Aguirre Montenegro of Coyhaique, and participation in both activities will be open and free, extending invitation expressly to all the organizations and neighbors in the region who wish to join this process of reflection and action. Now they have confirmed their participation delegations of Puerto Aysen and several rural localities.

  • General 19.02.2018 Comments Off on Lifesaver Day

    Eventually there is machine of the Bundeswehr with a stopover in Italy in Cologne-Wahn. A driver of the Stefan Morsch Foundation awaits him there and brings it to Birkenfeld: alone shower, sleep alone! “, is the only wish now has fresh made donor. Because he spends the night in a 12-man tent in the outdoor camp in Kosovo and divides the shower more than 100 comrades. Alexander G. “winks: it can smell very manly!” On the day before the lymphocyte donation is the preliminary investigation. However, the doctor of the Foundation, Sieglinde Wolf, has no qualms with the sporty soldiers. From the vicinity of Gummersbach, G. sister arrive to help the younger brother of the donation.

    And on the day after the donation, the desire is alone”to sleep evaporated. Up to return to Kosovo, G. makes a brief stopover in the home with his girlfriend. Somewhere in Australia there is a woman who fights for her life. The wife has leukemia. To have a chance in this fight, she needs someone who has the same genetic characteristics and is willing to help her, a totally strange woman.

    Among medical histories like this for the staff of the Stefan Morsch Foundation, Germany’s oldest Stammzellspenderdatei, everyday life, they never become routine. Has a truly global network, the Foundation gives every day Stammzell-or bone marrow donors for Leukemia patients in nearly three decades. Also for the sick Australian a matching Lifesaver in the file has been found: A German soldier – currently stationed in an outdoor camp in Kosovo, a region where even the normal medical care can be problematic. However, in cooperation with the German armed forces could also the patient on the other end of the world be helped. Alexander is G., whose name is abbreviated here, because he is still in operations abroad, at the age of 24. The main Corp comes from a 5000-strong community in the Bavarian district Neustadt an der Waldnaab.

  • General 16.02.2018 Comments Off on Parker Sonnet Steel

    Also, the business person will enjoy a solid handle, say from the company or Parker Sonnet. They have quite a wide range of models made of steel with gold leaf. Steel clamp for money will also be a very useful gift. Barbecue or barbeque grill heat resisting steel – it's time to give a steel anniversary. Certainly, the couple already had children, and they, of course, very pleased to go with them on the nature and fry kebab. Useful for a hike and a little shock-proof stainless steel thermos, as well as tourist or hunting knife. You understand that by nature without the knife – anywhere, and hot tea from a thermos will incidentally early morning fishing dank.

    Continuing the theme of hiking, you can think of many more useful things. For example, a hatchet, or a watch with a built-in compass … Well, the most memorable and irreplaceable gift, will tour a blacksmith shop. In the big cities today is not difficult to find shops that do engraving and hammering. Imagine how interesting to see the process of creating a new product, see forging a real "live", and breathe the spirit of medieval romance filled! And if you agree in advance with a master blacksmith, it is possible to learn under his strict guidance, to touch the process personally. You can spouses to provide a unique opportunity to forge his own, say, a horseshoe. As you know, a horseshoe is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. That's really when you can literally understand the saying: "Everyone – myself architect of his own happiness":) I think that this event is your friends will remember for a lifetime, and often will again relish the details, looking at a horseshoe nailed above the door. In general, steel wedding is probably one of the very few "types" of weddings, gifts for you, you can think of forever, never happen again. So, go for it! Brings joy to his friends and himself.

  • General 05.02.2018 Comments Off on Citizenships

    The citizenship indicates the bond that exists between a person and a determined State, bond that it designates with the expression: state of citizenship or, in Latin, status cividatis. The condition of citizen serves to obtain, if one is abroad, the protection of the diplomatic or consular authorities of their Country and are the origin of a series of rights and obligations. From the moment that the citizenship is the origin of the political rights and often also of civil rights, it is important to know as it is acquired. The citizenship can be original, acquired from the moment of the birth, or can be derived, or it is that it is acquired later to the birth, on the basis of a particular factor, as can be, by example, the marriage with a foreigner. In the first case, the States can use the criterion of ius sanguinis or the one of ius soli. In the second, the citizenship is acquired mainly by naturalization, which can be, to his time, volunteer if she derives from the election of the person or automatic, when she grants a State to it to one person who already owns another citizenship, when verifying itself a fact anticipated by the law. Iure Sanguinis According to law N? 91 of the 5 of February of 1992, is considered citizen that one individual son Italian of Italian citizen ancestors, (already they are tatarabuelos, greats-grandfather, grandparents and father), without you limit of generation by masculine route. Nevertheless the children born before the 1 from January of 1948 are citizen Italian only if they were born from Italian father, because the Italian woman transmits the citizenship to the children only from that date.

    Meaning that the born children of Italian women before 1948 do not have right to take this citizenship. Nevertheless three failures exist that recognize like Italian born children of Italian mother before 01/01/1948. However the transmission of the citizenship by paternal line ” Iure Sanguinis” it does not anticipate you limit, but it does not admit generation jumps, that is to say that no of the parents must have never resigned to the Italian citizenship. NOTE: Born children of Italian mother before the 01/01/1948 Article gentility of: Express citizenship Procedure and acquisition of European citizenships.

  • General 02.02.2018 Comments Off on Newborn

    In anticipation of the baby, many parents are wondering what and how much cost to buy. Best dowry newborn buy in advance because after the hospital once a young mother will run to the shops in search of things Yes, and it's nice to shop and choose the things most for your future baby. If you still trust the signs and do not want to buy anything in advance, you should prepare a detailed manual for those who buy it all to your statement. Importantly, remember that in the first 3-4 months of his life, the child is growing very quickly and many things you do not even have time to use it, so you should not take too much, and even then it is worth trying this or that thing and make sure that it is convenient for both the child and for you! How to choose the right size? Usually the children things to determine the length of the body, each subsequent different from the previous 6 cm, therefore, to determine size, measure the growth her baby centimeter tape. Since the average length of a newborn around 50-54 cm, and clothing for his starts, respectively, with size 56, 62 and so on.

    Clothing for children should be comfortable and safe. It is not necessary take things with ribbons around their necks, never use pins. Better to take the clothes that do not need to be pulled over the head, at least until such time as he did not learn to keep.


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