• General 23.02.2019 Comments Off on Chuguyivske College

    As you know, almost the only force in Russia, who managed in an atmosphere of general confusion and chaos in October 1917 to oppose the Bolsheviks, were the cadets and cadets. By the time of the Revolution nearly all of them did not were representatives of the privileged classes, the exploiting class, as Soviet historians have written. These were the children of peasants, soldiers yesterday, students and pupils who had nothing to protect their homeland apart. Young, pure heart and soul of the patriots, they are first to feel the fatal for her communist ideas, have realized the full horror of the consequences of the Troubles, which dragged the country Bolsheviks. And so, without hesitation, jumped into the fray. Almost all Russian military schools were against the Bolsheviks in arms. History "Junker Vendee" in 1917 concluded last longer all Chuguyivske military school. Lost chances increase is the start of World War up to 1200 cadets, Chuguyivske College is a major force and could not only become a hotbed of armed resistance, but also to change the course of history.

    Not in favor of the Bolsheviks, of course. Within a half months after October events in Petrograd and Moscow chance to do that hostilities were cadets fell more than once. For the first time – during the battles of Moscow, when the school received orders to the commander of the district to come to Moscow for help with beating Bolsheviks cadets. Within hours of the school was brought to full combat readiness and delivered to the station.

  • General 12.02.2019 Comments Off on Co-branding Credit Cards Are Becoming Popular In Germany

    More and more companies in Germany spend co-branding credit cards for prestige and revenue reasons. What was unthinkable years ago, has become a firm reality. More and more co-branding – issue its own credit card in your own design partner in the coming months. In addition to fashion, media and Internet portals of the prestigious and revenue-intensive Prepaidkreditkartenmarkt moved last year due to the massive activities of global Humax to more and more companies. Reinforced by the current prevailing financial and economic crisis companies across many industries are looking for solutions new customers to win or to move existing customers to cross sell, or to stand out from the competition. A good example is currently the known television channel DMAX TV (Discovery Channel Group) from Munich as the first TV channel its own DMAX MasterCard jointly with global Humax successfully in December of last year put up.

    While the sweeping success of the DMAX card has exceeded all expectations”, said the company. On 02 February 2009 this is in Cyprus (EU) -based company with just as much enthusiasm on the Austrian prepaid card market started and put on two own product lines for co-branding partners. Thomas Wegener, spokesman of global, Humax, stressed that the rapid growth is further enhanced in the coming months by the market entry in Serbia, Croatia. Due to the continuous expansion of the network of strategic Bank partners, solutions can be provided for companies that are possible in scale, performance, and service currently only available in the United States. Wegener continues: we’re behind the Americans to miles still in Europe, but we have made it our aim, to get this. Our success confirms it, that we are on the right track.” In the coming week, global Humax publish its current reference projects and give an Outlook for the year 2009.

  • General 07.02.2019 Comments Off on Chakra Energy

    More than once you probably have heard the mysterious word 'Chakra'. What is it? Let's try to understand … In general terms we consider, what is the chakra of what they are and their purpose for the common man. For life physical body, for the mechanisms of our mind control and normalization of the energy balance always requires energy. This energy comes from our central flows and naturally there must be mechanism for its distribution. Chakras do exactly this function. Many writers such as Nieman Foundation offer more in-depth analysis. Anatomical binding chakras corresponds with the nerve plexus, which in principle perform a similar function at the level of the physical body.

    In other words, the chakras – is the energy centers, storage and distributing energy. The word 'chakra' means 'circle' or 'whirlwind' So, in other words, the chakras are vortexes of energy peculiar, which are located at For two of the central energy flows along the spine, in strictly designated areas. Subdivide the seven chakras: The first chakra. The second chakra Muladhara. Svadhisthana third chakra. Manipur fourth chakra. Anahata Fifth Chakra. Vishuddha sixth chakra.

    Seventh Ajna Chakra. Sahasrara Chakra has long been known for enlightened people in all parts of the world and throughout history. They are not the exclusive domain of any one system, as are the fundamental characteristics of human beings. Chakras are symbolically represented in accordance with generally accepted rules of language, art and traditions of a people. They are portrayed in different ways, while always keeping in mind the same aspect of human beings.

  • General 06.02.2019 Comments Off on World Health Organization

    They Park them after having ceased to be considered as productive. Demographic changes as well as the own profile of the elderly of the century 21St advised a rethink on two basic issues: the threshold from which we started to consider major to a person and the possibility of making more flexible the official retirement age. The conclusions of this Conference claim that it is necessary to promote a welfare model that builds independence among our elderly, abandoning the idea of old age as deficit and strengthening the idea of old age as an opportunity. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. It is, strengthen integration policies, that open up participatory spaces and promote inclusive actions, incorporating the authentic concept of active ageing, the World Health Organization established in 2002. Participation in social, cultural, sporting and social volunteering contributes to maintain the subjective well-being in older people; being indispensable to offer them the possibility to take an active part there where their needs are identified and decisions affecting them are taken. Older persons, dependent or not, are before that all citizens, with rights, duties, decision-making capacity and right to be the protagonists of their own old age. Hence, when planning and programming, both administration and institutions of civil society that are involved in his accompaniment and care, they must make an effort to listen and serve what they own elders express between their desires, needs and preferences.

    Programmes of education with Seniors should start from what adults already know and you are interested in. Learning helps seniors to complete their life projects, strengthening the commitment to life that previously had. Cognitive activity, healthy physical exercise programmes; good habits of health and nutrition, an adequate network of social relations, satisfactory, corresponding self-esteem and some level of social commitment are good elements of healthy aging that we all want. Not to mention the usefulness of elderly centres and methodologies that favor the transversality and the intergeneracionalidad, by the positive effects of both since the ageing encompasses diverse fields (social, (sanitary, cultural, urban, environmental, security) and advocates a society for all ages. That no one can come to feel a child, imprisoned in an aged body, and he wondered with terror and bewilderment, what happened?..

  • General 02.02.2019 Comments Off on Mexican State

    In order to refer me to the United States, I will use a study, done by Sam Miller, a prominent Jewish industralist in Cleveland, where it indicates that the Catholic Church in that country it educates 2. 6 million students, with a cost for the Church of 10 trillions of dollars and a saving of 18 trillions of dollars to the payers of taxes. Additionally, the education in catholic institutions always is located in first luggers of educative excellence, and approximately 30% In the United States cost less exist at least 230 catholic universities that take care of approximately 700.000 students. Frequently Boy Scouts of America has said that publicly. In the case of Mexico, country with serious disadvantages economic in front of its neighbor of the North, the participation of the Church in the social sector (hospitals, primary, secondary schools, baccalaureates, universities, orphanages, asylums, houses for the treatment of the addictions, houses for the aid of the adolescent single woman mothers, institutions as Critas and others more) has not remained back, since year with years saves to the Mexican State several million to him weights when taking care of an important number of people in different social extracts. In my own experience, like withdrawn of an educative institution Salesiana, being this only one of the so many religious orders that they live in our country, I realize like this religious community in particular it has helped to improve the educative level at national level and has put special taken care of in supporting to the most unprotected sectors of the population. In addition, it would be necessary to generally recognize the arduous work of alphabetization and education of the priests in the different marginalized communities. All this without counting the groups of misioneras that join every year for supported to the indigenous but left communities. However, continuing with the study of Sam Miller, in the matter of health and social attendance, the Catholic Church ene the USA owns 637 hospitals for charity and take care of 1 of each 5 people in that country; without race distinction, culture or creed. Additionally, they lodge to 1 of each 5 poor persons, with a cost for the church of 2. 3 trillions of dollars to the year. This does not defer much from the reality that exists in ours


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