• General 06.08.2015

    transforming their lives in self-fulfilling prophecy. If our life is devoid of material abundance, it is only because we use the scaling law to the detriment of themselves. Our financial problems have nothing to do with economic situation as a whole, with the defaults, inflation, interest rates or unemployment. It's not that life deprive us their blessings. In fact, we blame ourselves, because our thoughts are constantly focused on what We do not want. Remember, we attract to ourselves what we think constantly. Where directed thought, there goes and creative energy.

    If the mind is dominated by thoughts, opinions, ideas and concepts, inspiring confidence in poverty poverty and privation, it all materialize in our lives, which is a reflection of our thoughts. WE ARE THE CAUSE, NOT THE RESULT In fact, we ourselves are the creators, that is the cause of their financial situation. That we responsible for their wealth or poverty. Before you change anything, you need to realize and accept that responsibility. If we feel financially frustrated, only because we go in the wake of their own negative thoughts. We are creating a monster in our imagination, and sooner or later it is pounced upon us. Forming a thinking and a poor loser in the end we ourselves deprive ourselves of the ability to get rich. Our life is a reflection of inner peace.

    Imagine that the universe – is a huge copy machine that duplicates our thoughts constantly. The reason for our failures lies not in the flaws of our being, and in our ignorance. And if so, then we must set a goal to get rid of this ignorance and learn the truth about themselves and about life. We must abandon any beliefs, opinions and misconceptions that prevent us to fully realize their potential, in this case – to achieve financial well-being. The full article reveals the secret here:

    Posted by millionaire @ 8:56 pm for General |

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