• General 14.07.2019

    Since the Spring alone the church fathers nothing sufficiently beneficial to the anticipation seemed, they made the still valid from the grounds of tomfoolery fifth season “as physical and mental preparation for the austere Lenten season. Now celebrating the rich and poor now vaschanc and vaschang instead Fastelabend. The people accepted the altered meaning, as well as the new words with the same happiness. Religious meaning and another name Carnival for the Carnival nowadays we make durable for months in the freezer perishable food. To historical times, meat was consumed as quickly as possible after slaughter.

    This resulted in the medieval Latin for the time of the fast emergency eating the term carne levare “for the German meaning” meat take away. This was a reference to the upcoming Lenten season. The common people was the Latin of less powerful, but not stupid. The vernacular made it carne vale () live flesh probably “) and celebrated the departure of the winter feast karg, but omitted. To the seventh Sunday before Easter, or the Sunday after the first full moon of spring what will give even today celebrated and costumed, only the foolish ideas.

    Fasting today is health-conscious ascetics, depleting the melting winter supplies not. There is now the special fun in costumes and decorations. Who in Carnival deliberately not included in the religious drawer “want to get infected, invents simply own, controversial decorations. The winter once today as many hundred years ago, and with annually increasing enthusiasm is celebrated. Words are sound and smoke is everywhere in Carnival, as people know it so long may celebrate the Carnival fool, think about it after, whether and why the funny time Carnival or Fastelabend or chamfer night means. Each club has its own greeting, his typical decorations, and of course all over the world has delicious, schrulligsten costumes, wigs, and masks. There in modern times all year round Costumplays (also: Cosplay, german: costume games) be celebrated, many carnival clubs rediscover old traditions. Reflect on guilds and guilds, give traditional names to, wearing the costumes of according to historical levels and crafts also masks such as once, and convey to the origin of the Carnival of the next generation again. Decorations are brightly coloured, what they always were: Christmas, winter, especially shiny and most fragrant flowers and bark, fresh, broken branches and everything that reminds us that year, but not the life ends with the winter. Costumes for the Carnival, bevel night, Fasel evening or the Carnival are part of the Halloween stolen, less colorful, but practical: the fools make the costume once and apply it literally to the end of the Carnival. Who does not like it, which is worth remembering: during Carnival everything is allows.

    Posted by millionaire @ 1:33 pm for General |

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