• General 24.02.2017

    Also it is truth when the policeman says that she is destemido. How many times I it vi to walk for the center or in slum quarters without vest the test of bullets and with the black t-shirt written Civil Policy, exactly in these times where policemen prevent to say that they are of the Policy, therefore fear retaliation of criminals. How much the CPI of Drug trafficking, for ‘ ‘ au’ ‘ that he was, with right the member of the house of representatives to make propaganda to the living creature in the transmission of TV of the supplier of snacks, but that finished in ‘ ‘ pizza’ ‘ , what he seems he was alone springboard for some members of the house of representatives. I was the first reporter to raise it the name of one of main involved in the presumption the project, but strangely I would be dismissed of the periodical where he worked, after to be summoned by Justice to speak of a cigarette load shunting line substance, of which the judge said that nor wise person because my deposition was requested, since the news article was necessary. Also it did not know, when arriving in the writing I and other colleagues we were in the street. In case that personal to the part, the CPI did not say and ‘ at the time; ‘ Lazinho’ ‘ it did not speak now that it has about 10 years wanted to only blame policemen, as if did not exist a government of the state as responsible for the degradation of the institution Policy. She is not necessary to go far, is enough fast research in the Internet to see that it has 15 So Paulo years is governed? for the PSBD, that at the time lost the control on the Policy and later it would lose the control on penitentiaries and until it would deny existence of organized crime, today, unhappyly sad and uncosteded reality for all natives of So Paulo and paulistanos. ‘ is investigating; ‘ Lazinho’ ‘ , you have reason: ‘ ‘ they are sobrando marmelada and goiabada!.

    Posted by millionaire @ 10:56 pm for General |

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