The same that comes into the hands of students in Bogota, Medellin or Barranquilla.Una of the questions in the area of social reads as follows: one of the problems faced by urban planning against the management and distribution of drinking water is the disorderly growth of the city. This implies cost overruns in the provision of services to settlements located outside of the services network, face this problem you would propose solutions such as. What follows below is a list of four options, including the mentioned joint projects of urban expansion to long term, relocation of outlying settlements, the displacement of villagers toward another city and the granting of the service of water supply and sewerage to private companies.It is likely that the teenager piaroa has never visited a city, much less to understand the concept of outlying settlements or drinking water. While other Colombian students continue answering the questions on the test, he may be redirect imagining what means of networking services. Thinking about this type of difficulties that indigenous students are facing a group of civil society organizations is proposing the State examination suit the particularities of different peoples living in the national territory.
Do according to the last census, in Colombia the indigenous population amounts to 1? 378.884 people, distributed in 87 villages, owners of 710 guards. Miguel Lobo-Guerrero, director of the Etnollano Foundation, is one of the promoters of the idea. It says that the country has advanced in the design of projects etnoeducativos for each community, but when assessing the values of a Western education still prevails. By October of this year, the Foundation prepared a forum that aims to discuss the issue together with the national indigenous organization of Colombia (ONIC), the Ministry of culture, the Icfes, among other organizations.Lobo-Guerrero knows that it’s a controversial idea, and that it will not be easy to carry out in the short term.