• General 03.12.2012

    And the list of alternative and creative possibilities not it exhausts. On the matter we continued disclosing, with the due updates, the initiative that presented/displayed Jose Maria Sarobe in its book " The Patagonia and its Problemas" , in the sense to bring bactrianos camels for the Argentine deserts, that the pain is worth to remember constitute but of half of the surface of Continental Argentina, given the versatility of that type of animal, that surpass fully, the benefits that offer at the moment, its South American equivalents: the flames. The Domestic Economy is the ideal complement there where the market is inapplicable. The work of the Razetto Chilean on " Economy of solidarity and Market democrtico" , he is one of the foundations of this luck of reinvencin of the Domestic Economy; now with more availability technological and with people more enabled by system educative, that what was possible does but of six decades when it lost heart deliberately or implicitly, by insustentables the economic policies of industrialization or by the effect of imitation of " they american way of life" radiated by mass media particularly by the cinema and the television. Bond to reiterate in this luck of consolidation of our previous developments, that the Domestic Economy tolerates the production, elaboration and food storage for familiar consumption or exchange with other neighboring families. Besides foods it includes the preparation and repair of footwear and clothes, the familiar kitchen garden, the raising of small animal and the artisan fishing; as well as the preventive breast-feeding and others you practice of hygiene and of the health. The list in no way tries to be exhaustive. The Economy domestic servant is a tool susceptible to discourage practical of superfluous consumption that they have hit much target in the universe infanto – youthful. The Domestic Economy is something that practices with but frequency in the establishments that we have visualized like receptive agents of deconcentration, just like in the dispersed rural population.

    Posted by millionaire @ 7:12 am for General |

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