• General 16.06.2011

    History of Education in England – is the story of her great politicians and scholars, rich traditions and cultural heritage. Education in England gave the world not only from scientific discoveries and works of art, but many other sports – For example, the rules beloved football shape in British schools. Finally, education in England is able to cherish their traditions, and at the same time, to keep pace with the times. Therefore, many institutions with a long history still remain the best of the best, each year producing capable and well-rounded students. The reference point from which to start education in England, lost for centuries. It is known that already in the XI-XII centuries were similarity of secondary schools for boys. To date, education in England has several educational institutions based in the period from the xiii to xvii century. One of them – Charterhouse School, which opened in 1611.

    Today, there are educated in England, about 700 students, and among them are girls. Top British schools reluctant to part with the tradition of separate education, so take usually only a small number of girls and only in high school. Education in England in such schools became co-recently – so, in Charterhouse first student appeared only forty years ago. At the time of foundation school education in England in general was not available for girls. And educational institutions for boys opened for donations of wealthy people or by royal decree. Charterhouse was the brainchild of one of the richest people in London at the time, who bequeathed his state to build a school. So in 1611 in an old Carthusian monastery began to study forty boys. Education in England, is constantly evolving, growing numbers of students and their needs. At the end of the xix century School has been moved out of London and is now located on the spacious grounds of 200 acres. Most old buildings have been rebuilt in the seventies of the xx century, simultaneously with them, were built new sports, creative and educational centers, making Charterhouse and today offers the best education in England.

    Posted by millionaire @ 7:41 pm for General |

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