• General 31.01.2017

    Of Finland through customs transitions driven cars transporters. Transportation car Moscow to take four days. Limited portion of the right-hand drive vehicles of all types of ships delivered to the Far East ports, from which transporters, rail or under its own power Cars are transported up to the Urals. So, today, the only reliable method of transportation vehicles is vehicle transport transporters. Auto – haul truck consisting of a tractor and a two-storey transforming the semi-trailer, with the ability to transport cars and SUVs at any distance and in any place in Russia, which has transport and road access. The only restriction is their size, which determines their use for transport trucks, wheeled tractors, trailers and boats, a width not exceeding 2.5 meters in height and not more than 4 meters.

    Depending on the design loading dvuetazhnoy transporter frame in which to store cars, permissible dimensions of the vehicle in the state on whose territory the shipment may simultaneously carry up to 9 passenger Car class A or 3-4 or light-duty vans trucks. The financial side of the transport service car transporter in the most economical compared to other modes of transport – rail transport, maritime transport. Using the options railway transportation as an alternative transporter advantageous only to areas where it is absent or not well developed road infrastructure – roads, fueling fuel or other similar obstacles. Car shipping is carried out in minimum time. On average, depending on the route and road conditions during delivery is calculated from the rate in 460-660 miles per day since the adoption of cargo for shipment, depending on road conditions, weather conditions, the direction is followed. Efficiency of organization and the minimum time transportation make it possible to transport a large number of cars and minimize the costs associated with the storage of cars and maintenance of large areas in the intermediate storage areas and handling. Safety and security of the presentation of cargo (cars) is achieved experience, human factors, driver involvement increased requirements for drivers and their training, using a special mounting hardware, and constant monitoring locations throughout the route during transport. Place of loading and unloading of the customer and determines if the carriage sidings made without additional transport, which reduces the overall cost of transportation, time transport and the risk of injury associated with the necessity of additional handling and storage organization loads. The duties include checking the transporter driver completeness and presentation of the car, checking the identification numbers with those listed in the commodity-shipping documents, loading and unloading or monitoring of loading and unloading.

    Posted by millionaire @ 5:12 pm for General |

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