• General 18.05.2012

    INSTALLATION If never you have installed a complement of Firefox, follows these instructions: It sees the menu Tools/Complements, abre a window with 5 icons in the separate superior, we first pressed on Obtener complements ; in the following window in his part right superior there is a text in blue that puts: To examine all the complements. In this new window there is a picture of searches, there we put Video DownloadHelper and we initiated search, will be first in the list of found, now is only necessary to beat to add to Firefox so that it settles. After reinitiating Firefox, already we will be able to see the icon of Download Helper in the bar of tools of navegador.MODO OF USOCuando you want bajarte one of the videos that abound in Internet, you must do the following thing: – dale to play so that it begins the reproduction soon we went to the icon of Download Helper and punctured on the small triangle that there is to the right of this, then it will show to the title of the video and a series to us of action that we can do with. – elije Descargar and will abrir a window so that you choose where you want to keep it and that is all easy one truth. In this example empeamos the option To unload but you can choose To unload and to turn, to send to the reason, etc. OBSERVATIONS: – State of the unloading: When we lowered a video would have abriese a window that shows the state to us of the unloading. But this will depend on how we have formed Firefox. In case one is not you must go a: Tools/ Options, and in the main eyelash you must activate the square Mostrar the unloading window when a file unloads .

    – It can happen: It can happen that we are seeing a video and that when deciding to lower we see it that Download Helper shows to us more of a video to unload; this is normal, since in the same page can execute some small video although we do not see it, or continues considering the videos of some page that we finished leaving. In these cases we must guide us by the title of the video or if it is not more remedy to rough estimate, that is to say, to lower to us more than one and to eliminate not wished. – More than one simultaneously: We do not have to hope to that it finishes unloading a video, to unload the following one, since the program can unload several videos simultaneously. – Also audio: The program is not limited to unload videos, if not that also can unload audio podcasts . – I do not see the video: It can happen that you are seeing a video and that you decide that you want to unload it, but, it does not appear in the list of unballastable videos; no you worry, the solution is the following one: it backs down in the navigator, it returns to enter the page that contains the video and dale to play, now certainly appears in the list of videos to unload.

    Posted by millionaire @ 1:50 pm for General |

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