• General 23.07.2020

    Recall: the compressor – this engine, which surpasses the refrigerant in the entrails of the refrigerator. After some intervals, the engine stops. At the same pieces of ice are melting, dripping in the sink, then – in a special tray, which is located on the compressor. And there evaporate due to the fact that the compressor is hot and it was his temperature accelerates the evaporation process. In other words, during operation of the compressor evaporator frosted over, and when you stop – is thawing. A dripping resemble tears. Automatic call it, because this process occurs without human intervention. (Similarly see: Cancer Research Institute).

    Well, now the most interesting – the system No Frost (No frost"). It is also called Frost free. In this system, refrigerators defrost circulation of cold air created by a special fan. Multidirectional flow of air evenly distributed throughout the volume of the chamber, cooling products. Rime is formed in the chamber, because the moisture is drawn off its borders and does not condense on the walls refrigerator. Rime is formed on the hidden from our eyes evaporator. After some time the fan stops and the heater.

    Under its influence on the evaporator frost thaws and turns into water. Water drains into the pan and evaporate. However, even in this case at least once a year, a refrigerator must be switched off and wash. It is not necessary to defrost the refrigerating chamber method coincides with the one in the freezer. Often they are different (in refrigerator). Value systems defrost refrigerators and freezers is this: Drip / No Frost, drip / manual, No Frost / No Frost. There are other possible combinations. Cooling Now go to cooling. After all, that is why we buy and refrigerator. Thus, cooling is a compression and thermoelectric. In most refrigerators compression cooling. Compressor – the heart of refrigerator. As the heart circulates blood to the body and the compressor circulates the refrigerant in the entrails of a refrigeration machine.

    Posted by millionaire @ 7:48 pm for General |

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