• General 18.10.2012

    For example family nostalgia, dangerous affection, vivifying ecstasy and other sensaciones are demystified and undressed of their enchantment (to char to me) by the French charmer and declared anachronistic, outside time. Then according to one of his more burning thesis after 1000 years of patriarchal autoridad, one has in the last taken place 20 or 30 years in the western countries, a change that takes root in deepest. The man and the woman, are thanks to him, pushed to leave the spaces and rolls, dissociated (disociantes) and isolated (insulating) that traditionally were assigned them. The old principle of the complementarismo, from the diferenciacin of sexes is replaced, in a sweeping process of the civilizacin; by the principle of the equality. The opposed ones are diluted while the similarities enlarge; the other is not already plus continent plenty of mysteries, whose riddle the love laboriously conquered is only able to solve. It leaves the vertigo of the passion there.

    Then according to Madame Badinter is she the one that excludes the tests, the obstacles and the prohibitions. It cannot be separated of the infractions to the moral law and social Still in years 50 was effective such laws. They reflect for example films of that one time. The boring process of it conquers loving compuesto of traps and resistance it was the foundation. That one that then was young, shook silverplates in it and it was asked if those two of above were liked or no. The last scene was without a doubt hermosa, when accompanied well by music, was in the union of both cuerpos. This last one guaranteed the fusion of the hearts in one. Today, in the screen like in the reality, the things are faster. And one knows that not only in France. The parents of adolescent children habitually " " they do not dramatize, when his son has an intimate relation.

    Posted by millionaire @ 8:10 pm for General |

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