• General 07.07.2012

    These are specialized in diverse services, as to help mdiuns during the consultations, to write and to interpret prescriptions or to make responsible for the presentation of the space of the cult or for music. In the same page, the author complements affirming that ' ' to arrive itself at some degree of the hierarchy one becomes necessary iniciao' ' , through which if it learns since the development of the mediunidade (capacity to incorporate an entity and to interpret of correct form), until the order of the cult, the theology, religious terms and the obligations. As much initiation, how much the hierarchy, however, can suffer alterations from house for house. In chapadinha the Esprita Tent King Dom Sebastio, situated to the Street Gensio Lopes Moreira, n 618? Old field, in the command of the Babalorix Antonio Jose, President of the same one and the Umbandista Federacy of the Low Parnaba that since its foundation in 1984 comes developing a good work spiritual for the people who look the house. The Place of fetichism was initiated as Religious Assistencial Foundation, today functions as Religious Assistencial Association, where the same it has as guide-head of the house, King Dom Sebastio and the right guides the caboclos of the bush: Tip of Guide, Breaches Weeds and White Penalty; Soeira Joo. The guides of left, Crossbar-streets and Queen of the Seven Encruzulhadas (Dove-Turn). Of the diverse ramifications and types of Umbanda the house works with two, the Umbanda de Caboclos and the Umbanda Astral. Developing diverse activities as, public sessions, with cures, passes, banns and other species of cleannesses of second to fridays and of development of mdiuns to the teras-fairs, being that the developments are made with bath of croa (laudering), baptism, encruzo and nesting. The Orixs that the accepted house is: Oxal, Yemanj, Ogum, Xang, Oxossi, Ibeji, Omolu, Oxum, Nan Boroqu, amongst others.

    Posted by millionaire @ 6:34 pm for General |

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