• General 02.04.2014

    Written by Ricardo Olmus R in this era of many tasks, information and great pressure to achieve results, have been setting aside our main feature: our ability to think. Neeman Foundation contributes greatly to this topic. How to think more and better? And the response lies in the development of our ability to ask us questions. Questions are the source of deep thought process, define tasks, express problems and delimit Affairs. Few questions, often indicate slowness or thinking space. When a response raises other questions is when we have begun to expand our capacity to think in depth. We can start with questions simple and superficial, but if our thinking has aroused quickly arrive at deeper and more complex, more strategic questions in relation to the issue that we are considering. If we have no questions, perhaps it is because we are not thinking, at least at that time with regard to that topic.

    Superficial questions equals even superficial understanding, the questions that are unclear, denote mental confusion. If We can multiply our ability to ask us questions, we will have expanded our ability to think, learn, understand and solve. Einstein said: “the important thing is never stop asking questions” we develop dexterity in thinking skills, as we develop our ability to make us questions. Issue Mapping, is a modern application of the Socratic method of asking questions and multiplies our comprehensive thinking ability. But the foundation of the process is the practice. Just knowing the methodology it is not enough and is necessary to develop dexterity, this is achieved with the development of exercises to start simple, then complex. Issue Mapping, starts with simple questions, accepting that very probably the Central and strategic questions will not appear immediately.

    But with the experience we’ll start to feel that we definitely went into “way of thinking” and increasingly began to appear more questions, generating more and more answers. He developed the ability to get to the heart of the matter, or to the question fundamental strategic, it is first and foremost a matter of practice. Issue Mapping combines 2 elements: A “language” itself where they simplify and it clarifies everything said in questions, answers, brackets and against a charting that structure in a visual way, and supports all the elements of the process of thinking. The maps appear as visual solution, ideally with a tool like MindManager. The final result: A much greater capacity of generating value through many more ideas and more ability to analyze and solve. A few exercises will allow the development of the skill. Our strategic thinking with MindManager workshop provides the fundamentals of the process, having impacted the lives and development of many people and organizations.

    Posted by millionaire @ 1:18 pm for General |

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