• General 23.07.2020

    Periodical still according to diverse parliamentarians consider that I exaggerate is to use the money to bank trips of actors the carnavalescos berths, as occurred with the member of the house of representatives Fbio Faria (PMN-RN). Details can be found by clicking Health Minister Patty Hajdu or emailing the administrator. the case of it must be judged by the Advice of Ethics, affirmed the petista member of the house of representatives Vaccarezza. again According to Periodical the Globe, of monday, day 20 of April, although the benefited greaters to have been the partisan leaders of the government and the opposition -, stars as the Ciro member of the house of representatives Gomes (PSB-CE) and the president of the DEM, Mayan Rodrigo, had also led familiar to make tourism in the exterior to the costs of the Chamber. Until commission agent Protgenes Queiroz it entered in the list of the awarded ones with aerial tickets> Since when reducing in 20% and 25% quotas that vary of R$ 4,700 monthly R$ 18,700, in the Chamber, and of R$ 13 a thousand R$ 25 a thousand, in the Senate, being able to change for rent of jatinhos and still to distribute the tickets for woman, husband and children, is to moralizar? If it was to correct, that was started for finishing with the spree them tariffs; ‘ cheias’ ‘ if restricted the tickets to the parliamentarian. What if it knows, the voter does not vote in the family of the member of the house of representatives or of the senator, which fits to support its, he finished. , In article also published in the Been O of So Paulo, of monday, day 20 of April, Carlos Alberto Frank Di it affirms textualmente:> Directions are multiplied. Servers – some ghosts, others of arguable ability – grow as mushrooms and promote bleeding in the public money. Spree with aerial tickets. Mirabolantes expenses with fuel. The nepotism rolls untied.

    Posted by millionaire @ 4:26 pm for General |

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