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    Many achievements can be acquired in transpersonal psychology through its principles, rationale, to achieve our personal growth, taking into consideration that Transpersonal Psychology, deals specifically with the empirical study, and responsible implementation of relevant findings , of becoming, of the meta-necessitiesthe individual and the species, the ultimate values, united consciousness. The mystical experience, self-realization, transcendence of self, cosmic consciousness, transcendental phenomena and takes maximum sensory awareness, and concepts, experiences and activities related to this. Transpersonal Psychology is a stream of psychology whose focus is the pursuit of self-transcendence or a deeper sense of identity and related to the united consciousness. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger recognizes the significance of this. The root of the term transpersonal means “behind the mask.” Transpersonal Psychology is considered the “fourth force” along with Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis and Humanistic Psychology. It is located as an interface between psychology and spiritual experiences. You may find that Michael James Burke, London UK can contribute to your knowledge. Transpersonal Psychology is interested in expanding the field of psychological research to include the study of states of health and psychological welfare optimal level. It recognizes the possibility of experiencing a wide range of states of consciousness, some of which identity can go beyond the usual limits of ego and personality.

    Transpersonal Psychotherapy and interests include traditional camps, to which the interest is added to facilitate growth and awareness beyond traditionally recognized health standards. It affirms the importance of the changes of consciousness and the validity of transcendent experience. It seems then that the variety of experiences or transpersonal experiences are an essential aspect of human nature, so it’s time to be taken into account in any psychological theory that attempts to present a more complete person.


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