• General 03.12.2019 Comments Off on Telephone

    tack to one I credit for telephone, currently it is faced as a trivial and recurrent thing of the Portuguese, as it occurs with I credit online to it. Source: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . For that they had never made none and they are to think to make one is explained here as everything is processed step by step. Clearly that they exist much company in the market, and all they operate in different way, but the process is always similar to the following one: I credit For Telephone: To telephone is the first step Is telephoned for the number of the company, regularly appears publicitado in the Internet, the television, periodicals, the magazines etc This phone call serves basically to present our interest and to supply our dwelling. Later we will receive in our house forms, documentation and contract to fill and to sign. They always supply also an envelope RSF so that let us not have costs with the Post offices. As soon as we will have everything correctamente filled and signed we deliver the documentation for the financial entity. In this phase we will have that to supply equally the account bank clerk for where we desire that the transference is efectuada.

    We also have that to decide the amount that we desire and the stated period of duration of the contract. For norm, costuma to be requested stops beyond the contract: A Photocopy I number of it of contributor; A photocopy of the BI; Photocopy of the two last receipts of expiration, or in the case of being a on account proper worker, finishes it declaration of IRS; A comprovativo of dwelling (any of the water, telephone or electricidade can be a receipt); A comprovativo of the NIB (in this in case that it is frequent to send a simple photocopy of a check or a trade bill of account) Second step I credit in it: To wait the Approval After terms sent the signed contract we have that to wait for the approval I credit of it. Later to receive the documentation, will be everything correctamente filled, the companies costumam to be sufficient quick to approve one I credit for telephone, many approve exactly in 24 hours. This reply, normally it is given by telephone. is alone this, if it feels that it needs more information on credits for telephone blog visits mine where I supply much information gratuitously.

  • General 21.01.2019 Comments Off on World Wealth

    Many people see poverty to her around. Others, however, see wealth, health, success and beauty. Moreover, in the same place and time, two people will see different things. A person will see only obstacles, problems and poverty and the other will see opportunities, resources, facilities and wealth this is why? Why do them see the same Act so differently? Why are they react in such divergent way? In his book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt explains how people themselves create the facets of people who are beside them, and, which are still far. For example, if they have wealth-oriented minds, you’ll find in all his ways with rich, successful and happy people.

    If they have minds focused on the shortage, people will be in an extreme shortage, albeit only in its phase with respect to them. IE that the same person appears poor against the poor and rich the rich suede. This is due to that the person creates in their world, that image of the person himself. Everything that you see, believe it you. You cannot attract it, believe it. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Nieman Foundation. For all holy is the Holy Bible, for the dirty everything is dirty.

    We could say for the rich everything is wealth. Since what you see, what you perceive, is only one aspect of yourself, a reflection, an extension, then to change the world, you must change only yourself. Some people may not understand the depth of this. Corentt explains, for example, that as a writer, those aspects are only waste of your own consciousness. It is deciding, thats a waste of my consciousness when I write and a waste of your own conscience when you read. The universe is a personal matter. When I write that is in me. When you read that it is in you. The enormous power of I am happy, I am rich, is to help you create a life of success, wealth and happiness with each reading of their pages. This book is so powerful that anyone who reads it, is transformed. More information is housed here: Dr. Neal Barnard. Any person who reads it as suggested by the author begins to develop a new consciousness. A consciousness of abundance, wealth, happiness, of peace, of freedom. If you want to improve the universe and enrich you and be happy, that should be your next reading. When you change, the world will change with you. When you prepare to see wealth, then you will become rich.

  • General 12.02.2017 Comments Off on Economic Dynamics

    Summary: Inside of an organization one analyzes simple of any process, product and service, provides a harmful error in the economic evaluation. Although the absolute analysis, to be simplest, the same one becomes difficult in the understanding of the real nature of the process. Therefore we have that to have an analysis in diverse dimensions and to change the absolute conception for the relative one. The diverse economic systems are based on the beginning of the man power and means of production (tools, machines and raw material). However this vision limited not express to the current trend where we need to also evaluate the product and service commercialized in relation to the quality and price (cost-benefit), the relative qualification of the man power and aspects referring to the place and observed time has been them pillars of a new economy. The current models are static, where one is functioning, it does not mean that the same it will take care of in another place. The models must be dynamic, that is, to keep the balance we need to put into motion.

    In this case from a point the positive paper of a model can confuse another 0 variable of negative form. It is there that the strategy enters to have constant changes to keep the economic stability. All economic system will have in mind Acumulo de Capital (Profit) or Growth of Market, never the two at the same time. Each one will be defined by the commander of the organization. The wealth of a nation is on the individual wealth of its markets, where she is on to the performance of its man power and relative quality of its products. economic Dynamic Word-key, cost-benefit, formation of prices and relative analysis. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.

  • General 02.09.2012 Comments Off on Foundation Center

    It is the opposing scene of the lived one until September of 2008, when a warm market allowed readjustments that compensated the depreciation of American currency – R$ 1,70 at the time. The crisis was a hard blow for the sales of the Starret, manufacturer of mountain ranges and instruments of measurement in the exterior. The exportations had withdrawn about 30% of January the May before equal period of 2008. On account of this and the weak performance also in the domestic market, the Starret reduced the hours of working for four days, with proportional cut of wage. After the consecutive falls of the dollar in the last weeks, the Piccadilly, manufacturer of feminine footwear with headquarters in Igrejinha (RS), it decided to hold the remittance of tables of prices for the deliverers in the Europe, Middle East and Asia. For the importers of the South America and Central office, that already had received the lists, the company alone can guarantee the maintenance of the values until July middle if the Real if not value much more.

    The Picadilly is making the accounts to know which the exchange platform that will demand the correction of dispatched tables already for the markets that absorb 60% of its exportations. Defined in April, when with the exchange R$ 2,29 for dollar arrived, the prices of the footwear of the collections spring-summer were more competitive of what the competitors. With the valuation of the exchange and the prices in fall, the yield of Brazilian exportations withdrew 4.4% in April and 13% in the gathered of the year, according to Foundation Center of Studies of the Foreign commerce (Funcex). The trend is an edge of profit still more pressed in the next months on account to the weakness of the dollar, that closed yesterday quoted R$ 1,9370, fall of 12% in relation to the April average.


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