• General 26.07.2020 Comments Off on Earth Rotation

    However, many websites that distribute information on disasters and catastrophes, are making a lot of effort to mislead people by using the technique 'to lure and deceive. " They argue that there is a relationship between the rotation and magnetic polarity of the Earth, change which is random, and a change of the magnetic poles are, on average, every 400.000 years. To our knowledge, such a change of the magnetic poles is absolutely harmless to life on Earth. In any case, highly unlikely that a change of the magnetic poles has occurred over the next few millennia. But the false web sites falsely claim that the change of the magnetic poles will soon (in 2012), and that this equivalent to changing the poles of rotation, or initiates a change. So to summarize: a) The direction of rotation is not related to magnetic polarity.

    b) There is no reason to expect a change of magnetic polarity, at least in the near future time, or expect any adverse impacts on life in the event that it will eventually happen. c) The sharp change in poles of rotation with disastrous consequences impossible. Also, none of the above factors has any relation to the galactic equator, or any other nonsense on building a series that appears on many websites, spreading a conspiracy theory. 11. When most the planets line up in a row in 2012, and the planet Earth will be in the center of the Milky Way, which later this parade of planets expected to earth? Could this lead to a shift of the poles, and if so, what can we expect? In 2012, as in any other time in the next few decades, the parade of planets will not.

  • General 24.07.2020 Comments Off on The New Sociology

    However, these research methods are based on the 0 variable of entrance, social classroom, income and familiar situations. In the 0 variable of exit, result of the pertaining to school tests, pertaining to school success or failure, leaving to verify what it happened between these colon. The New Sociology of the Education had a concern with the processing of people, and not of knowledge. As It hisses (2003, P. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boy Scouts of America. 66), ‘ ‘ The task of a sociology of the resume would consist necessarily of placing these categories in question, disnaturalizing them, showing its historical, social, contingent character, arbitrrio’ ‘. The basic question was the connection between resume and power, enters the organization of the knowledge and the distribution of being able. It questioned why she was attributed to more importance the certainties you discipline and knowledge of what to others.

    In the studies on resume, we perceive that nor everything what it occurs in the pedagogical process is explicit in the resume. We make reference to reference the occult resume, that does not constitute a theory properly, but is present in the daily one of the education or the school. We can say that it involves processes that are implicit in the school, but that they are party to suit of education learning. In accordance with It hisses (2003, p.78), ‘ ‘ The occult resume is constituted by those aspects of the pertaining to school environment that, without being part of official, explicit resume, contributes, of implicit form, for social learning relevant’ ‘. It is present in the social relations of the school. They are the behaviors, the values and the attitudes that are gifts in the learning. The experiences in the escolarizada education and its effect are, some times, desired and others, uncontrollable. They obey the explicit objectives or they are implicit objective expressions of proposal or; they are planned in some measure or they are simple fruit of flowing action.

  • General 14.09.2019 Comments Off on West Bengal Birds

    Last week, the birds affected by oil spill in the Kerch Strait and environmentalists gathered a half months ago, was released in Dinskoy Bay, where winter is now hundreds of them tribesmen. More than a month environmentalists and volunteers fought for the lives of birds and 14 February, healthy birds, ready to return to their natural habitats have been released into their natural habitats. However, unfortunately, not able to save all the birds. Recall storm November 11, 2007 caused an unprecedented incident in Azov and Black seas: one day sank four ships and six stranded, two tankers were damaged. Of the faults tanker 'Volganeft-139' spilled into the sea about 2 thousand tons of fuel oil in the sunken cargo ship is about 7000 tons of sulfur.

    New 'victims' of avian flu, people, economy and even in badminton, while the Ukrainian and Russian ecologists and ornithologists are fighting for the life of the Crimean birds affected by oil spill, in other parts our planet continue to fight the scourge of avian flu. Critical is the situation in the Indian state of West Bengal, where the poultry industry losses caused by flash deadly virus H5N1, is estimated nearly $ 130 million. An even more serious situation with bird flu in Vietnam. Vietnamese authorities announced Thursday the second since the beginning of the year event of the death of man from bird flu. Overall, since 2003 in Vietnam from bird died of influenza 49. According to the number of victims of the virus is second only to the country of Indonesia, where he died from more than 100 patients.

  • General 08.09.2019 Comments Off on Resume Tips

    Some employers will welcome creativity and other formats, such as portfolios or resumes website. A great place to discover new ways to impress the business is on view-Resume. This effort can only help you stand out from the crowd and provide the traction needed to stay in the minds of employers. However, standing in his creative presentation alone is not very wise. You must make a copy of your portfolio or website with a summary of traditional paper and to appease the tenant impassive. The most important thing to remember in this field of battle job hunting is that employers do not owe anything. They have a position to fill and are just one of the few, if not hundreds of persons applying for the job.

    So, take the task of looking for work as if looking for a soul mate. It requires effort, and only the most dedicated of winning the best jobs. Resume Tips Some basics about job search … First, no one owes you a job! This obvious fact is often overlooked by the eager job hunters – at least for a couple of months – when he or she gives up looking for a job! Many people think that employers should hire because of his winning personality. You have to have a little something to show for itself, in addition to his beautiful smile.

    The simple truth is, you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd for their potential employer really hear what they have to say. A great resume is the best place to start. Action statements about what really have managed to excel in a curriculum. Vague statements can really hurt your chances for a position. Your resume is the first opportunity to impress an employer. Do not ruin this opportunity with silly spelling errors and information cloudy. Employers love concise, well thought out curriculum. Your resume is the map for a job. It should lead to a job and not in the trash. Write it as you spent last year perfecting it. It should never sound like it was shed together in an hour. A good way to stand out from the competition is expressing its desire to work with a little extra effort. There are ways to depart from the convention and there are still the norm. A summary paper is the norm. Resumes can take any form your imagination takes you. Some employers will welcome creativity and other formats, such as portfolios or resumes website. A great place to discover new ways to impress the business is on view-Resume. This effort can only help stand out from the crowd and provide the traction needed to stay in the minds of employers. However, standing in his creative presentation alone is not very wise. You must make a copy of your portfolio or website with a summary of traditional paper and to appease the tenant impassive. The most important thing to remember in this battlefield of the job search is that employers do not owe anything. They have a position to fill and are just one of the few, if not hundreds of persons applying for the job. So, take the task of looking for work as if looking for a soul mate. It requires effort, and only the most dedicated of winning the best jobs.

  • General 18.05.2017 Comments Off on Russian Language

    And what could be worse for the language, than such an attitude to him who by blood must be its bearer? I am Russian, tried as best he could to change their attitude toward their native language. Ashamed of them, but despite Even the fact that I was an officer, and they soldiers, and I was several years older, my opinion is categorically rejected, my words were like peas on the wall. 3 In 1984 I returned to live in the home hearth and home and took a job at the local the agricultural enterprise. In which, except the Russian village, consisted of about double the Moldovan. According to this position I was obliged to attend the regular clothes and other events. At that time I was already interested in language problems, and immediately drew attention to the fact that all meetings were conducted exclusively in Russian. Though the government sector was in the Moldavian village, and the chairman and the majority of experts were Moldovans.

    The Moldovan language is used very rarely, and then not for the general perception, and private remarks. For me, and for other professionals nemoldavan, it was convenient and comfortable. And how to feel about themselves Moldovans I did not know then. Because it was not something that is officially taboo, and something for everyone's tacit agreement shall be inviolable. Some sort of taboo was imposed on this topic. But, as subsequent events showed, not all Moldovans this situation in the field of language like that.

  • General 26.11.2015 Comments Off on Language

    Question whether many of these people do you know who could bring the matter to an end? So if you came to the language, with a similar motivation, and feel that learning does not work, do not blame the language, or to complain lack of self capacities. Better think again carefully whether you need to know a foreign language? If you decide that without a language you can, then go home and then taken for study. In addition, take on weapons are a few tips that will help you in learning the language itself, but we will not go into details full course of learning a foreign language, although there are numerous. Or transfer as a better and right to teach grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation to work out. So, in order to learn a foreign language use in school movies without translation with subtitles. This is an excellent teaching material, with which you be able to understand and, therefore, to learn how to use the this or that word, in any case to which it is used. One can understand the principle of vocabulary to draw attention to the correct pronunciation. In the end, just add to your vocabulary.

    Recommend starting with a simple viewing of films, meaning dialogues are very simple and straightforward. The choice of textbooks is essential. Today we know a great many books of different training authors and different levels of complexity. Tutorials and textbooks, they are all designed for different levels and different methods of study. Choose the correct manual will help you shop assistant.

    Be sure to read the books on foreign language, or, if I can get the periodicals in the language you are studying. Do not forget to use a dictionary, through which can translate and then learn new words that you encountered in the reading. Remember, vocabulary – one of the most important foundations in language learning. The more you know the words, the more you express yourself or understand conversation. Also very effective is listening to audio books. When opportunities please create a friendly correspondence with someone for whom you are studying the language – native. Written speech – not least in language learning. Here, in the writing of certain words, including visual memory, and you easier to remember words that are encountered in writing letters. Begin to study the history of the country whose language you teach. So you learn not only interesting historical facts and many new and interesting, but also be able to dive deeper into language, thus it is better to feel. If possible, we can advise you to travel, it is natural to a country where they speak the language that you choose to learn. Language environment – an excellent practice and the best way maximum dip in the language! Do not put a goal to learn the language pieces and stages. Ideally, of course, understand that you are most like and which do best, and give it most of the time. But at the same remember that the monotony of the same is not good. Do not focus on one lesson, for example, reading. Try to do everything at once, and a bit of everything. Vocabulary, phonology (pronunciation), grammar and rules of construction proposals, oral and written language. If you set a goal, you will definitely achieve it! Just do not treat language learning as the heavy lifting on a high mountain, which you will, despite all the difficulties conquer, striving to the top. In this case, you'll be a long time "stamp at the foot of" not knowing what side to go.

  • General 23.03.2013 Comments Off on Mimaletacom

    Mimaleta.com has launched the competition I love my city, with which you can win a trip to Tuscany. Simply sign in page and post is the site that you like in your city. Between all those involved, who has received the most votes from users can win a weekend at Palazzio Massaini for 2 persons a dinner for 2 at the Ristorante dal Falco. Moreover, a 2nd and a 3rd shall award with a 100 coupon to spend in Bottega Verde. Addition all actors involved (uploading your favorite site or simply voting) will also have his reward: a code discount 15 to spend at. You have until February 20 to participate. But what is Mimaleta.com? Mimaleta.com is a travel guide online based on the recommendations of users, made by and for travelers who want to hear the story that lies behind each destination. This page is the Spanish version of iwannagothere.com, a project that was launched year and a half ago and that has reaped great success and recognition in the English-speaking world. In mimaleta.com you will not find all the sites which go into a city, but only those places that travelers who go beyond the tourist sites, have enjoyed personally. Original author and source of the article

  • General 25.10.2012 Comments Off on Dissertaes Society

    The main purpose of all curricular intervention is ‘ ‘ to prepare the pupils to be active, critical citizens, solidary and democratic members of a solidary society democrtica’ ‘. (SANTOM 1995, p.159). The author (p.167) affirmed that the reflection on the different cultures of the races or etnias constituam mainly in a great gap in the Brazilian society and in the schools, where these cultures, at the rare moments I was remembered if they reduced to one day of full commemorations of ideologies and prejudiced esteretipos. Canem (2000, p.10), in society as in accordance with multicultural as Brazil, where the inaqualities and the racism reign, the production of research that question that they search alternatives of valuation of the cultural plurality, becomes if ‘ ‘ a vital necessity for the curricular and educational reflection, at the beginning of new milnio.’ ‘ To know to understand, to respect and to value, to recognize its contributions of the black culture in the culture of Brazil. What it intends with this law is to use the pertaining to school space to give to the black culture its due value. To thus promote in the educandos the collective responsibility and the capacity to participate and to understand of democratic form its community.

  • General 07.07.2012 Comments Off on Religious Assistencial Association

    These are specialized in diverse services, as to help mdiuns during the consultations, to write and to interpret prescriptions or to make responsible for the presentation of the space of the cult or for music. In the same page, the author complements affirming that ' ' to arrive itself at some degree of the hierarchy one becomes necessary iniciao' ' , through which if it learns since the development of the mediunidade (capacity to incorporate an entity and to interpret of correct form), until the order of the cult, the theology, religious terms and the obligations. As much initiation, how much the hierarchy, however, can suffer alterations from house for house. In chapadinha the Esprita Tent King Dom Sebastio, situated to the Street Gensio Lopes Moreira, n 618? Old field, in the command of the Babalorix Antonio Jose, President of the same one and the Umbandista Federacy of the Low Parnaba that since its foundation in 1984 comes developing a good work spiritual for the people who look the house. The Place of fetichism was initiated as Religious Assistencial Foundation, today functions as Religious Assistencial Association, where the same it has as guide-head of the house, King Dom Sebastio and the right guides the caboclos of the bush: Tip of Guide, Breaches Weeds and White Penalty; Soeira Joo. The guides of left, Crossbar-streets and Queen of the Seven Encruzulhadas (Dove-Turn). Of the diverse ramifications and types of Umbanda the house works with two, the Umbanda de Caboclos and the Umbanda Astral. Developing diverse activities as, public sessions, with cures, passes, banns and other species of cleannesses of second to fridays and of development of mdiuns to the teras-fairs, being that the developments are made with bath of croa (laudering), baptism, encruzo and nesting. The Orixs that the accepted house is: Oxal, Yemanj, Ogum, Xang, Oxossi, Ibeji, Omolu, Oxum, Nan Boroqu, amongst others.

  • General 09.02.2012 Comments Off on Member States

    By individualism we mean the desire of class, nation, state to the satisfaction of their class, national, public interest, and under collectivism – the ability of class, nation, state recognize the need to limit their own claims to better meet the needs of their fellow opposition. For example, despite the seemingly high degree of civilization of the modern human society, individualism, most nations is at the level of medieval savagery. This, for example, the question of the presence of the right to do most nations have their own independent nation-state, while some nations are deprived of that right by the same majority. And the worst part is that this savagery is fixed in international law as the principle of inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity, a principle which, perhaps, can be called the greatest folly, born 20th century. CBC has similar goals. Since the birth of human society, and to this day, the main problem of giving birth to the vast majority of social conflicts is the problem distribution between individuals, classes, nations and states of life benefits.

    And because social progress, since the birth of human society, and to this day, there is progress in public distribution system life benefits among the members of this society. And because the vast majority of social revolutions, from the birth of human society, and to this day, were aimed at a more equitable distribution of vital goods between Member States society. Progress of the "individual – the individual" is, above all, improving the distribution of wealth produced in society, or that the same thing, reducing the exploitation of man by man.


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