• General 23.07.2020 Comments Off on Senate House

    Periodical still according to diverse parliamentarians consider that I exaggerate is to use the money to bank trips of actors the carnavalescos berths, as occurred with the member of the house of representatives Fbio Faria (PMN-RN). Details can be found by clicking Health Minister Patty Hajdu or emailing the administrator. the case of it must be judged by the Advice of Ethics, affirmed the petista member of the house of representatives Vaccarezza. again According to Periodical the Globe, of monday, day 20 of April, although the benefited greaters to have been the partisan leaders of the government and the opposition -, stars as the Ciro member of the house of representatives Gomes (PSB-CE) and the president of the DEM, Mayan Rodrigo, had also led familiar to make tourism in the exterior to the costs of the Chamber. Until commission agent Protgenes Queiroz it entered in the list of the awarded ones with aerial tickets> Since when reducing in 20% and 25% quotas that vary of R$ 4,700 monthly R$ 18,700, in the Chamber, and of R$ 13 a thousand R$ 25 a thousand, in the Senate, being able to change for rent of jatinhos and still to distribute the tickets for woman, husband and children, is to moralizar? If it was to correct, that was started for finishing with the spree them tariffs; ‘ cheias’ ‘ if restricted the tickets to the parliamentarian. What if it knows, the voter does not vote in the family of the member of the house of representatives or of the senator, which fits to support its, he finished. , In article also published in the Been O of So Paulo, of monday, day 20 of April, Carlos Alberto Frank Di it affirms textualmente:> Directions are multiplied. Servers – some ghosts, others of arguable ability – grow as mushrooms and promote bleeding in the public money. Spree with aerial tickets. Mirabolantes expenses with fuel. The nepotism rolls untied.

  • General 20.06.2020 Comments Off on Mauro Guimares

    Understood in this way, practical of management and the ambient education they are not neutral, what in accordance with Jose Hisses Fifth. The State when assuming definitive position ahead of an ambient problem, is in fact deciding who will be in the society and in the country, with the costs, and who will be with the benefits happened of the antrpica action on the way, either it natural or constructed physicist. (FIFTH, 2009 p.53) the formation of the council members of the Managing Committee is only one of the axles for the taking of conscience and effective intervention in the routes of the development in the region of the Xingu, which could use as model, plans of formation as of Council members of the Territorial Planning Participativo, the Plan of Formation of National Council members in subjects that take in consideration education and ambient management, sustainable regional development, social inclusion, democracy and citizenship. Such formation must contribute for the qualified formation, creating a space of reflection and exchange of experiences between questions techniques and to know places to them, leading in consideration the participation of these council members and the civil society as multiplying agents of knowledge and not mere coadjuvantes of the development, but as effective inductors, capable to intervine in the minimizao of socioambientais impacts by means of the proposal of actions and public politics based in the interlocution to know, as salient Mauro Guimares. PCRM has much to offer in this field. The wakening of the ecological conscience, principle and end of an ambient education, is substantiated by a critical reason, that it perceives relations of to be able of character dominador and exploring, that desestruturam that they breach bows, produces splits, that degrades the man and the nature. As well as, reciprocal, it must be substantiated for the promotion of the feeling of solidary belonging, what it interconnects what integrates unit and multiplicity. (…) This ambient education, that it aims at to the support of the life of the planet, if establishes in the movement that provokes ruptures and fundantes religaes of a new paradigm. . Frequently Vahid David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA has said that publicly.

  • General 15.06.2020 Comments Off on Governmental Auditorship

    In the Brazilian territory, the auditoriagovernamental finds its support legal, with the emission of Law n 4,728 of julhode 1965, that it came to normatizar the functioning of the financial market and created obrigatoriedade of the practical one of the Governmental Auditorship in Brazil. In the temposatuais, the governmental auditorship establishes that its accomplishment if accomplishes nacomprovao of the legality of the actions undertaken for the agencies and entities quecompe the direct and indirect public administration, enclosing in such a way the esferFederal, State and Municipal. Being thus, the auditorship governamentalconstitui in an important instrument of control, to the measure that possibilitauma better allocation of resources public, contributing to detect and proporcorreo of wastefulnesses of resources, of the administrative improbity, anegligncia and the omission and, mainly anticipating these occurrences, looking for to guarantee the observance to it of destesrecursos norms that regulate the application, as well as in the search guaranteeing the intended results, emconsonncia with good the practical ones of transparency of the public administration. It considers governmental aauditoria inside a specialization of the field of the auditorship, to poisapesar to follow principles and norms techniques, it presents peculiarities naaplicao and specific systematics. (S, 2002, p.44) the auditorship in the public sector, specifically, is the set of techniques that it aims at to evaluate the public administration and aaplicao of public resources for entities of public law and private, by means of the confrontation between the critriotcnico, operational or legal determined situation joined and.

    2.2.OBJETIVOS, PURPOSE AND OBJECTS GOVERNMENTAL DAAUDITORIA the Governmental Auditorship has primordial porobjetivo to guarantee resulted operational in the management public dasituao. Observing the related excellent aspects to the avaliaodos programs of government and the public administration. Thus, also it presents excellent comoobjetivos: To give has supported to the full exercise of the ministerial supervision, through the following basic activities: To examine the observance of the specific legislaomunicipal and norms correlatas; To evaluate the execution of the dosmunicpios programs, contracts, accords, agreements, adjustments and others instrumentoscongneres; To observe the fulfilment for the agencies and entities, of the princpiosfundamentais of planning, coordination, decentralization, delegation decompetncia and control; To evaluate the administrative and operational performance dasunidades of the direct administration and supervised entities. .

  • General 14.01.2018 Comments Off on Bank Money

    When the Human being to discover that he is you of the money and not it its slave, will open the doors of the world-wide balance. It will not have nobody to the edge of the way, therefore the goods distributed with Spirit of Charity will make of who have more, a booster of the other people’s improvement. What somebody advances to have money in the world-wide banks if does not go to take nor a tosto when to pass of this side for the other? If to meditar a bit in the brief existence ahead of the Eternity will perceive that it can become rich in this world and the other. Does not exist the other world, the spiritual? Air that you breathe and that you do not see is in another dimension. Money What empobrece works with negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent ones comes to become rich itself.

    Sayings of Salomo, CAP. 10:4. The money Always goes and comes back pra hand of people, Either little, either very, Never is indifferent. The money is Russian roulette, Is devorador casino, Of the balance of the man When he is esbanjador. The well lead money, Raises homes and schools, When distributed well It finishes with the almses. Money goes and comes back, Walks of hand and hand, Still is it in the land That molds the citizen. Money goes and comes back, Is in the Bank, is in the Box, It in all the countries Put the Stock market in high and low. It is who will knock down the wild capitalism, a group devorando the other, Will make of the money mirage. The money if puts into motion, Is in the Saving, is in the Exchange, Is it who will destroy Everything what he is desumano. The money wheel, wheel, In continuous movement, and thus it changes Of the man the condition. It is lottery, it is game of chance, It is animal race, and the man puts into motion its passenger capital.

  • General 26.02.2017 Comments Off on Force Units

    Already the Navy, force whose main ship, the So Paulo ship-aerodrome, meets off-hook has years, it is sucateada. New and modern moved submarines diesel as the Russian model Kilo or the Scorpne Frenchman are necessary, since the models of national manufacture are incapable to provide the capacities of which the Force needs. The amount would be adjusted of, at least eight units of the cited models. It is of urgent necessity also the incorporation of, at least, two submarines moved to the nuclear energy. New and modern torpedoes to equip such boats also are necessary.

    In if treating to torpedoes, equivalent in the world to the torpedo does not exist/supercavitante rocket Russian BA-111 Shkval. The acquisition of new destroyers, as the Sovremenny Russian, totalizing a minimum amount of twelve units is urgently necessary. Thus, we seriamos capable of, truily, possessing a green water navy, capable to project the national naval power in regional scope. New frigates, as European FREMM, with a total amount of, at least, forty units, also they are required, as well as new boats modern hunting-mines. Another urgent acquisition is of units of landing on air mattress, popularly known as ' ' hovercrafts' ' , that simply they inexist in our armory. An amount of, at least, seven units is necessary. Similar models to the Zubr Russian or American LCAC, supported for similar boats of amphibious landing to the Russian of the classroom Ivan Rogov or to American LPD-17 San classroom Antonio are indicated.

    An amount of, at least, two boats of amphibious landing is necessary for efficient projection of being able strategical in the South American region. The sea and air force carried by the ship-aerodrome also lacks of equipment. The aircraft A-4 Skyhawk are absurdly incapable to provide any support to the fleet, beyond being sucateadas and in operation in small number. To substitute them, the most indicated they would be or the Russian Sukhoi Su-33 or the Dassault Frenchman Rafale.

  • General 24.02.2017 Comments Off on Civil Policy

    Also it is truth when the policeman says that she is destemido. How many times I it vi to walk for the center or in slum quarters without vest the test of bullets and with the black t-shirt written Civil Policy, exactly in these times where policemen prevent to say that they are of the Policy, therefore fear retaliation of criminals. How much the CPI of Drug trafficking, for ‘ ‘ au’ ‘ that he was, with right the member of the house of representatives to make propaganda to the living creature in the transmission of TV of the supplier of snacks, but that finished in ‘ ‘ pizza’ ‘ , what he seems he was alone springboard for some members of the house of representatives. I was the first reporter to raise it the name of one of main involved in the presumption the project, but strangely I would be dismissed of the periodical where he worked, after to be summoned by Justice to speak of a cigarette load shunting line substance, of which the judge said that nor wise person because my deposition was requested, since the news article was necessary. Also it did not know, when arriving in the writing I and other colleagues we were in the street. In case that personal to the part, the CPI did not say and ‘ at the time; ‘ Lazinho’ ‘ it did not speak now that it has about 10 years wanted to only blame policemen, as if did not exist a government of the state as responsible for the degradation of the institution Policy. She is not necessary to go far, is enough fast research in the Internet to see that it has 15 So Paulo years is governed? for the PSBD, that at the time lost the control on the Policy and later it would lose the control on penitentiaries and until it would deny existence of organized crime, today, unhappyly sad and uncosteded reality for all natives of So Paulo and paulistanos. ‘ is investigating; ‘ Lazinho’ ‘ , you have reason: ‘ ‘ they are sobrando marmelada and goiabada!.

  • General 01.02.2016 Comments Off on Philosopher

    Reverse speeds, non mount of money, that is, facts, not words. Action, not promises. In this direction, little imports if Geddel Vieira better express Rasp if that Jaques Wagner, and vice versa. It matters that, a time elect for the public administration, plays with efficiency its functions, in order to guarantee more quality of life for the Bahians. In other words, that work more and say little. Obviously that, if the politician obtains to unite the capacity to manage with the one to make a speech, it will be a public personality not only useful to its community as well as wanted by its people. At this moment Otvio Mangabeira comes me to the mind a crucial name of the bahian politics. (In Itanhm, where I passed my infancy and adolescence, a Square Otvio Mangabeira exists, that, for obvious reasons, already popularly was known as ae became the dhecida as Square of the Market and, now, Square of> in the actions and the words.

    Nowadays, unhappyly, it more is remembered by its words, the provocative and relaxed way with that he defined the Bahia, of what for the actions that undertook in favor of its native land as councilman, member of the house of representatives, senator, governor or minister. It governed the Bahia of April of 1947 the January of 1951 after to have been exiled for the Getlio dictator Vargas, to who made systematic opposition, and its government is considered one of most progressive of the history of the Bahia. To have an idea, Mangabeira attracted biggest bahian intelligences to compose its secretaryship: Ansio Teixeira> even so, ironically, the Center of Memory of the Bahia have more than catalogued ten a thousand documents of the former-governor. Unhappyly, for an mistake (or it will be comodismo) of the new generations, the great Bahian finished reduced to the condition of philosopher of the baianidade Pense about a nonsense, in the Bahia has precedent ; or the Bahia so is delayed that, when the world if to finish, the bahian ones only go to know five years later . The heading of philosopher of the baianidade does not pass, therefore, of a trick of bad taste or, in the best one of the hypotheses, of a bem-humorada reference to the frasista inspired that also was Otvio Mangabeira, without detriment of the man who had as he marks the firmness of character, the clarity of thought and the inabalvel confidence in the democratic institutions. In time: Otvio Mangabeira is maternal grandfather of Mangabeira Unger, this, yes, a philosopher in the meaning of the word (leciona legal philosophy in Harvard) that .

  • General 02.05.2012 Comments Off on Jose Alencar One

    The leadership of the country per the next years will be under responsibility of one of the two and writing to more pages in the Brazil Book. Leaving partisan passions of side, all the presidents had had important paper in the writing of this recent history. What the country lives today started with Fernando Collor, if they remember the opening of market? Frank Itamar, Fernando Enrique, Squid and Brazil growing and if firming in the world-wide scene. It is hypocrisy and fallacy any one of the cited leaders to want to sign ' ' Brasil&#039 project; '. Time for another one we see one of them ' ' beating in peito' ' saying I made.

    In all the administrations we have that to open social parentheses for denunciations of corrupes and facts that had evidenced mazelas and disrespect with the human being and the people in some spheres. All the governments had had virtues and imperfections. Coming back to the campaign, the candidate of the Green Party Marina Hisses, third placed, did not innovate and its speech was pautado in the environment, as already it was of if waiting. They in the media fit to the excessively canditados ones to complain of the destined time and to criticize in vehement way the Brazilian public politics, as making a mistake was had all. Regionally, ' ' all equal one as was antes' ' , already an old friend said.

    Rare exceptions, it seems mood program. Exactly that it seems paradoxical, since the Marketing Politician is considered cold, strategical and calculating, as human being taste to observe people in the way and to learn with them. I cited in one of my texts, sincerely I do not remember which, the capacity of vice president Jose Alencar in dealing with the adverse one, its personal fight is example for all the Brazilians I was fan of this human being when seeing it to make a speech moved in a meeting in Belo Horizonte.


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