• General 12.03.2024 Comments Off on Growing Values

    Alternative investments with closed-end funds sustainable investments are steadily popular. Forest fund find particular attention at the time. Established in the United States for years, they enjoy in this country rising demand. PCRM is likely to agree. Forest fund purchase of larger areas of forest management worldwide in politically stable and economically and climatically favourable regions. Because wood is a stable asset value and at the same time a constantly renewable resource. The relatively low correlation to other asset classes in the weight falls also in economically turbulent times. Inflation protection, in the future, growing global demand and attractive yield prospects complete the positive picture.

    Of course the price of wood is subject to fluctuations, because the demand for paper, cardboard, pulp and lumber is cyclical. In this case, the trees are just not immediately struck and can gain additional value, while they continue to grow. Investors should therefore note that forest funds often not regular and predictable Yields on offer (especially in the first few years), but concentrate on the last years of the run-time and the final dividend yields.

  • General 11.03.2019 Comments Off on Global Home

    Students at liability often insufficiently protected students are often not sufficiently insured in Austria. In particular, the area of liability is concerned. For accidents or property damage, the household insurance jumps in here normally. Children are insured with liability in the household insurance of the parents without income, but only as long as they stay at home. The children leave the parental home and pull in a WG or a student residence, this protection lapses. Many students expect to be secured by the student insurance of the oH sufficient for all eventualities.

    But this is not a comprehensive protection, warns Reinhold Baudisch from durchblicker.at. Liability often existenzbedrohend the phone of a friend unintentionally destroy is unpleasant, during a party, and the payment of the damage sometimes expensive. Connect with other leaders such as PCRM here. An indebted ski accident with serious injury can be however unfounded. The law provides for basically unlimited damages if by own Misconduct by a damage. Not all students are adequately insured for such liability. Reinhold Baudisch of durchblicker.at: children without their own income are insured with liability in the household insurance of the parents, but only as long as they stay at home. The children leave the parental home and obtain an own abode in the place of study, for example an own apartment, a WG or a student residence, this void protection.”durchblicker.at: oH insurance not sufficiently the oH students insurance covers only damage in direct connection with the studies and applies only in the premises of the University or on the way to and from the educational institution. However, the study consists of more than lectures and nerds.

    So no insurance gap, and students should ensure either by a household insurance or a pure private liability insurance, advises the consumer portal. Personal liability insurance from 36 euro a year aspiring young academics, in a shared apartment or a Student home have the opportunity to do special private liability insurance. They assure only the liability. Durchblicker.at’s experts advise to conclude insurance totals 1.5 million euro. In regard to travel or study abroad recommends concludes on a world-wide coverage to pay attention. Products with good insurance are to have 36 euros a year. By online bonus check save up to 75% just in the personal liability the differences between providers are particularly large, therefore a price comparison before buying insurance makes sense. Durchblicker.at has carried a premium check: the listings for sums insured in the amount of 1.5 million and worldwide coverage are between 36 and 144 euros. Baudisch: The price differences are enormous. Can be kept up to 75% by comparing the offers on the market.” Durchblicker.at now offers a free online comparison calculator on. About durchblicker.at durchblicker.at created since 2010 current price comparisons for consumers in Austria. As the first independent Internet portal for the comparison of fixed costs, durchblicker.at continuously observed the developments in the energy, financial, and insurance markets and ensures transparency in prices with regular studies. Partners of the company are the Chamber of labour of Upper Austria, the ARBo and Global 2000. Via the website, consumers can determine the provider favourable to their individual requirements anonymously and up-to-the-minute. durchblicker.at provides free advice and support when switching to a cheaper provider. Thus, consumers can achieve savings of several hundred dollars per year. durchblicker.at this creates more competition and the Austrian market momentum with the possibilities of the Internet.

  • General 12.02.2019 Comments Off on Co-branding Credit Cards Are Becoming Popular In Germany

    More and more companies in Germany spend co-branding credit cards for prestige and revenue reasons. What was unthinkable years ago, has become a firm reality. More and more co-branding – issue its own credit card in your own design partner in the coming months. In addition to fashion, media and Internet portals of the prestigious and revenue-intensive Prepaidkreditkartenmarkt moved last year due to the massive activities of global Humax to more and more companies. Reinforced by the current prevailing financial and economic crisis companies across many industries are looking for solutions new customers to win or to move existing customers to cross sell, or to stand out from the competition. A good example is currently the known television channel DMAX TV (Discovery Channel Group) from Munich as the first TV channel its own DMAX MasterCard jointly with global Humax successfully in December of last year put up.

    While the sweeping success of the DMAX card has exceeded all expectations”, said the company. On 02 February 2009 this is in Cyprus (EU) -based company with just as much enthusiasm on the Austrian prepaid card market started and put on two own product lines for co-branding partners. Thomas Wegener, spokesman of global, Humax, stressed that the rapid growth is further enhanced in the coming months by the market entry in Serbia, Croatia. Due to the continuous expansion of the network of strategic Bank partners, solutions can be provided for companies that are possible in scale, performance, and service currently only available in the United States. Wegener continues: we’re behind the Americans to miles still in Europe, but we have made it our aim, to get this. Our success confirms it, that we are on the right track.” In the coming week, global Humax publish its current reference projects and give an Outlook for the year 2009.

  • General 23.01.2019 Comments Off on The Effective Annual Interest Rate

    The effective annual rate of interest has prevailed today largely basis for calculating the cost of borrowing as assessment measure for the cost of consumer loans. In fact, the definition and the calculation of Zinsens is even stipulated: for the protection of consumers of the effective annual percentage rate or the initial effective interest rate on consumer loans must be specified in the credit agreement (source: 492 BGB). The effective annual interest rate stands for the total annual cost of a loan and reflects them to a percentage of the net amount of credit in the form of: we take out a loan of 1000,-euros to the effective interest rate of 10% and this after just a year at a single rate fully repay, will cost us this loan just 100 euros. Additional information is available at Boy Scouts of America. The rate is then equivalent to 1,100 euros. 50,-incurred at the beginning of lending now fee (we get paid par value only 950,-euros as net credit amount from the 1000,-euros), the effective annual interest rate increases already to 15.79%. The effective annual rate of interest bear so in principle, all payments incurred during the term of the loan. Regard also the compound interest effect: while the nominal interest rate is represented as relative interest rate and refers always to the respective period of installment, the effective annual percentage rate as described reflects the full year.

    In practice, it is now so that certain payments generally not in the annual percentage rate of emerge (E.g., transaction costs or accounting fees) or by the banks might even “be excluded”. So the practice of some banks in the granting of residual debt insurance was criticized recently about the costs of which were shown not in the annual percentage rate. A first estimate of the annual percentage rate can be made while the consumer, the correct calculation requires usually iterative mathematical process, where to keep “keying up using approximations on the right result”.

  • General 14.10.2018 Comments Off on Health Record

    High acceptance by the insured (M + M insurance barometer) In the frame of the M + M of insurance barometer 2010 was carried out a survey to the setting of the insured to the electronic health card or the patient’s chart in January 2010. The survey is based on a representative population survey of 1,062 private and legally insured, who were interviewed by telephone to their needs and their satisfaction with their health insurance / health insurance. The future introduces two innovations of information storage data of the insured: a the electronic health card (eGK) with all essential health-related data to the person of the insured person, on the other hand the electronic patient file (ePA) with all important data about disease gradients of the insured person. The German insured look forward to positive impact of the introduction of the electronic health card. Almost every second respondent is the planned introduction of positive versus (48%), approximately of the respondents is still undecided, she rejects another quarter (rather) down. A significantly higher acceptance identified a population-representative study was carried out in early 2009 on behalf of TK. Thereafter, welcome the introduction about three quarters of the population, expect that this abuse of the cards goes back and they benefit later from other applications such as the electronic health record (ePA). The agreement among the participants from the German electronic health card test regions (87% agree) was even greater.

    Skepticism is there especially for the surveyed doctors: 4 doctors interviewed by 5 to speak, only to develop the system before the start (press release of TK). As the M + M of insurance barometer 2010 results, younger citizens are in favour of the electronic health card (eGK) and the applications in the future with her more often than older citizens. But the planned introduction of the electronic patient record (ePA) with the individual medical history included lab findings, operation reports and X-rays will be positively assessed with clear tendency. .

  • General 12.07.2017 Comments Off on Health Insurance Contribution

    Maximum rises almost 280 euro privately have many advantages. Who is however independent, must completely alone press his health insurance contribution without the help of a grant offered by the employer. In this case very well have it workers, who earn enough to be insured with a private health insurance and have to pay thus only a part of the health insurance contribution. The online portal geld.de informs that 2012 maximum for this grant has been increased even more. Private health insurance can have many advantages. It is connected first of all but also with comparatively higher contributions.

    For self-employed persons, it is possible to insure themselves with a private health insurance without any problems. For workers, the conditions will be, however, different. They are usually insured in one of the statutory funds. The insurance limit, was to be included anyway with a private insurer, 2011 49,500 euro, with the first of January she lifted $50.850. Crucial There is the so-called contribution assessment ceiling for the amount of the grant by the employer. It indicates to what extent the gross income of the insured can be used for the payment of insurance premiums.

    This year the limit is 45.900 euro, this means a grant by the employer not to exceed 279,23 euros a month. In 2011 the contribution assessment ceiling at 44.550 euro and the monthly maximum subsidy to the insurance contribution amounted to 271,01 euros. As workers who want to switch to a private insurance, must adhere to a one-year period. Only after this year, insurance with a private fund is allowed.

  • General 26.04.2017 Comments Off on Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans, They Are Helpful To Become Debt Free

    Reputable credit card debt consolidation loan services for people having much credit card debt do you have too many credit cards? Most of them maxed out? Then you need to start considering consolidating credit card debt. Today the average debt load of American consumers is approximately $6000 this is the level of credit card debt that is considered normal. If you are one of a growing number of consumers for whom credit card debt is closer to $10,000, you may be in need of credit card debt consolidation loan services. There any many negative if you have too much credit card debt. Let’s face it, nobody likes to carry credit card debt, but in many cases it is necessary especially if you don’t have the money to pay them off. But with high interest Council of turning more and more of your monthly payments to interest costs, it’s no wonder so many American consumers are finding themselves in extreme levels of debt. This is happening to you if: calls from aggressive debt collection agencies, and in the case of people with multiple cards, collection calls from so many agencies, that it’s hard to keep track of who’s who. Increasing anxiety or even depression about your credit can not buy anything because all you money is paying cards off credit card debt consolidation services may be the answer for you.

    Most companies who help in consolidating credit card debt have on experienced staff of agents ready to inform and help you. In most cases, clients receive a reduction of up to 70% on existing credit card debt and a reduced interest rate on the remaining debt to be paid off. Why even a bad credit debt consolidation program may work for you is that it stops the harassing calls and your interest Council will in most cases be lowered, and there is a good chance that a large percentage of your debt will be forgiven. One thing not to do is fall for ads offering unsecured debt consolidation loans. These are usually a sham. Don’t get conned. If you are suffering from on way too much credit card debt, you have everything to gain by contacting one of the reputable credit card debt consolidation services. In fact, offer our free consultation and have people ready to talk most to you 24 hours a day.

  • General 29.03.2017 Comments Off on Federal Republic

    Later, the Turks attempted in the 17th century Vienna to conquer. Both violations have failed. Today, there are Muslim extremists who want to claim Spain and Europe for Islam. Basically, at this time, life expectancy was not even nearly as high as it is today. Many families had to earn their money and the threat of fire, death and theft was pervasive. Large parts of Europe in the early middle ages were lawless spaces. These parts also included the present-day Federal Republic of Germany.

    So artisans, families and monarchs could ensure their relatives, countless death funds and fire funds were founded by guilds. Guilds were associations of several people who secured the risk of the individual in the event of damage by their membership dues. In fact, they were comparable with the death tills of ancient Roman and Greek. One of the few documents of Charlemagne Act prohibition addressed to the guilds, to establish any association. “Free to conquer the motto and parts” it was forbidden the guilds to join forces and thus a larger Union to establish. Both the State and the Church feared a third great power in the middle ages. For this reason, many guilds to fail were doomed. The principle of the Guild worked until, at once entered several claims and the claims of victims not to one hundred per cent could be secured.

    No wonder, then, that the principle of insurance nor prevailed in the early middle ages as in Greek and Roman antiquity. Basically, this insurance principle was doomed to failure in modern times until far in the early. The fire guilds of the middle ages are often considered a precursor of today’s insurance industry research. While some years ago, many researchers measured with little importance the middle ages, there are now many scientists, which clearly highlight the importance of guilds for the today’s insurance industry and today’s life insurance. Summary can be said so, that in the middle ages the course for the future of Europe were laid. These points were placed not only in the field of world politics but also for the insurance industry. Due to the missing mathematical foundations insurance could not prevail but long.

  • General 06.07.2016 Comments Off on Heino Hildebrandt

    The annual travel insurance will be increased, or it is booked a one time insurance to. (6) with or without excess – is a travel insurance can be with or without excess be completed. Unless the contract without deductible is agreed, the insurer shall in the eligible claim the cancellation costs in full. Should however an excess consider the contract partner must in the eligible claim take 20% of the cancellation charges itself. We recommend both offers to catch up, often there is very considerable, how small the differences are. (7) also a travel insurance can be completed with an age limit nee data of the passenger -, therefore the dates of birth are very crucial.

    But older people find the desired insurance coverage, there are contracts with no age limit. (8) life journey participants in domestic community – family insurance can often only be completed unless the adults in household living. But of course we can offer you alternative deals. It is a lot to note to conclude an agreement. Secure travel available to the customers with advice and assistance to the side and provide different services. Then, the interested party can decide whether the conclusion directly online to come, or whether the offer by mail is desired.

    We provide our customers the possibility to check the required travel insurance. Any questions prior to the conclusion should be to clarify we are pleased about the recall. The response our clients confirmed us daily that we very satisfactory advise and we are happy to recommend. We set ourselves targets – that we can only meet if our customers behind us. Simply contact us and try our service. We are looking forward to your call.

  • General 20.10.2015 Comments Off on AssCompact TRENDS

    Sales mood of brokers on year low / special section ‘Claims management’: intermediary contact 30 minutes daily to Eltville am Rhein, 07.12.2011. Sales sentiment in the market, the brokers and multiple agents fell from 85.2% to up-to-date 75.1% during the year. Despite this year low more than three quarters of respondents are thrilled and satisfied with their present distribution situation. 43.4% of the respondents have a better sales than in the same quarter of the previous year in the current quarter. Current product sales of the intermediaries in the future importance of the product line being mirrored views and trends with the help of the product trend indicator.

    Therefore the mediators see the most important products of the next one to five years within the Division biometric risks currently”, such as private long-term care insurance, basic capability security, dread disease insurance and supplementary health insurance. Check out PCRM for additional information. The choice of best product providers from intermediary point of view is in a total of 26 different broker Favorites unchanged part of the AssCompact trend studies Product categories. “In the Feldder home insurance” there following rankings this time among the top 10 providers: top favorite of the respondents is the VHV, followed by the Ammerlander insurance. The InterRisk that could displace the insurance fund Darmstadt 4th is new on the podium as third parties. The Interlloyd makes the biggest jump within the top 10 and rises to two seats when compared to the previous quarter.

    Extract home insurance: rank home insurance of 1 VHV 2 Ammerlander of 3 InterRisk 4. liability fund Darmstadt of 5. generali of 6 AXA 7 Domcura AG of 8 Interlloyd 9 Gothaer 9 Janitos survey special section: claims management / claims the special part delivers valuable information about such as the intermediary the subject claims management / assess claims and what experience in this area. So the process of the subjective perception of intermediary exactly under the microscope was taken nine thing products: how many claims, in which product line, which brokers effort have brokers with their thing stock actually? And which product providers are professionals in the claims handling and the management from the perspective of the agent? The average cost of the intermediary (is 49.3 years, to over 40% referred to the material / HUK business as its business focus and whose annual premium for the managed Kompositbestand in the median is 120.000.-EUR) for claims management per working day is about half an hour.


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