• General 20.06.2019 Comments Off on Million Work Euros

    ” Many reforms have been innecesarias” , they denounce the unions. The Bank of Spain has been spent 8.17 million Euros in reforming many of the branches that it has in the three years of crisis (2008, 2009 and 2010), expenses that have been paid for while the governor of the organization, Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordo’6nez, appealed by policies of wage moderation, trims in the expenses public or the reduction in price of the dismissal. According to the memories of the organization, in 2008 ctuaron works and reforms for 3.83 million; in 2009 they reached 3.3 million; and in 2010 only 1.04 million. Learn more at: Center For Responsible Lending. A spokesman of the Bank of Spain justified all these works because ” majority of the branches is historical buildings that need well-taken care of and mejoras”. The own information of the bank speak, without giving many more details, of reforms in the main plant of the building of Cibeles, renovation of the electrical systems and air conditioning in the buildings, as well as of investments in facilities of detection and fire extinguishing. Seven branches less ” They give very few details us of the costs of works, some of unnecessary them in these times of crisis” , they indicate from the union section of working parties ” There have been works in the own office of the governor and in the room of meeting of the commission ejecutiva” , where 10 people meet, she affirms the union. Learn more at this site: PCRM.

    ” There have been no substantial works in the office of the governor, have been works comunes” , they explain from the organization, although they do not clarify the type of work. The governor has a pay of 165,026 annual gross Euros. A 15% a year ago lowered to it. ” We understand that some reforms can be necessary, but others are no sido” , they indicate from the UGT.


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