• General 26.07.2020 Comments Off on Earth Rotation

    However, many websites that distribute information on disasters and catastrophes, are making a lot of effort to mislead people by using the technique 'to lure and deceive. " They argue that there is a relationship between the rotation and magnetic polarity of the Earth, change which is random, and a change of the magnetic poles are, on average, every 400.000 years. To our knowledge, such a change of the magnetic poles is absolutely harmless to life on Earth. In any case, highly unlikely that a change of the magnetic poles has occurred over the next few millennia. But the false web sites falsely claim that the change of the magnetic poles will soon (in 2012), and that this equivalent to changing the poles of rotation, or initiates a change. So to summarize: a) The direction of rotation is not related to magnetic polarity.

    b) There is no reason to expect a change of magnetic polarity, at least in the near future time, or expect any adverse impacts on life in the event that it will eventually happen. c) The sharp change in poles of rotation with disastrous consequences impossible. Also, none of the above factors has any relation to the galactic equator, or any other nonsense on building a series that appears on many websites, spreading a conspiracy theory. 11. When most the planets line up in a row in 2012, and the planet Earth will be in the center of the Milky Way, which later this parade of planets expected to earth? Could this lead to a shift of the poles, and if so, what can we expect? In 2012, as in any other time in the next few decades, the parade of planets will not.

  • General 14.09.2019 Comments Off on West Bengal Birds

    Last week, the birds affected by oil spill in the Kerch Strait and environmentalists gathered a half months ago, was released in Dinskoy Bay, where winter is now hundreds of them tribesmen. More than a month environmentalists and volunteers fought for the lives of birds and 14 February, healthy birds, ready to return to their natural habitats have been released into their natural habitats. However, unfortunately, not able to save all the birds. Recall storm November 11, 2007 caused an unprecedented incident in Azov and Black seas: one day sank four ships and six stranded, two tankers were damaged. Of the faults tanker 'Volganeft-139' spilled into the sea about 2 thousand tons of fuel oil in the sunken cargo ship is about 7000 tons of sulfur.

    New 'victims' of avian flu, people, economy and even in badminton, while the Ukrainian and Russian ecologists and ornithologists are fighting for the life of the Crimean birds affected by oil spill, in other parts our planet continue to fight the scourge of avian flu. Critical is the situation in the Indian state of West Bengal, where the poultry industry losses caused by flash deadly virus H5N1, is estimated nearly $ 130 million. An even more serious situation with bird flu in Vietnam. Vietnamese authorities announced Thursday the second since the beginning of the year event of the death of man from bird flu. Overall, since 2003 in Vietnam from bird died of influenza 49. According to the number of victims of the virus is second only to the country of Indonesia, where he died from more than 100 patients.

  • General 09.02.2012 Comments Off on Member States

    By individualism we mean the desire of class, nation, state to the satisfaction of their class, national, public interest, and under collectivism – the ability of class, nation, state recognize the need to limit their own claims to better meet the needs of their fellow opposition. For example, despite the seemingly high degree of civilization of the modern human society, individualism, most nations is at the level of medieval savagery. This, for example, the question of the presence of the right to do most nations have their own independent nation-state, while some nations are deprived of that right by the same majority. And the worst part is that this savagery is fixed in international law as the principle of inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity, a principle which, perhaps, can be called the greatest folly, born 20th century. CBC has similar goals. Since the birth of human society, and to this day, the main problem of giving birth to the vast majority of social conflicts is the problem distribution between individuals, classes, nations and states of life benefits.

    And because social progress, since the birth of human society, and to this day, there is progress in public distribution system life benefits among the members of this society. And because the vast majority of social revolutions, from the birth of human society, and to this day, were aimed at a more equitable distribution of vital goods between Member States society. Progress of the "individual – the individual" is, above all, improving the distribution of wealth produced in society, or that the same thing, reducing the exploitation of man by man.

  • General 13.11.2011 Comments Off on Krasnoyarsk Territory

    Japanese government source said last week that the U.S. has not agreed to by half reduce emissions by the middle of the century. Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany will seek to progress in climate protection and the fight against global warming. In the field of climate protection, the industrialized countries should be based on progress at the summit a year ago the Group of Eight in Heiligendamm, North German, says Merkel. Recall, then the participants declared their intention to counter the global warming the planet to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at least 50 percent.

    Merkel believes that the struggle for climate protection is the responsibility of not only industrial countries but also countries with transition economies – Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, which "should make their own efforts in climate protection." Oleg Mitvol checks prosecutors? On Thursday, July 3, the head of Rosprirodnadzor Vladimir Kirillov sent a request to the Prosecutor General on the review of his deputy Oleg Mitvol. It was on the audit oil company Yangpur 'working in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (Yamal). The decision to preparation of a request made at the meeting Kirillov June 26, from which, as previously reported, Mitvol removed five minutes after the start of his disagreement with his superiors. Kirillov called for an internal investigation inspections conducted on the initiative of Rosprirodnadzor Mitvol in the republics of Komi, Tatarstan, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Rostov Region. In response to the actions of the Kirillov Mitvol expressed hope that "the prosecutor's office will check and me and my work head ', also noting that the prosecutor intends to file a reply address, which will affect, in particular, the recent appointment of Rosprirodnadzor.


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