• General 03.12.2019

    tack to one I credit for telephone, currently it is faced as a trivial and recurrent thing of the Portuguese, as it occurs with I credit online to it. Source: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . For that they had never made none and they are to think to make one is explained here as everything is processed step by step. Clearly that they exist much company in the market, and all they operate in different way, but the process is always similar to the following one: I credit For Telephone: To telephone is the first step Is telephoned for the number of the company, regularly appears publicitado in the Internet, the television, periodicals, the magazines etc This phone call serves basically to present our interest and to supply our dwelling. Later we will receive in our house forms, documentation and contract to fill and to sign. They always supply also an envelope RSF so that let us not have costs with the Post offices. As soon as we will have everything correctamente filled and signed we deliver the documentation for the financial entity. In this phase we will have that to supply equally the account bank clerk for where we desire that the transference is efectuada.

    We also have that to decide the amount that we desire and the stated period of duration of the contract. For norm, costuma to be requested stops beyond the contract: A Photocopy I number of it of contributor; A photocopy of the BI; Photocopy of the two last receipts of expiration, or in the case of being a on account proper worker, finishes it declaration of IRS; A comprovativo of dwelling (any of the water, telephone or electricidade can be a receipt); A comprovativo of the NIB (in this in case that it is frequent to send a simple photocopy of a check or a trade bill of account) Second step I credit in it: To wait the Approval After terms sent the signed contract we have that to wait for the approval I credit of it. Later to receive the documentation, will be everything correctamente filled, the companies costumam to be sufficient quick to approve one I credit for telephone, many approve exactly in 24 hours. This reply, normally it is given by telephone. is alone this, if it feels that it needs more information on credits for telephone blog visits mine where I supply much information gratuitously.

    Posted by millionaire @ 6:33 pm for General |

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