• General 07.02.2017

    Falling into accommodation in certain situations in life is easy and sometimes gives the feeling of happy to have favourable conditions that others do not have, when we become accustomed to other people to solve some problems in our life we are totally away from the light of power to act and enlighten our lives. Dependence on the only thing that creates is mediocrity and futility, why you be alert to avoid it because it usually comes into our lives in a manner so secretive that not even we are aware of it, we quote an example where a person begins to face economic problems due to the lack of employment, decided to resort to their relatives and originally the idea sounds goodIt makes a small station there for while it resolves the problem, some manage to resolve it quickly and again return to independence, but a large number will become wealthy and solution almost never arrives. What is the risk to seek help in less adversity? That his mind will get used to others to solve their life and each day will have a lesser autonomy, then is creating a mental path of dependence and then change it can be quite hard. One of the features of the subconscious mind is looking for action when pressed to the end, we return to the case of the person who has been without employment, if seeking help in the family and there has it all, then internally your mind will say: I’m well, here I have everything, there is nothing that worry, quiet, mira television what? The mind is not feeling the pressure of change, then the likelihood of the problem being reduced, because you yourself do not sit in a State of emergency. Now suppose the case that this person’s family is far away and does not have any form of help, then is person looking for employment and what happen? The mind will say I’m hungry, my life is in danger if I don’t have to eat, I am adrift etc. .

    Posted by millionaire @ 1:33 pm for General |

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