• General 12.04.2012 Comments Off on Terceirizaes

    Almda question of the mapping of costs, exists a difficulty technique nacomparao between the costs and a proposal of a supplier. Distinct methodologies decusteio, such as cost standard, cost for absorption, or costing, geramresultados ABC different. Amy Pinkos often says this. If the expenditure method to move during the project, acomparao hardly will be possible. Seuma company clearly has a process of expenditure of YOU to the level of services, osgestores has a bigger chance to reduce costs throughout the time. With umcusto operational reduced, the return of the terceirizao project will be bemmenor or inexistent. Therefore, if the cost will be the factor of bigger weight in decisode to terceirizar, the company would not have Terceirizar. That is, afirmarque is reasonable the companies who terceirizam to reduce costs are those that we are unaware of costs of YOU to the level of services.

    This does not imply that the companies quecontrolam the costs of YOU in the tip of the pencil do not terceirizam or not to deveriamterceirizar. But business will be more difficult to construct one marries of terceirizao that is viable without profits of scale, flexibility or without strategical projects with the supplier. Apso terceirizao project, the company needs a new structure to paragerir the relationship with the supplier and to disassemble the previous one. Without a new organization, the contract of Terceirizao passes to be managed by noespecializados professionals. The quality of the ficarcomprometida management and the costs highest. Very frequent, the premises dereestruturao after the terceirizao also do not happen. The company mantmparte of the original structure, keeping the fixed costs.

    The elimination of the custosvariveis does not make possible the project. Therefore, definition problems organizacional daestrutura increase the operational costs. Participeide a project of terceirizao of YOU that it increased clearly costs.

  • General 09.04.2012 Comments Off on Importance Capital

    it must convert each chance into educative experiences of society sustainable. 10 – The ambient education must help to develop an ethical conscience on all the life forms with which we share this planet, to respect its vital cycles and to impose important limits the exploration of these forms of life for the human beings. Ahead of what we want for our planet therefore without it we will not have parents in the future, we must surpass our small acts, in relation the ambient education where we must in them strengthen more in the exploration of the capital stock of our pupils and same of our citizens. The principles above are a north so that our attitudes and behaviors while citizens of this world, s let us worry as to only devir with a pain future headquarters and deep misery and degradation of the race human being, the social nets can taking in them to a more efficient learning of our situation, therefore cannot in them refute the importance of the capital stock. Normally, the capital stock mentions the implicit value to it of the internal and external connections of a social net.

    However, it is common to find a great variety of definitions interrelated of the term. Such definitions tend to partilhar the central idea of ' ' that the social nets have value econmico' '. In the same way that a crack key (that is an example of physical capital) or the pertaining to school education (that is formadora of human capital) can increase the productivity of individuals and organizations, the social contacts and the way as these if also relate are factors of economic development. Each point placed in these principles takes by in the one responsibility while educators, therefore we are to each day that passes producing knowledge erudite, being that who must know as to help to decide social problems is the people, are the citizens of our Brazil, those that poluem due to education, responsibility, ignorance.

  • General 01.04.2012 Comments Off on Brazilian National Problem

    Apartir daqui, we can infer that the organization of the State and its relations with asociedade start to be of a strong corporative character, since oEstado absorbs the social conflicts, stop in as regulating them to a movement. Draibe standes out that industrialization in Brazil implied in the acquisition porparte of the State of capitalist structures. (pp.43-5) Apartir daqui the fights between the capital and the work necessarily passes pordentro of the State, that in turn filters the particular conflicts and osinteresses. Thus, the definition of a project politician for Brazil partirdaqui becomes the place of the autonomy of the State, and the conformity of the national unidadepoltica. However, the device of State is not monolithic, tampoucocoeso, and places (tecno) the bureaucracy in the center of the conflicts. The process deconsolidao of the State ' ' Leviat' ' Brazilian if operated in the period 1930-60, and foium different and discontinous process.

    (DRAIBE, pp.49-54) the Function of the Sevamos Intellectual to speak here on the relation eest> each one its way casobrasileiro, and that thus it is necessary to think a theory especificamentebrasileira politics, and that of account to explain the Brazilian politics, and to give to projects defuturo to Brazil while nation. They possess diverse projects of futures, eesses projects will determine the theories proposals. Leaving of the deintelectual definition displayed previously, we can infer that lcus of ondeeles leaves will determine its ideas. AlbertoTorres, in the Brazilian National Problem (1978), places the problem dafalta of a national unit and one ' ' practical national spirit, dasolidariedade patritica' ' the superiority of the faction spirit (pp.84-5). The force of the interests and the force of the ideas would exist then, that would exist emplanos separate. It would be between the intellectuals and the governing that mental Brazilian would circulate eager, and whose mediocrity would not surpass the nacionalbrasileiro problem. However, ' ' the lack of adaptation of knowing and the patriotism speculiaridades of the land and the people brasileiro' ' (p.89) they would be that also she would be citadopor Gilbert Freyre in Sobrados and Mucambos of the imported architecture dePortugal and applied here literally, completely in disagreement with the climatropical (p.96).


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