• General 21.05.2012 Comments Off on Surveys Remunerated

    Much people look for sites of network of paid surveys. It is difficult to find these legitimate sites due to the amount of fraudulent sites that the unique thing that wants is your information to sell it. More info: Dale Atkins, Ph.D.. When she tries herself for the first time to register itself in site of paid surveys first that must be taken into account is the design of his site in network. A site of legitimate network is proud of its site and has an excellent presentation not like which it seems they mounted that it to last hour. A design tuna demonstrates that the owners have spent time and work in their operation and is not looking for a few dollars if not a permanent business. For example if the page only consists of a pair of paragraphs that request your electronic mail to you, it is very probable that it is some type of swindle, avoids east type of sites. Another very important thing when you look for a legitimate company of surveys is that they have a privacy policy to know how exactly they think to protect your information.

    If a site does not have a privacy policy this would have alarmarte and convencerte of which you do not register yourself with them. Since you are going to give them much personal information you must asegurarte that the receiver plans not to use your information. You must asegurarte that your information is not used for subjects that your you do not want is used. Also it looks for, in its policy of privacy, if they guarantee your anonymity. Another thing that you must consider is exactly what is what you want to do in that site. Much people will say that they are in favor there only of the money reason why they will have to register itself in a site that pays in cash. Other sites pay with certificates of gift, points or tickets for drawings. Although the prizes are good if what you look for it is money you only must registrarte in the sites that pay in cash.

  • General 18.05.2012 Comments Off on Firefox Videos

    INSTALLATION If never you have installed a complement of Firefox, follows these instructions: It sees the menu Tools/Complements, abre a window with 5 icons in the separate superior, we first pressed on Obtener complements ; in the following window in his part right superior there is a text in blue that puts: To examine all the complements. In this new window there is a picture of searches, there we put Video DownloadHelper and we initiated search, will be first in the list of found, now is only necessary to beat to add to Firefox so that it settles. After reinitiating Firefox, already we will be able to see the icon of Download Helper in the bar of tools of navegador.MODO OF USOCuando you want bajarte one of the videos that abound in Internet, you must do the following thing: – dale to play so that it begins the reproduction soon we went to the icon of Download Helper and punctured on the small triangle that there is to the right of this, then it will show to the title of the video and a series to us of action that we can do with. – elije Descargar and will abrir a window so that you choose where you want to keep it and that is all easy one truth. In this example empeamos the option To unload but you can choose To unload and to turn, to send to the reason, etc. OBSERVATIONS: – State of the unloading: When we lowered a video would have abriese a window that shows the state to us of the unloading. But this will depend on how we have formed Firefox. In case one is not you must go a: Tools/ Options, and in the main eyelash you must activate the square Mostrar the unloading window when a file unloads .

    – It can happen: It can happen that we are seeing a video and that when deciding to lower we see it that Download Helper shows to us more of a video to unload; this is normal, since in the same page can execute some small video although we do not see it, or continues considering the videos of some page that we finished leaving. In these cases we must guide us by the title of the video or if it is not more remedy to rough estimate, that is to say, to lower to us more than one and to eliminate not wished. – More than one simultaneously: We do not have to hope to that it finishes unloading a video, to unload the following one, since the program can unload several videos simultaneously. – Also audio: The program is not limited to unload videos, if not that also can unload audio podcasts . – I do not see the video: It can happen that you are seeing a video and that you decide that you want to unload it, but, it does not appear in the list of unballastable videos; no you worry, the solution is the following one: it backs down in the navigator, it returns to enter the page that contains the video and dale to play, now certainly appears in the list of videos to unload.

  • General 14.05.2012 Comments Off on Cells Mother Of The Umbilical Cord Help To Include/understand The Origin Of The Infantile Leukemia

    The ABC newspaper has recently published an investigation of Unit R+D of the University of Alcala (UAH), in which they demonstrate how the present cells mother in the blood of the umbilical cord can use two different routes of differentiation to generate the cells producing of antibodies, lymphocytes B. This investigation, published in the magazine of the Academy of Sciences of the United States, allows to find the lineage of human B-1 lymphocytes, different from the B-2 cells that are majority in adults and the unique ones known until now in the man. The authors are shortage normal cell B morning call of tumorlike transformation in the patients of linfoblstica leukemia infantile B, and possibly implied in other physiopathological mechanisms that they affect great part of the population. The results of the study represent an advance in the fundamental knowledge of the genesis of the immune system and have implications in diseases of great social impact. Investigator Eva Sanz and her collaborators, have drawn up the destiny of each descending cell of the population ” madre” during the first 10 generations of cellular division of its lineage to demonstrate it. ” The findings of our study are first in demonstrating that human lymphocytes B can be created by two routes of different ancestors who share analogous properties to the lineages of cells B-1 and B-2 of ratn” , Sanz explains. The B-1 cells are implied in mechanisms of disease like the cancer, in the production of responsible natural antibodies in antiinfectious defense, and the product retirement implied in degeneration in pathologies common in old, like the oxidized cholesterol elimination to avoid the aterosclerosis.

    Source: ABC On IVIDA IVIDA is the Bank of umbilical cord of lVI, European reproductive medicine leader with 22 clinics and is present in 8 countries. IVIDA offers an integral service of preservation of the umbilical cord, giving the possibility to the families of conserving the sample of new born in the located public bank in soothes of Madrid or in the private bank located in soothes of Lisbon. IVI, with more than 20 years to the service of the reproduction, it guarantees to the IVIDA patients the absolute control of all the process, from the collection of the sample to the freezing of the same.

  • General 02.05.2012 Comments Off on Jose Alencar One

    The leadership of the country per the next years will be under responsibility of one of the two and writing to more pages in the Brazil Book. Leaving partisan passions of side, all the presidents had had important paper in the writing of this recent history. What the country lives today started with Fernando Collor, if they remember the opening of market? Frank Itamar, Fernando Enrique, Squid and Brazil growing and if firming in the world-wide scene. It is hypocrisy and fallacy any one of the cited leaders to want to sign ' ' Brasil&#039 project; '. Time for another one we see one of them ' ' beating in peito' ' saying I made.

    In all the administrations we have that to open social parentheses for denunciations of corrupes and facts that had evidenced mazelas and disrespect with the human being and the people in some spheres. All the governments had had virtues and imperfections. Coming back to the campaign, the candidate of the Green Party Marina Hisses, third placed, did not innovate and its speech was pautado in the environment, as already it was of if waiting. They in the media fit to the excessively canditados ones to complain of the destined time and to criticize in vehement way the Brazilian public politics, as making a mistake was had all. Regionally, ' ' all equal one as was antes' ' , already an old friend said.

    Rare exceptions, it seems mood program. Exactly that it seems paradoxical, since the Marketing Politician is considered cold, strategical and calculating, as human being taste to observe people in the way and to learn with them. I cited in one of my texts, sincerely I do not remember which, the capacity of vice president Jose Alencar in dealing with the adverse one, its personal fight is example for all the Brazilians I was fan of this human being when seeing it to make a speech moved in a meeting in Belo Horizonte.


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