• General 27.08.2013 Comments Off on Southeast

    Wind North component moderated in the northern half and the coast, with intervals of Fort in the coastal Atlantic and loose in the rest. Asturias: very cloudy sky. Weak rain or drizzle, mainly in the littoral zone and possibility of some shower with storm in the mountains. Temperatures falling, light to moderate the minimum and moderate to remarkable highs. Wind from the West and Northwest loose, with intervals of moderate on the eastern seaboard. Cantabria: mostly cloudy sky with weak rain or drizzle, mainly in the littoral zone. Temperatures falling, the minimum light and moderate to remarkable highs. Wind from the West and Northwest, moderated in the littoral and loose in the rest.

    Basque country: mostly cloudy sky with weak rainfall. Temperatures falling, the minimum light and moderate to remarkable highs. Jim Joseph may find this interesting as well. Wind from the West and Northwest, moderated in the littoral and loose in the rest. Castile and Leon: cloudy intervals increasing to scattered clouds. Weak showers to moderate, which can be locally strong go accompanied by storm, more frequent and in mountain areas and that will be moving during the day from Northwest to Southeast. Minimum temperatures unchanged although they can descend slightly to the Northwest and climb slightly in the South.

    Temperatures maxims descend remarkably in the northern third and with decreased moderately in the rest. light variable winds. Navarra: intervals of middle and high clouds, rising to cloud or clouds, with moderate showers and storm. Minimum temperatures in light or moderate rise, and maximum in moderate decline, locally notable. Wind from North component, loose, with intervals of moderate intensity. La Rioja: increasing intervals of middle and high clouds, cloudy or cloudy, with moderate showers and storm. Minimum temperatures in light or moderate rise, and maximum in moderate decline, locally notable. Wind variable, tending to loose or moderate northern component. Aragon: intervals of middle and high clouds, rising to cloud or clouds, with moderate showers and storm.

  • General 17.08.2013 Comments Off on Bullfighter Ortega Cano

    / The last medical party indicates that it is stable within the seriousness. Meanwhile, the Civil Guard investigates the accident in which one person died and in which Ortega Cano could have invaded the opposite lane. The Board of the State Association of victims of traffic accidents requests that the Bullfighter should pay for their recklessness. The status of the farmer and bulls exmatador Jose Ortega Cano is stationary, as he has indicated this Tuesday a family member. Everything remains the same.

    It does not advance forward, but must not kick. The situation is stationary () are on the lookout. Still in the fight, with the hope that everything is going to overcome, were the last words of the relative of the bullfighter, who last Saturday was involved in a traffic accident. The unique medical part facilitated this Tuesday by the hospital Macarena in Seville, where it is entered, pointed out Tuesday that the patient continued sedoanalgesiado and connected to mechanically ventilated in the ICU, while their situation It remained stable within the seriousness. Rumors disseminated by some media suggested that his State had deteriorated by hemorrhages have not been officially confirmed. The accident, under accident investigation took place around 22,40 hours this Saturday, when the vehicle of the former matador collided head-on with another at kilometer 28 A-8002 road which links Seville with Castilblanco de los Arroyos, in particular, at the height of the urbanisation La Colina. As a result of the impact, died the driver of the other vehicle, identified as C.P.A., of 45 years of age. The Civil Guard traffic police group had opened an investigation in order to clarify the circumstances of the incident, although at the moment the first hypothesis point to the former matador de toro invaded the opposite lane causing the deadly collision.

    In this sense, research sources have reported that Jose Ortega Cano was driving at inappropriate speeds, if well not much higher than allowed on that stretch of road, and at one point he invaded the opposite lane colliding with another vehicle. Sources have made it clear that, due to the severity of the wounds that had not it could be subjected to the breathalyzer test, although, according to the testimony of the doctors who attended him, the bulls exmatador not had symptoms of ingesting alcohol. To pay for their recklessness La Board of the State Association of traffic accident victims (DIA) has urged prosecutors to act against the Bullfighter Ortega Cano for his recklessness in the accident. The President of the day, Francisco Canes, has explained that the Board agreed to urge the public prosecutor to require the bullfighter, once it recovers from serious injuries sustained in the accident, to pay for this recklessness fatal even with jail, if applicable. After wishing prompt recovery of the right-handed, Canes has emphasized that this partnership is next to the family of the deceased in the accident and at your disposal for all the assistance that may be required because, as he has lamented, this is the true victim. In this sense, it has denounced the very unfair situation with the real victim of this accident, which is the deceased and her family, and the created wall to hide it because, he said, if the dead had been Ortega Cano, the other person had been criminalized and would go to the wall. Source of the news: the situation of Ortega Cano is “stationary”, according to a family member

  • General 16.08.2013 Comments Off on The Caterpillar

    One day, a caterpillar, said bugs living in your neighborhood was going to climb the great mountain which was at the back of his small metropolis. They all mocked the poor track and with hurtful words were telling him that it was crazy, would die in the attempt, and what would have finished everything and nobody then would surprise her because nobody missed the crazy. The Caterpillar listened with patience everything what she was told, but when everyone laughed more, she lifted up the voice a little and said: thus I can be crazy, but deny me the opportunity to know if I can or not climbing the mountain, that is an option that I haven’t. The next day, all bugs gathered to see it go. A couple of friends who had just learned of the madness of the Caterpillar, they tried to convince her of the task impossible.

    She simply explained to them: I will not die, but if that happens, at least remember me by wanting to see beyond what others see. He began to walk in the middle of a mockery, but he is not thinking. Little by little it was away, until they lost her sight. A group of fireflies volunteered to form an information string. They place in such a way that one pass information to another until it reached the village.

    The first news arrived: the Caterpillar looks tired, but keeps the step without hesitation. A couple of days later: already climbed the slope this, seems that it goes well. Three days later: seems to have problems, looks more tired than ever and very little has happened in relation to the previous days. The next day the news was worse: it seems that it is doing something, but it is not advancing, it is very weak, perhaps it can no longer continue, we will keep them informed. Tension was huge, but everyone expected the unfortunate denouement, which arrived two days later: it has locked himself in a cocoon, it doesn’t case do not see signs of life, and barely reached half of the mountain did not. All bugs waiting for him, nobody had never done it before, and no one would try it again after the failure of that deranged Caterpillar. But a few weeks later, while one of the fireflies walked near where he watched the feat to keep informed of the village, without being so close, just enough to see the mountain, the chrysalis panoramically is shook violently. Firefly noticed it, and flew fast to give notice and assemble information line. The cocoon was breaking, it was possible that the Caterpillar were still alive after so many days? The first news came: something is coming out, it will not delay a little. Almost immediately: is almost entirely outside of the cocoon, it has wings, it became a butterfly. The latest news came: it is now rising, you will arrive at the top, no doubt will reach the top. And the Caterpillar (which was more like a butterfly), arrived. We will always face all kinds of adversity, but our decision is to keep watching our star, that star that will guide us to the place we want to reach. And today, as you read these final lines, I ask you, are ready to pay the price of seeing your star despite everything? Original author and source of the article

  • General 11.08.2013 Comments Off on Derek Gehl

    Then point your particular areas of interest and skills in a list. Sounds difficult? Don’t worry, am going to make this easy for you. Derek Gehl to find special skills questionnaire. The following questions are designed to make you think about those issues that really excite you. 1.

    Do you practice any sport? 2. What if you have a million dollars and a week of time free, you would do? Point the first activities that will come to mind. 3 What web sites visit is when surfing the internet? Do topics cover? 4. What have you won a trophy or prize ever? Why is it won? 5. What you has been postulated ever to perform some community service? Do you what he did? 6 Do you have pets? What kinds? 7. Do you have children? What better makes about being a father? What have you found most challenging? 8. Do you have any kind of specialized education? Have you taken classes on a topic that you like? Do you have any kind of continuing academic education? 9.

    What has you offered is how to volunteer anywhere? What he learned through this experience? 10 Have you ever has gone through a particularly challenging experience, and has become stronger than before? What was it challenging? And what did to overcome it? 11 What perpetual achievement are you most proud? What did you learn from this experience? 12 Do you have first hand knowledge about any medical illness or problem? Do in this case, what? 13. Do you collect something? In that case, what you collect? 14 What TV programs do you enjoy more? Do hear what kind of music? Do you attend theater events or other events related to the arts? 15. Why something exists what has always wanted really do or learn more about it, but? has it simply not had time? Once you have finished, give answers to these 15 questions, pay special attention to that received a positive reply strongest part of him.

  • General 08.08.2013 Comments Off on Spain Companies

    Each time that an NGO has problems generates social unrest. Sometimes, this concern reflects the prejudices of those who reject the activity of the Third Sector. They are people who believe that, in the best of cases, a non-profit institution is a machine of squandering resources. They tend to call NGOs NGOs by subsidies which are, but they are surprised when stated them that private companies receive grants infinitely over and not consider them public companies. Other times, those problems served to justify the inhibition to collaborate with non-governmental organizations.

    To have knowledge of an institutional activity as the NGOs, these accountable to society in a transparent manner. In the private sector, the combination of competition and the market make for companies that are not efficient to disappear. The same role exercised the democratic system with the public sector. In the Third Sector, the main mechanism of progress and efficiency is the scrutiny of donors, volunteers, media and society in general. And it is only possible with a full and transparent accountability.

    Accountability and transparency are most useful when they allow the comparison between them, and therefore the election. Public administrations, such as the Spanish Agency for international cooperation for development or the Ministry of Social Affairs, have tracking systems for institutions that subsidize. The Coordinator of development NGO and other groupings of NGOs have codes of conduct and ethical. However, there is a single registry of foundations and non-profit associations. In Spain, the Third Sector is composed of thousands of institutions (although the relevant number is approaching 1. 500), who manage a budget of some 1. EUR 700 million, mobilized more than one million volunteers and employ tens of thousands of people. Spanish NGOs have a very high degree, more than 85%, of compliance with a set of principles of good practice. In addition, this percentage increases each year, which demonstrates a good capacity of learning and improvement.


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