• General 24.02.2014 Comments Off on Nobel Prize

    But aren’t the Swedish academics (or those who postulate candidates) the only animals that are left to overwhelm by their natural vigor natural or cultural when it comes to reward its heroes is the global political right which is in crisis and makes water sketch: Alfred Nobel Foundation pays tribute to who celebrates intelligence, humanity and art to speak of the human species, but founder bequeathed to posterity one of life most affects wars devices invented. However, accepted that it acts by remorse and see in this a sublime trait of man. The Nobel Prize crowned almost exclusively to such luminaries of the human species that belong to the Party say cultural, in the line of the expression war of civilizations, and they stick in the opposite side heads when declare their affections to the high Western political establishment, which is to say that they reward dissent and in many cases to traitors. Hardly conceivable a recognition to the inventors of the atomic bomb if it had been released on the humanity of the ethnocentric Western culture. The Nobel boquean when his estate say premiante, in all branches of human divinity, they bid to create a sort of political Prize, summary of all the contradictions that prevail in the mechanics of the other prizes. At present, the confusion of the political with the sublime or vice versa, is exercised when taking the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize. Without more words, think about the given to Barack Obama, which puts us also to travel back in time and imagine the frustrated mood academic by not having been able to grant Joseph Raymond McCarthy in his time, for their commendable work in pursuit of Communists, human animals these bearers of ideas contrary to human progress, i.e. to own the political power, culture and civilization. But are not Swedish academics (or those who postulate candidates) the only animals that are left to overwhelm by their natural or cultural vigor when it comes to reward its heroes is the global political right which is in crisis and is leaking, placing all its institutionality in the trance of perverting their values and assume the political war in all its areas.

  • General 10.02.2014 Comments Off on The Decisions

    That the human being also has been created with a free will. He is free of being, thinking, to feel, to speak, to act, etc., according to his criterion. He is free to do with his life and with his body which better pleases to him, he even can arrive at the suicide, if he decides therefore it and nobody I could be prevented, except God. Because have occurred to cases in which those that have tried to commit suicide, for example, occurring a shot in the mouth, the pistol has failed to them, coincidence or no, the divine decision could have existed not to achieve its objective. That all the existing human beings in this called planet Earth, are traveling in this grandsima ship towards a destiny without end, around the Sun. That the Earth gives to a return on its own imaginary axis every 24 hours. That the effect of those returns produces the clarity and the darkness, caused by the presence or absence of the solar light, to first is had it call Day and to the second Night, respectively.

    f) That the human being (O-Man woman) is the architect of his own destiny. He is the one who makes the decisions to be a rich or poor person, honest or dishonest, responsible or irresponsible, loyal or disloyal, faithful or unfaithful, etc. Who each individual has the capacity to produce, to generate, to create or to make positive or negative thoughts, capacity to turn to these thoughts into feelings, these in emotions and these in positive, moods or negative, according to he has chosen positive or negative thoughts. That it is an election or decision of each human being to live in a state on calm glad or sad spirit, iracundo or or cheers, or charitable masochistic, egoistic sadist or, with discharge or low self-esteem, with little, to regulate or much love or lack of affection by his own life. That each person is genuine, authentic, original, unique and unique, because equal ones do not exist exactly two, they exist similar, but nonequal, by this each is valuable for God, the others and himself same. Thanks to read, if you want to me to add something to this article more, enveme a message by email: to include it. Original author and source of the article.

  • General 06.02.2014 Comments Off on University Institutes

    To tio/Sr. Rui, for having believed the potential of a perpetual apprentice and for the force that granted to me in the accomplishment of the period of training supervised in the House of Charity of So Paulo Muria-Hospital. To all the fellow workers and friends that of some form they had contributed so that this work carried through. To the colleagues of the group for the espontaneidade and joy in the exchange of information, in a rare demonstration of solidarity, and also for the friendship and becoming the not amused academic life. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from tcoyd. Success for all we. My Tutor of Room Tauana and Supervisora of Sara Period of training, for serenity, patience, wisdom and originalidade that much had contributed for my professional learning while and person. To the Social Assistant Marine Claude, for the valuable contributions, without which this monograph would not have the same quality. To the Institution University North of the Paran, in special the team of professionals of the Muria Polar region, for the affection and support.

    Finally, to the aged ones that they had been citizens of the research that me oportunizaram the great learning. Vocs is a treasure! Very Obliged, to that they are part of my life they had stimulated and me to follow in front. The vocs my immense gratitude! You remember, you remember I At that time you had stars in eyes One hero skill stronger and quick Age that any young man of comboy You remember, remembers I costumava to well more than walk a thousand lguas Pra to be able to search May flowers blue and its hair to decorate Water of the source I tired to drink pra not to age As it wanted to steal of the morning a pretty one for of the sun Today, I do not harvest more flowers of May Nor I am quicker, as the heroes I Am perhaps I am simplismente I eat an old shoe But still I serve if you to want You are enough to pave you me that I heat the cold of its feet.

  • General 05.02.2014 Comments Off on TCC One

    INTRODUCTION the life expectancy of world-wide the aged population comes defying all the social sectors and will go to affect all the dimensions of the life in society. The population aging is a marcante fact of this century. Fruit of many technological, scientific and social conquests throughout century XX. The Brazilian population comes passing for one sped up aging process that modifies the life of the individuals, the familiar structures and the dynamics the society. The new etria distribution comes transforming the demands of the public politics, especially in the direction to guarantee and to promote the rights of the aged citizen. The interest when choosing the subject for the TCC – an Occult and Quiet Reality: House of Muria – Documentary So Paulo Hospital Analysis on the Violence against the Aged one, happens of the period of period of training resulting of the relation dialectic between practical theory and that it was present during the professional formation. In this context I could relate and to live deeply the daily one of the aged population, I had also the chance to develop a research of satisfaction for aged patients interned by accord SUS. From this estimated necessity had the will/to analyze the biosociodemogrficos aspects, that is to know the reality of the aged users of the hospital public net, more necessarily of the House of Charity of Muria- Hospital So Paulo, a time that the same is regional reference, in this direction fomenting the question of the violence visibilizada in the family. The research carried through in field considered to analyze to investigate the aspects of the process of the violence against aged and the familiar conflicts related to this violence, being that after the violence, the first place where the aggressive family/directs this aged one in the case of the city of Muria, is for the general hospital House of Charity of Muria- So Paulo Hospital, therefore this violence if it silences through a disease, who obviously is occulted by the family.


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