• General 27.05.2015 Comments Off on Schneider Gmb

    The ECOJET high-performance magnet system of SCS Schneider GmbH finally convinced and lowers energy costs today to about seven percent. In 1997, he developed the SCS Schneider GmbH and patented ECOJET was this mounted in front of the burner on the supply line. The targeted magnetic force ensures that the molecule chains of passing oil or gas are aligned. Thus, a better access of oxygen to the fuel and therefore a more efficient combustion is possible, since these will be fully implemented. To Helmut sour hammer, executive producer of Pyraser country brewery GmbH & co. KG: The ECOJET-high-performance magnet system SCS Schneider GmbH we succeeded, to reduce the consumption by more than seven percent. 7 percent initially may not be so much sounds, but we save alone at our facility in the boiler house by 2014 approximately 461 tonnes of 347 kg of nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2) and 683 kg sulphur dioxide (SO2) and impressive values.

    Thus we provide not only an efficient contribution to environmental protection, but still enrich our products especially for the environmentally conscious consumer.” No follow up costs Calculating the installation only after the demonstration of efficacy once installed the ECOJET is maintenance-free and cause no additional costs. The SCS Schneider GmbH guarantees the previously calculated energy savings. Marcus Schneider, Managing Director of SCS Schneider GmbH, added: we make our system the customer only charged if the previously calculated savings is actually achieved. To do this we carry out measurements before and after the installation. No economic risk for trying out our effective method, inexpensive and in the long term to reduce energy costs and at the same time to make an important contribution to environmental protection through reduced CO2 emissions was the Pyraser country brewery thus.” More information about the SCS Schneider GmbH and the ECOJET products can be found on the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/scs-cutter / contact for questions: Marcus Schneider SCS Schneider GmbH 29 Middle Road D-34277 Fuldabruck phone: + 49 (0) 561 22 07 01 – 22 fax: + 49 (0) 561 22 07 01 – 15 E-Mail: Internet: Marko Homann, Holger Ballwanz PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the SCS Schneider GmbH developed the SCS Schneider GmbH from the Hessian Fuldabruck, manufactures, sells and installs the ECOJET-line high-performance magnet system. The average energy savings of the ECOJET is around 8 percent.

    Once installed, the ECOJET is maintenance-free and cause no additional costs. The SCS Schneider GmbH guarantees the previously calculated energy savings. Over 4,500 ECOJET systems are already in Germany and the neighbouring countries in the usage and save on heating systems, boilers, ovens or Thermo-oil boilers around 15,000 tonnes of CO2. To neutralize this quantity in nature, it would require about 1.3 million spruce. The SCS Schneider GmbH was founded in 1996 and was 2 and 3 Bayern – sustainable business in the 21st century until moving to Hesse founding member of the environmental pact. The SCS Schneider GmbH is listed on the Greentech Atlas of the Federal Environment Ministry and belongs to the export initiative for energy efficiency of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology. 2008 the ECOJET power Jet was awarded with the bronze of the journal top hotel Star Award. For more information about the SCS Schneider GmbH and ECOJET are accessible on the Internet at.

  • General 27.05.2015 Comments Off on BDSU Congress In Augsburg

    Of the 26.11 29.11.2009 18 new consultants took the student business consulting junior Comtec Darmstadt e.V. at the Congress of the Federal Association of German student consultancies (BDSU). The BDSU is Congress in November to establish one of four Association meeting in the year on which the members of the BDSU come together to work for the Association, new contacts, and to interact with each other. After the common journey of discussions from Darmstadt, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, and Karlsruhe via bus, launched the Congress plenary session with a presentation of the TEFEN AG. Subsequently all participants in their dwellings were started and after a short pause you spent the day in a relaxed setting at an evening event out. David Bershad contributes greatly to this topic. Friday was devoted to the General Assembly. Here presented the progress made in the ministries, as well as changes in the bylaws of the Association.

    Three interesting company presentations were held on this day. In the evening they met in an indoor Beach Club, in which the individual is: competed against each other in a beach volleyball tournament and then cocktails and good music made new acquaintances. Traditionally, the companies workshops were held on Saturday with subsequent business contact trade fair. In the workshops, case studies were edited, personality test, or improved the rhetoric. This year’s companies were including Porsche consulting, Siemens management consulting and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. This, the new consultants from all over Germany received useful information about the career, as well as contact to apply for internships. The evening was celebrated in pre-Christmas atmosphere and tasty food in the first Sunday of Advent. Sunday began with a common brunch, where you had the opportunity to enjoy together with the new linked contacts for the final day.

    Then worked in the internal BDSU focused working groups, to bring forward the Association. After the exciting project presentations of various student consultancies and the last convocation of the General Assembly in plenary, junior Comtec and all other deliberations entered the home and could look back on an eventful weekend. We congratulate Hamid Reza Monadjem on his election as the new Executive Board IT and thank JMS Augsburg e.V. for your hospitality and a successful BDSU Congress. Lukas pure contact: junior Comtec Darmstadt e.V. Studentische Unternehmensberatung c/o Technical University Darmstadt P.o. box 1444 Karolinen 5 64289 Darmstadt phone: (+ 49) 06151 28614 fax: (+ 49) 06151 28405 register Court: Darmstadt Registernumber: VR 2046; Tax number: 007 250 78151 Board: Clara Heppner, Thomas Mohr, Kevin Spurk, Timm Weitzel as Studentische Unternehmensberatung we realize the gap between theory and practice. We offer above average dedicated students the possibility to insert their ideas and their expertise in sophisticated consulting projects for the benefit of our customers. The success is reflected in the trust, the our clients have project teams brokered by us since 1988. Junior Comtec entitled as the first German student consultancy to develop goal-oriented new solutions. We see each project as a new challenge. Benefit from the experience of 20 years of project work. The connection to the TU Darmstadt we have always have the most up-to-date knowledge. Intelligent and innovative concepts emerge from this symbiosis.

  • General 27.05.2015 Comments Off on Auxiliary To Love

    It sees the example of a flower, for we is only plus one between as much. But When we will be able to see beyond we will discover that It is only in the perfume that she exhales and she becomes only for presenting a different tonality of the other flowers. Then we perceive that this becomes it only flowers among others. But it does not leave of being a flower. Thus it is our life, when we allow in them to see, to feel, to hear, to arrest and to teach. When we allow ourselves more as to hug our brothers and say they it when it we is important.

    When we learn with them through its examples. When to learn not to leave pra later what we can make or say. Perhaps tomorrow not, we will have more time. Why already we leave or broke our brother, comes there guilt. in this hour that we perceive how much time we lose. There, we desire to say what it was not said when we could.

    Then we perceive everything. For in such a way my dear brothers We go to hug more We go to love more We go to say more I love you to I. We go to say that we pardon in them and we pardon our brothers We go to assist more We go to make today what perhaps tomorrow it is not, but possible To say To make To love observing To understand the differences Auxiliary To hug To pardon To feel the peace and to transmit the peace. Without fear Without limitation Without, to say later pardon I it. Some day, me book of this hurt. Tomorrow, hug I it If we knew how much she is short The life here in the land We made everything today We would move today Therefore tomorrow God calls the soul to the plain spiritual not we and data, but here the time Fear and the antonym of evolution and the brake that hinders in them to evolve It today hugs that one that to feel will. I say I love you that one made that you to cry. He pardons myself and he pardons that one that you magoou Faz well, in alliviates the soul to them. He allows in them to live without fear of being happy. That God this force onipotente, that it transmits these principles. That it allows in them to make a mistake and to fix That allows in them to have fear. That I allowed in them that we transposed these fears with its examples and light. That the peace of God is felt by all.

  • General 20.05.2015 Comments Off on Internet & Multimedia

    Orders from private individuals and companies to carry out events on self-event.de the long search in a variety of business books and the phone Marathon accounts for, to find the appropriate location and suitable service providers for catering, music, beauty u.v.m. for your own event. self-event offers to browse the possibility in a portal specially tailored to the event industry individuals and companies for service providers of all price classes and completely free of charge and with no obligation to set issues for scheduled events. While the way to a seemingly expensive event agency for costs reasons is often shunned, self-event allows multiple providers to choose and to create a transparency for the unloading consumer by requests from a. Service providers offers self-event the value added of this industry-specific advertising opportunity and the opportunity potential clients through direct offerings on their requests to draw attention.

    Special feature is occurring with extensive contact possibilities Business Directory, which can be used independently of the job portal. Also, self-event takes no placement fee and is thus independent of the order amount. As a special novelty service provider on request of the seeker also on individual components of complex orders can offer and receive a separate charge for these. Thus the chance may be offered small providers at major events to participate. A rating system complements the objective of transparency and supports service providers in quality in the long term to convince. And all for a fair price: free and non-binding registration already from 0,-fee no setup fee no listing fee no obligation to award no placement fee contact: Stephanie Vogel Tel: 030 67 82 69 13 fax: 030 67 82 69 15 self event UG (haftungsbeschrankt) Ernst-Augustin-Strasse 12, 12489 Berlin, Germany

  • General 19.05.2015 Comments Off on Volunteer Ministers

    And that makes the difference between success and failure in life.” L. Ron Hubbard’s learning methodology was originally developed to train chaplains Scientology. The three barriers to learning the he discovered, apply equally for all students, no matter what subject they are trying to learn. Convinced that the honorary-spiritual program is the solution for West Africa, the Freemans joined clergy the goodwill tour of honorary Scientology in 2007, which started just their trip through the region. Goodwill tours of the Scientology Volunteer clergy bring simple but effective methods for improving the living conditions in countries in which Scientology is new, as well as in remote areas such as the Australian outback, the region in the Amazon basin and West Africa. At each location, Scientology Volunteer they train clergy and set up groups that continue their relief activities in the municipality, if the Group of Scientologists is dragged further. The bright yellow 315-square-meter tent includes lecture and instruction rooms.

    It is therefore on any tour in towns and villages as the headquarters. Bright Freeman is responsible for the goodwill tour team of Volunteer Ministers in West Africa and changes to with his wife in the direction of courses and seminars from. Of the 19 subjects who treat these courses and seminars, from the basics of the Organization to resolving conflicts, the methodology of learning is one of the most popular and also patience she is closest to the heart. The Freemans attended with their large tent parts in West Africa, in which Scientology is still not widespread. In the past four years they have assisted Mali and Ghana in Gabon, Cameroon, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, and founded volunteer-spiritual groups. Before Scientology I could have never done that”, expressed patience. One of the first things that can be bought in Scientology, is the ability to communicate. The work on this tour is very demanding.

    Often I don’t even speak the language of the people of that I’m helping. I can come to me but always somehow understand.” Patience loves their work and the tours are the best experiences so far in their lives. Patience is what positive impact have the Scientology methods on people. She says: I know that I’m helping Ghana and throughout Africa and am very proud to be a Scientologist.” More information: press service of SK Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. 089-38607-109 E-mail: WEB:

  • General 11.05.2015 Comments Off on The Ideal Business Model

    Have you thought about working from home and have your own Internet business but do not know if you find the perfect business model for you? Every woman is different and therefore the concept of "ideal business" varies in each case. What matters is that the Internet is a very large and growing, which we fit all. The only requirement is a willingness to work towards our goals with perseverance and an open mind to learn and let us help. Finding the ideal business model for your interests and needs is not impossible, but you must dedicate yourself to think, consider and reconsider your ideas for a few days before deciding to start. Below I detail four steps to find the ideal online business for your needs, and also that suits your interests: 1. Define your passion seems obvious, but many moms forget them define what they really love it. Take some time to think and write what your interests are and choose the theme that fills you.

    It is certainly a topic you know well or at even know where to turn for information. Write down all the details and avoiding simple descriptions. For example, if your passion is cooking, explains what types of menus are those that interest you (vegetarian, traditional, gluten free), what kind of ingredients work, and what kind of people or occasions. 2. Find a market interested in your passion If you're going to make money online, someone must be willing to spend, so look for a market that is interested in your passion.

  • General 06.05.2015 Comments Off on BBE Holst

    8th week of chess in the Billstedt-center Hamburg Hamburg, October 8, 2009. The FreiwiligenBorseHamburg distributed 108 chessboards on October 5 to small thinking athlete. 54 day-care centres with two chess boards were presented during the 8th week of chess of the Billstedt-Center from October 5th-10th. “Bernd p. Holst: volunteering is also from each other learning, a coexistence of large and small”, explains the project leader of the FBH the objective of the action, which opened the week of action in the Billstedt-Center together with the Hamburg Chess Club.

    Throughout the week Schachbegeisterte and those who want to become able to experience live simultaneous tournaments by chess masters in the Billstedt-Center. Each from 15:30 16:30 there is chess lessons for school groups. The voluntary exchange Hamburg Hamburg conveyed across the Union, political – and religion-independent for the sake of time, money and in-kind donations between citizens and organisations in the metropolitan area. Credit: Boy Scouts of America-2011. In the database, maintained by the voluntary exchange and manages tasks are about 1800 1100 projects from more than 600 organizations transparently shown. More information about the project, see or.

    Project Manager Bernd p. Holst is a member of the Federal associations of BBE (www.b-b-e.de) and bagfa.

  • General 06.05.2015 Comments Off on Now Volunteer Work Abroad

    Who wants to spend the summer in a special way, luring the volunteering and internships abroad! Berlin – shortly before the summer holiday is probably the biggest the wanderlust. Jo Mackness brings even more insight to the discussion. Once the long high school diploma in hand longed for most just up and away, want to! Who wants to spend the summer of 2012, in another country, can decide even at short notice for a period abroad with projects abroad. Especially for the double vintage a real alternative: in contrast to programs, whose Platze are limited and require the age of majority, is a volunteering with projects abroad. Projects around the world flexibly and individually planned and already from 16 possible. High school graduates and students can use so even at short notice a voluntary service to bridge or as a holiday program.

    After graduating, I had the firm decision to study medicine. The result of my application was sobering: endless waiting lists, infinitely many applicants. What now? Because I suffer from chronic wanderlust, the decision came rather suddenly and before I even knew what I’m getting myself up, I sat in the plane to Accra. “, reported Johanna about her medical internship in Ghana the program offers volunteer work and internships in 28 countries around the globe.” Participants depending on the interests involved for example in nature conservation in Peru, a nursing internship for medical school in India, or take care of orphaned children in Ethiopia. Through their work, they make an important social contribution and also personally benefit from their use.

  • General 05.05.2015 Comments Off on German Volunteer Association

    “, explains Hans Hachinger, Board member of the German Association honorary e.V.. The German voluntary work Association recommends everyone volunteers dedicated to of their own safety, to check their Association’s activities on the following 12 points: Checklist for each volunteering law certainly our articles of association right? I am personally secured as a Board of Directors for breach of duty? We regularly fulfil our duty? Is our home safe? Have we ensured that guests come to case and the paths are accessible? Is money precautions, if a larger financial damage is caused by negligence? Were grants used properly and correctly? Violate my existing contracts, E.g. with sponsors, the rules of public interest? Tax the tax declaration complies with the applicable Laws? Is our Club a non-profit organisation? Recognised charitable status? Should donations us tax deductable are? Is a statutory purpose of our Association event the event? Are we and our guests at the event insured against accidents? I thought the Organization of everything? Licensed? We sell food? Has the Office been informed? Must we pay royalty fees? (1) bezugsgroessen_bundesgebiet.xls about German VOLUNTEERING e.V. The German Volunteer Association supports voluntarily engaged people with his performances. The German Volunteer Association to the legal and technical protection of volunteers dedicated people cares with the professional competence of ten years of experience. Members of the German Association honorary e.V. can be all clubs, associations, foundations and communities of interest.

    With membership you get the seal of protection against liability risks”. The label confirmed the boards and members of the tested safety for her voluntary work and ensures extensive protection against personal liability risks. The services of the Association e.V. German volunteering include statutes examination, tax advice, legal advice, short-term event liability insurance, and property and liability insurance. For more information see: press contact: PR agency Xpand2 Doris of Orlando Langley schulstrasse 21 80634 Munich Tel.: 00 72 77

  • General 04.05.2015 Comments Off on German Volunteer Association

    Volunteering is becoming increasingly important for the society in Germany. In times in which the State is no longer can take care of all aspects of the people, volunteering is an important future issue. This confirms a representative study of the AMB Generali Holding AG in order. This study shows that the services of volunteers engaged in Germany per year corresponds to a working time of 3.2 million full-time employees. This means that they increase the output of 26.7 million German full-time employees by approximately 12 percent 1). Future citizens so should be motivated to engage volunteers. But is the volunteer activity with risks by the German Association law. The German Volunteer Association helps the volunteers: he warns and protects those responsible from the personal liability risks and helps in all matters relating to the Club’s management.

    Munich, March 19, 2009. The study of the AMB Generali Holding AG, most recently as commitment-Atlas 2009 published, finally presents the economic and social benefits of volunteering. It is based on 44,000 interviews in 439 counties and county-level cities in Germany. The entire study is mentioned but not the main threats to volunteering: the personal liability risk, as well as the fiscal and budgetary challenges. Because due to the law, a natural person shall be liable vicariously for the Club. This is the responsible Board of Directors. Against these risks should and can each person responsible in a club but protect themselves.

    And with the right protection, a volunteer may be exercised also harmless. The German Volunteer Association provides assistance in legal and fiscal issues its members so that the voluntary commitment with its important social functions not neglected. He provides the necessary personal protection boards and ensures that the Club and its responsible acting against the financial risk of liability. We know the dangers. That’s why do We inform the representative about risks and support them with our checklist for the volunteer activity.


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