• General 31.07.2016 Comments Off on Fundraising Campaign

    Gifts for a good cause: with the fundraising campaign by Chidos mushrooms 300 was already collected. This allows the Club Nyota, to finance two more community training. Chido’s mushrooms is a young Start-Up that disposed of the grounds of Berlin Cafes daily and for the production of healthy and protein-rich noble fungi uses this organic waste. With the mushroom garden developed by Chido’s mushrooms, anyone can breed at home and harvest. Consumers eat good and do good – because until new year’s Eve 2013 1 that is systematically for each online selling mushroom garden, “green garden project” donated and therefore supported the work of the Association Nyota e.V. in West Kenya. The amount collected by the Chido’s mushrooms already allows the Club Nyota e.V.

    to cover the costs of two community trainings. Nyota aims namely, to motivate the children of their day care, even small farmers and farmers from the region, to apply these methods in addition to the application of biological cultivation to supply. Last August was already the “InfoNet bio vision” Staff member Njeri Kinuthia from Nairobi to guest at Nyota, to explain the basics of organic farming small farmers and people from the surrounding area. The 2-day community training took place in the premises of the kindergarten as well as the Nyota demo plot. It was a good opportunity to inform general benefits, but also difficulties and challenges.

    Topics of the workshop were among others advantages and importance of organic farming, practical guidance for the creation of compost and natural fertilizers and natural pesticides. Due to the positive response and strong demand, the Club Nyota would like to offer in the future more community training, to expand awareness of the ecological cultivation and to help families to improve their income and living conditions. Nyota already serves as a contact point for questions around the topic. Also passion fruit was last year on the 1-acre big demo plot (white passion) planted. Now Nyota needed a framework where are the climbing plant can grow up. Another 500 are required for the materials. With the purchase of a fungus garden as well as a gift for the St. Nicholas day or Christmas allow Chido’s mushrooms to promote the meaningful work of Nyota!

  • General 27.07.2016 Comments Off on WSFB Advisory Group

    Organization development: WSFB Advisory Group launches 2008 three in-service trainings for managers and organizational consultant. The work structures and relationships within the company are increasingly complex. According to many factors to consider when planning and design processes of change organization developer. Therefore, they require more expertise and a broader repertoire of method as it was a few years ago today. This affects also the demand after training for internal and external organization developer and consultant.

    “That feels the WSFB Advisory Group, Wiesbaden, therefore she will begin in this year of three fashion consultants training titled organizational change processes”. The in-service trainings take 18 months and contact according to WSFB – managing director Hans-Werner Bormann on all persons who plan in company change processes, initiate, control and make”no matter whether it is them managers, project managers or consultants. Them will be in the Training provides the expertise, complex change processes on a personal and organizational level to achieve the objectives in terms of scheduling, budget and quality”. The next training for which there are places available, starting in June and October. Interested can check on information events on March 28 or may 2 in detail about the concept of continuing education. The training courses are modular: they are divided into nine workshops of two days each. In these, the participants deal among other things with the different models of the systemic organizational consulting. Practice, perform system diagnostics, and to establish consulting architectures.

    You learn new tools for systemic counselling intervention and test their application based on real-world projects from the daily work of the participants. Between the workshops, the participants include intervention documentation and case descriptions create. The experience gained in the projects are in special Reflects supervision modules. The workshops start usually Thursday evening and ending Saturday afternoon. The venue is Wiesbaden. The training will cost 7 600 euro (plus VAT). Discount early bookers. For more info about the training and information events on 20 March and 2 may get interested in WSFB (Tel: 0611 / 157 66-10, E-Mail:, Internet:). Contact person is Hans-Werner Bormann.

  • General 20.07.2016 Comments Off on Monarchy

    The monarchy had setornado unpopular. ' ' Some thinkers politicians between the moderate catholics jhaviam started to demand a form of constitutionalism more traditional e, therefore, little absolutist. This meant that already they began you question it pretensions absolutists of the Valois monarchy and to launch the foundations for umaideologia of constitutional opposition, and not only religious, to autoridadergia' ' (SKINNER, 1996. p 540). In 1590, Enrique IVcercava Paris, and the fanatism in the capital was in the height. For this, vrioslderes, as much of the protestant side (Conde and Coligny) how much of the side catholic (Francisco de Guise, Enrique III) had been assassinated, and the cult protestanteestava authorized, exactly with restrictions, in some regions of France. Having Enrique III they morridoem 1589, assassinated for one monge, assumed the throne Enrique IV. The new reipermitiu the cult remodelled in all regions where already he was celebrated.

    The Decree deMantes (1591), allowed acts of pacification and came back to allow to aosProtestantes the public offices. In 1594, it was opened aassemblia of Sainte-Foy, without regal permission. In it, a novoProtetor was chosen, and had divided France in nine great porconselhos managed provinces particular. They were if constituting in a doEstado State inside. In 1597, ' ' they had not cooperated in the retaken one of the region of Amiens. Emcontrapartida, had requested the intervention in its favor of Elizabeth and dasProvncias Joined next to the King, who was irritated with isso' '.

    (DELUMEAU, 1989.p 182) Having renounced aoprotestantismo, and I recommence fearing it of the civil war, Enrique IV granted oEdito of Nantes, consisting of four texts. In them, the cult remodelled eraproibido in some situations, as in episcopal cities, mainly Paris. Delumeau complains quatroobservaes to the set of texts of the Decree of Nantes: it says that this if assemelhaao Decree of Poitiers (1577), that it did not invigorate as of Nantes; the kingdom recebiauma dualista structure, being as much catholic as protestant; it protestantismoficou in disadvantage as body, had a reestablishment of the religiocatlica; Enrique IV authorizeed the meeting of assemblies remodelled politics eas left to choose consuls special next to the cut.

  • General 13.07.2016 Comments Off on Goblin War

    Watched 'Blue Bird'? Let me remind you of characters: Soul of the World (Mother), Clocks, Bread, Fire, Cat, Dog, Grandma, Grandpa, Old Drozd, Queen of the Night, Moon, runny nose, Goblin War, stars, blue birds, driftwood, fagot, disease, soldiers have Many mentally ill, although not as often as a mattoidov (mattoid-touched) markedly desire to supplement their poetic fancies drawings, like any poetry or painting alone are not strong enough to express their ideas. Have a look at Pushkin's manuscripts. Another, lipemanyak, in the house crazy in Pesaro, explains the significance of many of his poems. 'Poetry – he said – it is – instant emanation of the soul, it is – a cry that is expressed from a shaken thousands of suffering chest. " As you are today? I forgot to mention among mattoidov adherents of homeopathy and vegetarianism, this is a kind of sectarians in medicine, advocating the mass of nonsense under the guise of many truths.

    Other exhibit strange affection for dogs, cats, birds, etc. Stewart, author of the absurd works 'new system of physical philosophy', emanated the whole world to find the 'polarity of truth' (polarita del vero) It is interesting to read. William Martin, brother Jonathan, the same that in a fit of madness burning of the cathedral at York, and John, who created a new kind of painting, printed many works to prove the perpetual motion (perpetuum mobile). After checking on the basis of 36 he had made experiments that the scientific way to prove this is impossible, the dream mattoid received revelation from God that he was elected to the opening of the first cause of all things, as well as the perpetuum mobile, and wrote on the subject of several works.

  • General 06.07.2016 Comments Off on Heino Hildebrandt

    The annual travel insurance will be increased, or it is booked a one time insurance to. (6) with or without excess – is a travel insurance can be with or without excess be completed. Unless the contract without deductible is agreed, the insurer shall in the eligible claim the cancellation costs in full. Should however an excess consider the contract partner must in the eligible claim take 20% of the cancellation charges itself. We recommend both offers to catch up, often there is very considerable, how small the differences are. (7) also a travel insurance can be completed with an age limit nee data of the passenger -, therefore the dates of birth are very crucial.

    But older people find the desired insurance coverage, there are contracts with no age limit. (8) life journey participants in domestic community – family insurance can often only be completed unless the adults in household living. But of course we can offer you alternative deals. It is a lot to note to conclude an agreement. Secure travel available to the customers with advice and assistance to the side and provide different services. Then, the interested party can decide whether the conclusion directly online to come, or whether the offer by mail is desired.

    We provide our customers the possibility to check the required travel insurance. Any questions prior to the conclusion should be to clarify we are pleased about the recall. The response our clients confirmed us daily that we very satisfactory advise and we are happy to recommend. We set ourselves targets – that we can only meet if our customers behind us. Simply contact us and try our service. We are looking forward to your call.


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