A massive meeting under the name championing the voice: first Assembly aysenina is organizing for Saturday, August 28 the citizen movement cross that opposes dams in Patagonia, and bringing together multiple grass-roots organizations and community of the Aysen Region than from the own localities have mobilized against mega plants hydroelectric and laying electric projected for its territory. The activities of this weekend will begin Friday, May 27th with the exhibition, from 18: 00 to 21: 00 hours of documentaries depicting Patagonia without dams and conflicts socioambientales marked by the imposition of the market by primarily ethical use of Commons as water, soil and air. Reported the organizers Saturday 28 activity will depart with a panel on the history of the movement and the campaign Patagonia without dams, and the main aspects involved, such as the appropriation of water by party rights private companies and the need to generate an energy matrix sustainable for Chile. Also will expose Felix Gonzalez, who was one of the leaders who led the process which ensured that more than 3 thousand inhabitants of Penco give your signature for a plebiscite on the possibility of installing a thermoelectric coal in that commune. After getting such support, the Southern Cross company withdrew the project. His presentation will address various consultation mechanisms citizens which have been developed in the country.
Then shall conform workshops which will address issues such as human rights and megaprojects, information v/s disinformation, Aysen decides as a proposal for a regional plebiscite, debate about the kind of development that wants for the Region of Aysen and civic strategies to face the dam projects. In particular there will be a space dedicated to children are met, where will work in reuse of waste. Subsequent to collective lunch to be delivered to the participants, will come starting in common of the conclusions of the tables, generating a debate and discussion on key issues to address around the various initiatives that transnational corporations seek to develop in the Region of Aysen. Both the exhibition of documentaries and the Assembly will be in the Liceo Josefina Aguirre Montenegro of Coyhaique, and participation in both activities will be open and free, extending invitation expressly to all the organizations and neighbors in the region who wish to join this process of reflection and action. Now they have confirmed their participation delegations of Puerto Aysen and several rural localities.