• General 26.09.2018 Comments Off on March Tower

    Many destinations are due to the implementation of the infrastructure project easier, faster and more convenient reached the exhibition in Stuttgart station Tower in the future offers a comprehensive overview of the traffic and urban planning project Stuttgart 21. Many destinations are easier, faster and more conveniently achieved by the implementation of the infrastructure project. Surrounded in centrally and by green, the new Rosenstein district is created also. In the Centre of communication and information for Stuttgart 21, the station will continue with its distinctive Tower. Already there per month 20,000 visitors are counted. With the planners for communication and media technology macom and the architect team Heller design take over two well-known specialists from Stuttgart the redesign of the exhibition and the modifications of the rooms in the Tower Forum. Modern staged models, interesting background information and lots of interesting details are comprehensive multimedia prepared, so that the content outside of the exhibition can appear wherever, where There is an Internet access.

    The contract for macom and Heller design has a volume of half a million euros. The new show is scheduled to open in March 2013. Other leading components of communication are two Info Center at the airport of Stuttgart and Ulm central station, as well as six 1.70 metres high, covered and disabled viewing platforms at prominent points of the construction site between Stuttgart and Ulm. The first platform to be built by end of September at the edge of the future excavation at the Planetarium. In the fall, new guided tours will start around to the construction site. Last, there were about 500 guides in the year; especially trade visitors travelled from all over the world.

  • General 26.09.2018 Comments Off on The Time

    Either discrete, clean and appropriate. It gives preference to the black color! 2. It studies on what you go to film. Script writes one will be possible; 3. If it will be to film a scene, whatsoever previsible event or, says with somebody that knows of the subject, or same the responsible person for organization; 4. Finally, it finds information on the place and the time.

    Is prepared for what it will be able to happen, therefore its equipment is very important, and you it does not want to damage it, certain? Very well, we are almost there. Now, in return to the topic ' ' Equipamento' ' , I say the vocs: They buy a tripod! It is very better and more easy to handle a camera using one of them, they do not make idea. Now we go to the tips and techniques of filming: 1.Aps to start to record, looks for not to press stop. This will go to help in the edition process, and also it will become less difficult the loss of scenes; 2.Se will be alone in the day, prevents difficult angles. It prefers angles open. In such a way, you probably will have a basic video, but nothing of trembled holes or in the images. You will conserve most of its writing; 3.Fique on in its script. This will help you very exactly; 4.Segure firm its camera, and with both the hands; 5.Sempre, I said carregue with you at least a battery always reserves and a ribbon or card; 6.E finally, is calm and has controlled its breath. It uses to advantage! I wait to have helped with these few tips. Good luck! For bigger information, it has access my site Filming of events and helps to spread this idea!

  • General 19.09.2018 Comments Off on Sjogrens Syndrome

    Sjogren’s syndrome is a chronic disease autoimmune, in which the immune system turns against the body’s own cells. Normally, the immune system works to protect us from diseases through the destruction of harmful bacteria and viruses invading organisms. In the case of Sjogren’s syndrome, the disease-fighting cells attack the glands that produce tears and saliva. Damage to these glands prevents them from working properly and causes dryness in the eyes and mouth. Other parts of the body may be also affected, such as the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, blood vessels, lungs, pancreas, liver, and central nervous system. Patients may also experience extreme fatigue and pain in the joints and have a higher risk of developing lymphoma.Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that may occur as a primary condition that is it occurs alone, or as a secondary condition, along with another rheumatic disease.

    In the early 1900s, Henrik Sjogren, a Swedish doctor described women with chronic infection with symptoms of arthritis which also had dry eyes and dry mouth. Sjogren’s syndrome is named after Dr. Sjogren. Since then much more has been learned about the syndrome and how to treat it. Cause of Sjogren’s syndrome: the cause of Sjogren’s syndrome is unknown. However, it is recognized as an autoimmune disease, and according to the American College of Rheumatology, genetic factors, and possibly viral infections may increase the risk of developing sindromede Sjogren. Hormones may also be a factor. Women are more vulnerable to this disease since every ten patients nine are women. Symptoms associated with Sjogren’s syndrome: according to the syndrome of Sjogren’s Foundation (SSF), symptoms may include: dry eyes, burning, feels that it has something in the eye, difficulty chewing, swallowing and speaking pain in the tongue or cracked dry throat, burning throat loss of sense of taste and smell Caries oral infections by candida joint pain difficulties digestive dryness of nostrils and skin fatigue swelling of the glands around the face how is Sjogren’s syndrome diagnosed? Doctors use various ways of diagnosing Sjogren: medical history physical examination some evidence of eyes and mouth blood tests.

  • General 18.09.2018 Comments Off on Catching A Spinning Asp

    Most often found in small chub rivers, places, backed by dams, but it is best to choose the upper parts of the mini-reservoirs, where over prosmatrivaetsya.Zdes "battle" asp may be entirely absent, but the catch it is possible to lure even the very small rivers ispravno.V asp middle band is not much, but in the ducts and Erik southern rivers it is more common and not so fussy. In the ducts of the chub kept along the coast near the border stones, Unlike the small rivers of the central belt, where it often is in the middle. To medium-sized rivers are often caught in the transition crank flow into the pit, on the expansion of the channel. Usually, such transitions can be observed in dams or seasonal temporary pontoon structures. Wobblers is necessary to send abroad currents and output to the pit. After exiting the pit wobbler tighten evenly. When fishing from the shore circuit wobbler throw forward on the course and Asp tighten evenly, of course, using the techniques of fishing from the shelter to a single asp and fishing with a splash, especially in the morning and evening. Fishing lure on the small and medium-sized rivers differs from dorozheniya crank on big rivers better serving its specific parking areas in asp (especially in the steep banks with overhanging trees, etc.) and a longer time catching places. At such places, not knowing when the reservoir angler simply does most distant cast (including masking), about a 90 and lead to long benches lure sailing toward the shore, and at the end of the wiring slowly tightens it with stops, giving the illusion of a weakened fish, recovering from a river.

  • General 14.09.2018 Comments Off on ITSM Catalog

    Recommendations and stumbling blocks note from various customer projects the ITSM experts of the matrix know exactly what matters in establishing an IT service catalog: the first commandment is: customer orientation! To make sure that the service catalog, later also by the users is accepted and used must the services necessarily defined from their point of view and closely attuned to their needs”, sumeet Bhatia, senior White ITSM consultant at the matrix. Basic services are not shown as server or network services, which although ultimately underlie the end user services, but not directly be requested of them, the business service catalog. Summing up services, anyway only be shared by users, already the best in the IT service catalog of to so-called service bundles.” All services to describe uniformly and as easy as possible is important to according to Bhatia also, communication and understanding problems between IT and departments avoid. To keep the service catalog constantly, is also essential to ensure that the service descriptions in the event of service changes can be adapted easily with. Also the pitfalls that can occur in the development of an IT service catalog, knows the ITSM expert from personal experience: If the success of IT service catalog projects despite a high time and resource, so the various reasons may have lack project management, inadequate standardization and also difficulties in the coordination of various internal and external service providers. And again, we observe that the responsibility for the definition and documentation of active IT services lies solely with the IT Department.

    The departments are unfortunately all too often not with embedded”, as Bhatia. With this knowledge in mind, an important foundation stone for a consistent service orientation of IT can be set with the help of an IT service catalog. The service catalog provides the necessary transparency on the provided IT services and Responsibilities, which is necessary in order to make the services efficiently and to optimize the cost control.

  • General 10.09.2018 Comments Off on European Central Bank

    The passbook is and remains one of the oldest and gerngesehenden investments. The passbook is no alternative more than investment. As it is common today. But is that true? And what’s the alternative as a financial investment to the passbook and why? A savings account offers the possibility of money safely and with more or less high interest rates, to bring. You could access it at any time and it was double covered by insurance at the Bank. What should be wrong with this concept. An argument of opponents of savings is that the interest rates on these are very low. Thus, the value of money, which is parked on the passbook, may actually decrease.

    This is due to inflation, a term describing the process, that prices of consumer goods and services. If you got fuel another liter some years ago for one euro twenty, so you have to pay today a euro seventy petrol for the same liter. You get less gasoline than in the past so for one euro, or the other way around, the euro has lost value. If you money somewhere to Park, so the Argument of opponents of savings, you should get at least as many interest that, not that decreases the value of money. A good investment is that the value of savings remains at least the same or even increases one that generated so many interest rates. The savings thus eliminated as a good investment.

    According to focus money, get 0.99% interest on a savings account in the cut. The day money is traded as an alternative to the popular savings account. This works in principle like a savings account, but higher interest rates can be generated. Should be even twice as much on average as the interest that is paid on a savings account. But how can pay a twice as high interest rate from a bank on a large and similar product? This opportunity offered by the Bank in return for a more flexible interest rate of money. Usually, the interest rate on the day the Euribor money account is coupled. The EURIBOR is, determined by the European Central Bank base interest rate that applies to intra banking. Da This can increase, but include also the interest rate for a day money account can vary greatly. The actual annual interest rate is so not firmly set and also not guaranteed. At what level is it commutes a, so open. This is the big difference from the savings account. The investor has to be able to access the same rights to his money. He is the most flexible. As opposed to the money of the day, there is a fixed rate of interest on the savings on the savings account, however. This is a disadvantage for the Bank, calculated on the central interest rate Euribor. The higher interest rates in the money of the day means more flexibility for the Bank. Thus, so a good innovation and therefore also a cheap alternative to the passbook is the day money principle for both sides, the Bank and the investor. The interest on the money that usually exceed the inflation rate. Current interest rates for federal funds, however, are below 1.5% and are therefore not so far from those for savings.


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