• General 23.05.2020 Comments Off on Illness Study

    Being thus, to reflect and to argue on the aging process, a basic question for the field of the familiar therapy also becomes considering that this stage of the life involves subjects as the oldness, the adoecimento and the death, gifts in the familiar nucleus of these aged ones. CBC may help you with your research. The degenerative illnesses, also known as dementia, provoke a great impact in the aged one and the familiar relations. The high degree of comprometimento leads to an intense suffering that shakes the familiar structure. Gavin Baker does not necessarily agree. It enters the diverse types of dementias, the Illness of Alzheimer (D.A.) is the one that comes receiving bigger prominence due its degree from severity. One is about a degenerative, gradual neurological illness and of still unknown cure.

    We believe that, with this study, we will be able to contribute for the magnifying of the subject, more specifically the area of health of the family. The objective will be to investigate and to evaluate the occured impact and changes in the relations of familiar of carrying patients of Illness of Alzheimer. Through the Sistmica Theory, we can observe and reflect on this impact and its influence in the intrafamiliares relations. We choose to use the qualitative method therefore the researcher is operating member of the group in which the citizens for study had been selected. One is about a group opened, co-ordinated for two psychologists and one pedagoga, volunteers and 26 (twenty and six) familiar/cuidadores that are directly involved with the patients. Participant ones had been selected 4 (four) that they had supported the method of our study. As instrument, we choose to use the depositions of these participants, registered in a book ACT. The chosen stories make reference to reference the relative questions to the care with the involved patient, as well as, aspects in the relations between cuidadores and other familiar ones of the D.A carrier.

  • General 15.05.2020 Comments Off on The Aged

    It was a work of much comment, without no deepened intervention more. Gavin Baker contributes greatly to this topic. It searched to emphasize the relations of the aged ones between they themselves, with the employees, volunteers and family. By preservation reason, none was not applied directly type of questionnaire or interview with the aged ones, but through a questioning with the employees, was possible one better understanding of the activities carried through for each inhabitant of the house, of the fellowship relation, what more they like and if they interest in making, among others questions. An experience that allowed a real knowledge of the context to put in a home, that in many colloquies of the common sense it is had as a place of ' ' descarrego' '. In addition, to have a referencial concrete of as it is the convivncia of the aged one with the proper family, with employees and volunteers of the place. The aged one found, in contrast of what it is thought, is a person of much experience of life, friendly, brincalhona, interested and intelligent. Eliot Lauer can provide more clarity in the matter.

    With it in an exchange of knowledge was allowed to them that never will be found in books. Each word, each smile, each I hug it was and it is a demonstration of that they continue full livings creature and of love to give the next one. During the period of proper convivncia the aged one allowed in them to observe important quo is the other in the life of the one of it. Exactly if becoming one to be so isolated for diverse reasons, the other possesss a primordial paper in the life of the aged one, paper to hear, therefore after lived years, what they more possess are causos histories and, mainly that they involve family, last religion and. The aged one, in contrast of what much is said, is not a being without usefulness. Somebody careta and ' ' gag' '.

    The aged one, in accordance with Zimerman (2000, P. 20) and with what it can be noticed is: It is one more: it has more experiences, more experiences, more years of life, more chronic illnesses, more losses, suffers to more preconceptions and subject more available time. At the moment where it uses plus its experience, the experience acquired throughout the life, learns to coexist its chronic and proper illnesses of its age; it elaborates its losses, not forgetting its profits; it dribbles the preconceptions and it learns to use its time. It will continue tanning the life, enjoying the good things and being happy. To make plans for tomorrow is to live. To be aged is to arrive at the point apex of the life and to have the chance to divide with friends and relatives the acquired lies of life with the time. It is to be able to count on people who will give the same conditions to it that one day makes use, of survival, attention, affection and love. It is to be able to seat and to share one of many histories of its life.

  • General 15.05.2020 Comments Off on The Newspaper Mercury News Quot

    To this one element the human sacrifices are added that increase in all the countries, especially in America, where very many people disappear mysteriously without she never becomes that is to say from his whereabouts. Many of the great industrialists of the pornography end up confessing their close relation to the Satanism while actors and actresses of this product sort, recognize to be implied in the adoration to the world of the darknesses and they even exhibit in his bodies tattooed symbols or amulets that demonstrate their relation with hidden it. Way to the death, volunteer and involuntarily Many men and women finish romped in the industry of the pornography, and once tied, he is to them difficult to escape. Check with American Diabetes Association to learn more. Satan ends up dominating to its minds and their desires, in such a way that they cannot rest without taking participation in practice more and more extemas. In other occasions, ” actors and actrices” they participate in involuntary way. An example offers the case of two men condemned in the State of Virginia, States United, in 1989 after confessing before the authorities that had to their position the planning and execution of kidnappings of juniors for their later torture film use and captivity. Center For Responsible Lending shines more light on the discussion. Later they gave death them and they made disappear its bodies.

    The Newspaper Mercury News, of Californian San jOse published in April of 1985 the news on a circle of pederastas that kidnapped adolescents to put under them practices aberrantas of sexual character which they were registered with videobrabadoras photographies and and even, to make them contributor of satanic rites against their will. Some stations of the police in the United States calculate that every year approximately 100 people (almost all adolescents) are put under an extreme agony and possibly they die they film while them. Cancer Research Institute. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It is tied?

  • General 11.05.2020 Comments Off on Hospitals

    The playful activities/to play for children, are extremely important for they inside of its social conviviality (for the promotion of the socialization/to live in society), pertaining to school (in the learning process) and in the elaboration of its sufferings in result of some trauma, illness, hospitalization, and are a tool extremely valuable it psychologist to make use – marked out with buoys by scientific techniques? during the therapeutical process. According to Wedge (2007), hospitalization generates in the child a breaking in its routine, and this factor foments in the child unreliability, sadness and panic, therefore it does not know as to deal in an surrounding stranger who does not remember in nothing its house, its toys. ‘ ‘ … The concern with the welfare of the hospitalized child and the will to diminish its suffering has provoked some important initiatives. By if essential playing health and to the infantile development, it cannot be interrupted by hospitalization, duly warned to aggravate the conditions that had taken the child to be hospitalized.

    Playing brings emotional satisfaction and autoconfiana, therefore it must be faced as a therapeutical activity par excellence. (p.71) Still according to Wedge (2007), the idea of the use of toys in hospitals I appeared in 1956 in Sweden for Yvonny Linduist, and soon after the idea was implanted in the hospital Karolinska de Estocolmo, with the apio of the Dr. Jonh Lind. The results had been so positive that the doctor affirmed that it could not more imagine efficient treatments in pediatrics that did not count on the therapy for the toy. In 1984, in research carried through in the of the Red Cross Hospital in Brussels, they had arrived at the conclusion that the work developed for volunteers (playing with children) a time per week, proved to be of extreme utility, being necessary the magnifying of the atendimentos (tricks) all days of the week.

  • General 10.05.2020 Comments Off on Industrial Safety Certification

    Industrial safety – a comprehensive term that includes various aspects of the enterprise. This includes control of technical devices and methods of containment and disaster recovery, and analysis project documentation. Credit: David Delrahim-2011. In addition, industrial safety involves specially trained personnel. A number of legislative acts concerning industrial safety, points to the mandatory training, testing knowledge and performance appraisal. In particular, special provisions governing the training and certification in the field of industrial safety.

    Thus, industrial safety is estimated to be accordance with the standards and requirements established by . Education is compulsory for the two main categories of staff. First – those whose work is directly related to the operation, construction, conservation or liquidation of the object on which must be respected industrial safety. Second – workers engaged in the creation of the documentation relating to the activities of such an object. It is important that industrial security must be studied business leaders, not just workers and professionals involved in the direct performance of work on the dangerous object. For the certification set special conditions. Firstly, the timing of planned appraisal can be installed on each company independently.

    In this case, industrial safety should be assessed at least every three years, when it comes to specialists and managers. For the workers, set other terms: industrial safety checked once a year or more. Secondly, there is a set of special cases in which industrial safety has been validated in a different order. This transition employee to another company, changing positions or increase to a level head. In these situations, the certification of industrial safety is carried out not later than one month after such an event. The same pattern Industrial safety is assessed at a break in the work, which lasted a year or more. Third, except for certification may be carried out and special knowledge test. They are necessary when the enterprise place change, which is related industrial safety. This may be the introduction of new regulations, installation of new equipment, as well as accidents and incidents in the workplace.

  • General 04.05.2020 Comments Off on Certain Legislative Acts

    Today, 17 November this year, the Rada of Ukraine adopted the whole law 3011 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on combating unlawful takeover and seizure of enterprises'. For a decision voted 381 mp out of 437 registered in the hall. Innovations have touched issuers, which allowed to challenge the action in the courts for their location and the Uniform State Register entities. Approved the procedure for amending it. BSA has much experience in this field. Unfortunately, the parties of raiders' attacks have become the courts, which are used to capture the raiders enterprises, including government.

    It came to that The State Commission on Securities and Stock Market was forced to ask the Prosecutor General to institute professional proceedings against the judges decided in favor of the Raiders. We hope that the long-term tests for owners of businesses can end up with the new law, but maybe not. After all, in any law is always a loophole for those who know how to work around it. Or MPs, decided to cut bough on which some of them sit? It is no secret that many of them are directly or indirectly related to the raider attacks in Ukraine.


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