• General 26.07.2020 Comments Off on Earth Rotation

    However, many websites that distribute information on disasters and catastrophes, are making a lot of effort to mislead people by using the technique 'to lure and deceive. " They argue that there is a relationship between the rotation and magnetic polarity of the Earth, change which is random, and a change of the magnetic poles are, on average, every 400.000 years. To our knowledge, such a change of the magnetic poles is absolutely harmless to life on Earth. In any case, highly unlikely that a change of the magnetic poles has occurred over the next few millennia. But the false web sites falsely claim that the change of the magnetic poles will soon (in 2012), and that this equivalent to changing the poles of rotation, or initiates a change. So to summarize: a) The direction of rotation is not related to magnetic polarity.

    b) There is no reason to expect a change of magnetic polarity, at least in the near future time, or expect any adverse impacts on life in the event that it will eventually happen. c) The sharp change in poles of rotation with disastrous consequences impossible. Also, none of the above factors has any relation to the galactic equator, or any other nonsense on building a series that appears on many websites, spreading a conspiracy theory. 11. When most the planets line up in a row in 2012, and the planet Earth will be in the center of the Milky Way, which later this parade of planets expected to earth? Could this lead to a shift of the poles, and if so, what can we expect? In 2012, as in any other time in the next few decades, the parade of planets will not.

  • General 24.07.2020 Comments Off on The New Sociology

    However, these research methods are based on the 0 variable of entrance, social classroom, income and familiar situations. In the 0 variable of exit, result of the pertaining to school tests, pertaining to school success or failure, leaving to verify what it happened between these colon. The New Sociology of the Education had a concern with the processing of people, and not of knowledge. As It hisses (2003, P. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boy Scouts of America. 66), ‘ ‘ The task of a sociology of the resume would consist necessarily of placing these categories in question, disnaturalizing them, showing its historical, social, contingent character, arbitrrio’ ‘. The basic question was the connection between resume and power, enters the organization of the knowledge and the distribution of being able. It questioned why she was attributed to more importance the certainties you discipline and knowledge of what to others.

    In the studies on resume, we perceive that nor everything what it occurs in the pedagogical process is explicit in the resume. We make reference to reference the occult resume, that does not constitute a theory properly, but is present in the daily one of the education or the school. We can say that it involves processes that are implicit in the school, but that they are party to suit of education learning. In accordance with It hisses (2003, p.78), ‘ ‘ The occult resume is constituted by those aspects of the pertaining to school environment that, without being part of official, explicit resume, contributes, of implicit form, for social learning relevant’ ‘. It is present in the social relations of the school. They are the behaviors, the values and the attitudes that are gifts in the learning. The experiences in the escolarizada education and its effect are, some times, desired and others, uncontrollable. They obey the explicit objectives or they are implicit objective expressions of proposal or; they are planned in some measure or they are simple fruit of flowing action.

  • General 23.07.2020 Comments Off on Frost Compressor

    Recall: the compressor – this engine, which surpasses the refrigerant in the entrails of the refrigerator. After some intervals, the engine stops. At the same pieces of ice are melting, dripping in the sink, then – in a special tray, which is located on the compressor. And there evaporate due to the fact that the compressor is hot and it was his temperature accelerates the evaporation process. In other words, during operation of the compressor evaporator frosted over, and when you stop – is thawing. A dripping resemble tears. Automatic call it, because this process occurs without human intervention. (Similarly see: Cancer Research Institute).

    Well, now the most interesting – the system No Frost (No frost"). It is also called Frost free. In this system, refrigerators defrost circulation of cold air created by a special fan. Multidirectional flow of air evenly distributed throughout the volume of the chamber, cooling products. Rime is formed in the chamber, because the moisture is drawn off its borders and does not condense on the walls refrigerator. Rime is formed on the hidden from our eyes evaporator. After some time the fan stops and the heater.

    Under its influence on the evaporator frost thaws and turns into water. Water drains into the pan and evaporate. However, even in this case at least once a year, a refrigerator must be switched off and wash. It is not necessary to defrost the refrigerating chamber method coincides with the one in the freezer. Often they are different (in refrigerator). Value systems defrost refrigerators and freezers is this: Drip / No Frost, drip / manual, No Frost / No Frost. There are other possible combinations. Cooling Now go to cooling. After all, that is why we buy and refrigerator. Thus, cooling is a compression and thermoelectric. In most refrigerators compression cooling. Compressor – the heart of refrigerator. As the heart circulates blood to the body and the compressor circulates the refrigerant in the entrails of a refrigeration machine.

  • General 23.07.2020 Comments Off on Senate House

    Periodical still according to diverse parliamentarians consider that I exaggerate is to use the money to bank trips of actors the carnavalescos berths, as occurred with the member of the house of representatives Fbio Faria (PMN-RN). Details can be found by clicking Health Minister Patty Hajdu or emailing the administrator. the case of it must be judged by the Advice of Ethics, affirmed the petista member of the house of representatives Vaccarezza. again According to Periodical the Globe, of monday, day 20 of April, although the benefited greaters to have been the partisan leaders of the government and the opposition -, stars as the Ciro member of the house of representatives Gomes (PSB-CE) and the president of the DEM, Mayan Rodrigo, had also led familiar to make tourism in the exterior to the costs of the Chamber. Until commission agent Protgenes Queiroz it entered in the list of the awarded ones with aerial tickets> Since when reducing in 20% and 25% quotas that vary of R$ 4,700 monthly R$ 18,700, in the Chamber, and of R$ 13 a thousand R$ 25 a thousand, in the Senate, being able to change for rent of jatinhos and still to distribute the tickets for woman, husband and children, is to moralizar? If it was to correct, that was started for finishing with the spree them tariffs; ‘ cheias’ ‘ if restricted the tickets to the parliamentarian. What if it knows, the voter does not vote in the family of the member of the house of representatives or of the senator, which fits to support its, he finished. , In article also published in the Been O of So Paulo, of monday, day 20 of April, Carlos Alberto Frank Di it affirms textualmente:> Directions are multiplied. Servers – some ghosts, others of arguable ability – grow as mushrooms and promote bleeding in the public money. Spree with aerial tickets. Mirabolantes expenses with fuel. The nepotism rolls untied.

  • General 21.07.2020 Comments Off on The Bottle

    To treat this concept they had been elaborated five kits with the following materials: 05 flat plastic containers; 05 covers of pipe; 05 bottles pet; 05 rubber preachers. A puncture in the bottle was made pet for where the water would leave up to one tampinha of pipe with two punctures in the deep one, making the water to flow off. Tampinha was imprisoned with grudados rubber preachers in the flat plastic container (figure 1). Figure 1: assembly of the activity on pressure the situation-problem to be decided by the pupil was ‘ ‘ to discover a skill to make potinho to be always full d? water. But we only can play water in the bottle pet’ ‘ (OAK, 1998). The pupil would have to perceive that as much potinho to be fulled how much the bottle pet I contend water was pierced. Therefore, pet would have to always continue fulling the bottle continuously, controlling the height of the water column so that jatinho of water that left for the orifice reached potinho.

    As the problem it was to keep potinho always full, the water column in the bottle would have to be always above of its orifice and, thus, due to atmospheric pressure to exert a force on the liquid, the water spurt would leave with bigger speed, having reached a bigger distance. For the second chosen activity the subject was ‘ ‘ the problem of barquinho’ ‘. In this activity the pupil has the chance of if involving the concepts of dimension, faying surface and balance. To be decided problem consisted of constructing to a paper cockle-boat aluminum and distributing masses (washers) on its surface without it sank. Some sources of inquiry existed that the pupils would have that to make to try to decide this problem that will be displayed of the following form: ‘ ‘ How it will be that people make to construct a cockle-boat that, in the water, obtains to load the biggest number of pecinhas without sinking?

  • General 20.07.2020 Comments Off on Cable Ceiling

    Connection cable cores should occur exclusively in the special distribution boxes. If this box is in a humid environment, the tightness of the cover should be provided with hermetic seals. (And for diverting zagushek karobok open posting) Cable insulation should be completely intact and without the slightest damage to the entrance of the device (junction box, socket). Mount should be positioned close enough to each other, to prevent sagging cable. For horizontal laying the distance between the two closest to each other fastenings must not be greater than 40 cm, if the cable is not armored. And 75 cm for armored. The attachment points must be on both sides of the cable when the the direction of its fixtures and at the entrance of wiring accessories. If the direction of fixing the cable vertical support spacing shall not exceed 1 meter.

    If necessary, pass through the wall, cable should be protected along the entire length insulating pipes. In cases where the cable is laid across the floor, protective tube should be slightly lifted above the floor level to prevent ingress of liquids into it and to protect the cable from mechanical damage if wiring is carried out open, the cable is often mounted on plinths, the lines, where cross the floor and ceiling, in corners of the room. When mounting do not compromise on fixing clamps, as fastened cable should be run absolutely straight and not buckle up. Laying of the suspended ceiling is strictly forbidden to lay them directly on the ceiling.

  • General 19.07.2020 Comments Off on Preparing Your Wedding Dress

    In order not to waste precious time, we recommend pre-think the basic parameters of the desired wedding dress, making it easier to turning your dreams into reality. Visit Canada Day for more clarity on the issue. Choose a few styles that you are most relished, to narrow the initial search terms. Consideration should be given features of your figure. Cleverly chosen wedding dress will emphasize the dignity of the figure and disguise flaws, if any, to make your appearance even more effective and compelling. To a great wedding day, you have the most convenient and comfortable in your dress, even before the fitting should take care of something. It is advisable to shoes with a heel were approximately the same height as the wedding shoes (not to be mistaken with long dresses); for you was not cosmetic, so as not to stain the dress during fittings. Health organizations may also support this cause. Also, be careful and do not use deodorant on that day means to tanning; during the fitting is wearing a dress with all necessary accessories (shoes, veil, tiara, necklace, gloves) – then take the completed order form that will help make the choice in favor of a dress.

    And finally, the dress is best defined as a minimum for 2-3 weeks before the wedding. The style of your wedding dress – the single most important factor in creating the wedding of the image. Wedding dresses come from small and simple to large and complex, depending on your personal taste and the desired image you want to create in your celebration. Silhouette of your dress – it’s the first thing that will see your fiance, and you should be sure that first impression – Unforgettable! Remember that your dress – not only the creation of Your unique, special way, but also a great gift for your groom, and you will naturally want to look harmonious in this wonderful and unique day for you both. There is no golden rule in design wedding dresses.

    You should feel comfortable in it. You’ll never know how you look at a particular wedding dress if you’ve never try on. Also, the bride should know about the features of its shape. Well-chosen wedding dress can be beneficial to emphasize her figure and hide its flaws. Styles of wedding dresses can be divided into 5 main: – Princess – The Empire – Dress Ball – Mermaid – Direct dress each of these styles do not open in two words, so I decided to stop at each of them in detail and devote a little each separate article. Good luck choosing! To be continued.

  • General 18.07.2020 Comments Off on English Roses

    The latter can be called Shrub simply because they do not belong to any of the categories listed above, and roses. Ostinki (English Roses) and nostalgic roses are in great demand among fans of Rose recently enjoyed a rose breeding David Austin (David Austin). English roses result from crossing the French, Damask, Bourbon, and other modern varieties of roses from Hybrid Tea roses and floribunda roses group. Institute of Cancer Research often says this. For years, the breeder J. Austin worked on the program for creation of roses, reminiscent of old species, but with a modern painting of a flower, and the ability to re-bloom.

    Rose D. Austin appeared in the last quarter of the twentieth century. If you would like to know more about Cancer Research Institute, then click here. Their flowers are deep-bath, various colors: pale apricot, deep-yellow, dark red, they pionovidnoy form, very fragrant and look nostalgically old-fashioned. Shrubs, compact, good shape, re-blooming. Many varieties resistant to disease.

    Merit D. Austin is that he returned to the world the love of the old forms of the flower (long considered the ideal goblet Rose Tea hybrid type), as well as to the bulk structure of the shrub. David Austin Roses Glamis Castle Golden Celebration Pat Austin more like a bed of roses D. Austin and his assortment of roses in our online store, see the article "Austin Roses." Fashion flowers to an old nostalgic form, revived D. Austin, could not affect the breeding work of others, cultivating roses. Often rose with nostalgic flowers form in garden stores sell under the name of the English Roses. We think that should be considered and the merits of German and French producers, but derived by them Rose allocate separately.

  • General 17.07.2020 Comments Off on Saint Augustin

    Because it does not exist: the long future is only the long expectao of the future. Nor the last time is long because it does not exist, but past long the other thing is not seno the long souvenir of the past … Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from ICR. my attention is present and for it passes what he was future to become past. (AUGUSTIN, 1987, Confessions XI p.228-229) In such a way, it is observed that the time for Augustin is psychological, that is, seems to be an impression of the mind spirit. A time the time is psychological, the philosopher submits the existence of three essential reasons for the time this aspect.

    Such reasons make with that Augustin divides the time in ' ' present souvenir of the passed things, present vision of the things gifts and present hope of the things futuras' '. (AUGUSTIN, 1987, Confessions XI p.222). Effect, he seems that for Augustin the time that exists is the gift, of the past one only has souvenir and of the future alone he has hope of some day to exist, but he does not exist, since if with respect to the measurement it is a certain distenso and in relation to the impression or perception of the man in the mind he is psychological, the Creator of the time not he is inserted in it. We now pass to speak of the Creator, who stops Saint Augustin de Hipona is God. This philosopher argues in the book XXI de Confisses that God created everything, also the time of the man, but he cannot is inside of it, inasmuch as the man sees the past, the future and the gift separately, are as facts not gifts or not, but God does not see the time in such a way, due sees everything of a time alone, living in perpetual ' ' today. Augustin considers that the fact of God sees the future and last as a difficult mystery to understand, therefore questions Augustin the question that the maniqueus made on what the Creator, being perpetual, made before the creation.

  • General 14.07.2020 Comments Off on Recreation

    Well-groomed appearance alone gives peace of mind, and any manipulation of self-care, well relax. If there is no money for salon treatment, do something for yourself – the mask of grated cucumber, hand massage with baby cream – but let while you are not pulled and tormoshat, and will just do them. Trust your baby's father. Many moms can not relax and keep constant control over the situation. UNESCO usually is spot on. Can not what to go for a walk – and a cup of coffee in the kitchen with a clear conscience. Helpful, leaving the child with his father, repeating to myself the phrase: "This is his baby too, he has to child the same rights and bear equal responsibility with me. " If the adjoining room came the angry cries of your offspring, allow yourself not to rush back, remember – there is not one child, father cope. Cancer Research Institute often addresses the matter in his writings. Walk as children.

    Walk with your child – not something that one walks. And in the thirty and forty years old can ride upside down, throwing snowballs, drawing on the asphalt – and catching envious looks the same age, grown-up sedately passing by. Adults already undignified way to have fun, but what do you say entertain your child so that you have a legitimate reason to have some fun from the heart. Baby joy and carelessness – a powerful method of relaxation. Take a bath.

    After the walk, before going to bed, the ideal Recreation facilities will be bath. Warm water with sea salt or herb infusion is useful for you and your child, so you can get into the bath together. Or the first breath and how to wash herself, to just twenty minutes later Dad brought to you by the child, and then re-claimed, wrapped in a towel until you get out of the bath. A child in the bath can not only swim but also to eat, play, sleep, participate in sessions of aromatherapy, along with his mother. Go to a children's pool: alternating hot saunas and cold water in the pool and relaxing will act favorably on you and your baby.


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