• General 04.05.2016

    That road has bequeathed us a hero of the motherland without ideas, capable of communing with the liberal ideas of the first President of the village of Buenos Aires. How President of Buenos Aires Doctor? Yes, President of the city of Buenos Aires, if the Mayor term fall guy and is not an expression of my authorship but of the caudillo of the docta Juan Bautista Bustos. We must not forget that Rivadavia after thwarting the Cordoba Congress, boost the Congress in Buenos Aires which began its sessions in 1825, designating precisely Bernardino with the title of President, adding the Constitution unitary and centralist of 1826, which was rejected and resisted by the majority of the provinces, with episodes anecdotal as the one which occurred in Santiago del Esterowhere the caudillo Ibarra broke him the document in the face to the own emissary of Buenos Aires. While the subject of this article is Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, unfortunately no I’ve been overcome do an overview of the political history of the Argentina, not to mention Rivadavia and who proclaims their proud continuator, assigning him the undeserved title of largest civil man of Argentines. However I must say that I agree with Mitre at some of his thoughts, as that provides with respect to Carlos de Alvear, controversial character if there are any. Alvear presence at age 16 the tragic death of his mother and all his brothers, together with his father Diego de Alvear y Ponce de Leon, without being able to even try to avoid it.

    This episode occurs when the British Navy opened fire on Spanish ships, causing the blasting that transported his family. However, becomes years more afternoon is the ideologue of the protectorate, a delivery attempt own Britons found documented in the famous letter to Strangford and Castlereagh, leaving him on the brink of betrayal. There is much more to talk about it, but let them for other deliveries, concluding in that I can find one single explanation for his conduct and is that their main banner was the Masonic Lodge, above the interests of our fledgling nation.

    Posted by millionaire @ 4:11 pm for General |

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