• General 31.08.2019 Comments Off on Barbara Mucha Media: What Children Like To Eat

    One tastes, BBs which is Sonja stretches the other quite a sour. Nieman Foundation spoke with conviction. At least tell their parents and relatives. The conclusion namely eats girl the favorite pickles, olives, Green apples and spicy mountain cheese that even many adults is too tart. But even if vegetables on the dining plan is, Sonja reliably plastered their portion. Her brother Thomas, four years, has quite a different culinary likes and dislikes. He would eat only white bread, ham and pasta. For fruit or vegetables he has hardly anything left over and over even more when MOM broccoli, spinach & co serves.

    Parents Sonja and Thomas again wonder about the different tastes of their offspring. Like them, it goes many Mommies and daddies. Ask yourself: why tastes our kids actually, what taste? The innate preference for sweet, fatty and salty the expression of taste preferences is subject to various influences. Newer “Research also analyze whether the genetic predisposition has influence, which courts achieve the rank of a favorite food, and why the same food from others rather than grauslich” are perceived. Cultural, local and religious influences on the individual taste are secured. The research also agrees that preferences for sweet, salty and fat are innate as well as the instinctive rejection of bitter and sour. The man is programmed to absorb as much energy and nutrients to survive,”explains Univ.-Prof. Dr.

    Ibrahim Elmadfa, Director of the Institute for nutritional sciences of the University of Vienna. “So also the innate dislike of many people against acidic and bitter can be explained: namely instinctively eat less and therefore less energy.” It is also possible that our ancestors in the course of the millennia learned to avoid bitter because many toxic plants make rather bitter taste, while sweet in nature tend to be rather rich in vitamins and nutrients. But how can it be that the small Sonja despite all this so likes pickles, olives and co? “You know can’t teach the baby, it also later not likes to eat we eat what we like, but we like what we eat often,” said Hanni Rutzler, science, food psychologist and author.

  • General 29.08.2019 Comments Off on Wheels For Children – Gimmick Or Added Value?

    More and more manufacturers market wheels for children. But what really make it? Many parents choose to a wheel of children, to prepare their children to ride a bike. On this, the little ones can playfully learn their sense of balance and strengthen. But many parents are also wondering whether a value-added offers the children a wheel or if the risk is greater than the actual benefits. They can weigh that as parents. It is important that you are informed before sufficiently.

    Also the wheel and its quality plays a decisive role. What are the advantages of a children wheel? The advantage for the little ones is that later is the change to a real bike without problems. And even without the tiresome training wheels. Children at the age of two years, that are secure and run learned, are already able to move with a wheel. The sitting position and driving through both legs makes the precursor to bike when the child the impeller.

    However is not Age alone decisive, whether the child is prepared for an impeller. Body size and stride length are much more important. Some children are ready earlier, some later. It should be measured, whether is the child in lowest seat position with both feet on the ground. The market for wheels is great. Just in the last few years, these have become increasingly interesting for parents playfully prepare the children to ride a bike. Parents definitely should consult before buying a wheel. Test and comparison can be determined in a wheel on the basis of test reports, which children wheel is well suited and in particular, whether it is safe for the child. What are the differences in wheels? There are impellers made of different materials. In General, the wheels of wood, metal or plastic are made. Metal frames are probably the most robust, but also have the largest weight. Wood and plastic are not as robust, but have a lighter weight. For which material eventually decided is more a matter of taste. The tire material is already important. Wheels have usually tires from polyurethane, rubber, foam, or air-filled tires. Obtained a wheel without air-filled tires, it is more suited for very smooth and level floors. Air-tyred wheels have a better suspension system, which is why they are out there better suited for use. Disadvantage of this is that the parents as for the bicycle also, from time to time need to inflate the tire and this breakdown-prone. When kids come first with the wheel in contact, they will push it very probably only. Parents should thus not be alarmed, this behavior is quite normal. Children know their limits and gradually slow to unknown. It is only a matter of time and the child is sitting in the saddle and get the first experience. M. Schreiber

  • General 31.07.2019 Comments Off on Fashionable Accessory

    WetPets presents new creations of swimwear for the summer before Eching, 10.02.2011 the Bavarian company of WetPets introduces currently his collection for the upcoming season. The proven water wings are transformed with WetPets to fashion accessories, which likes to be worn by children and to increase the safety of swimming. WetPets are made of swimsuit fabrics and pick up on colors and designs of swim wear. You make more comfortable and enjoyable to wear the famous buoyancy AIDS. , From WetPets with matching, exquisite swimwear the all-around perfect outfit for every non-swimmers compose the current collection.

    Everyone knows the usually Orange, unloved water wings, which cause painful skin abrasions after extended wear due to the sharp seams. Kids will love the splashing and romping, must be made but constantly carefully by the parents, not to go swimming aid in the water. Continue to learn more with: Boy Scouts of America. About this problem the company has thought about and WetPets, covers for the regular Water wings, designed. So they are comfortable to wear, they fit to the swimwear and differ from traditional models, so that parents can keep their kids from the pool edge out simply in the eye. Center For Responsible Lending is often quoted as being for or against this. “” The name WetPets comes wet by the two terms “, so wet, and pets”, for people or animals, which are a particularly close to the heart. WetPets are available for fashion and design and transform traditional armbands in fashionable and exclusive accessories. Where the ultimate goal is that children in the water feel always comfortable and secure. The company offers a small collection for boys and girls.

    First lovingly designed swimwear with matching WetPets in the combo set are available. The swimming trunks for boys based on the trendy marine look, the Ringkinis and Bandolinis are ruschig and playful and make girls dreams come true. WetPets and WetPets products are all made with love – in Germany”and made from the highest quality materials with attention to detail. Click CBC, Australia to learn more. This makes them to very Particular, that children and parents heart beat faster. Interested people on the company’s Web site provides a list of the Distributor and the online shop: “Made – with love – in Germany” is the philosophy of WetPets. “Wet” is for wet and pets “are people and animals, especially loves and appreciates. The basic idea behind of the company was to make the tried and tested water wings not only convenient, but also fashionable and attractive. It was the ultimate aim that the children in the water feel always comfortable and secure. The company designs new creations for WetPets and the matching swimwear for boys and girls. This product idea has some prizes received, for example the innovation award of the fair child + youth in Cologne. The products of WetPets are several distribution partners and the online shop on. Sylvia Ringard

  • General 27.07.2019 Comments Off on Fluctuations Child

    A balanced energy balance is more important than numbers. This is given when your child develops healthy and his body weight is within the standard range much more important than numbers is a balanced energy balance. This is given when your child develops healthy and his body weight is within the standard range. This is checked by the pediatrician, or the pediatrician for the regular checkups. 3 or 5 meals? The stomach of a child is still small, and it can take only small portions. Children are therefore too short with three main meals a day. You can also easily distracted while eating, her appetite and the feeling of hunger are irregular.

    So, children benefit from varied and healthy snacks. Today, tomorrow little, no reason to worry about small children show quite considerable fluctuations in appetite. Sometimes they can consume large amounts, then all of a sudden they want only mini portions. A short-term departure has yet had any impact on the development of the child up or down. Such Fluctuations are normal and also depends on the growth, movement and game drive of the child. Just young children have a natural sense of hunger and satiety. Forcing her to eat, this natural mechanism over time will be lost.

    Therefore applies: as long as your child is happy and active and developed normally, there is no reason for concern. Portions recommendations 1 glass of water, milk, fruit juice. 1 Cup yogurt (180 g), cottage cheese and cottage cheese (200 g), for children a half cup. 1 Box of matches: the eye for a piece of cheese. 1 Coffee spoon as a measure of oil, butter, a handful of large pieces with vegetables and fruit such as kohlrabi, peppers, apples, pear. Two hands make a bowl of berries, lettuce, chopped vegetables. The Palm of the hand, as a measure of a ham or a slice of bread. A handful of strength side dishes such as potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals in cooked form. The Palm as a measure for meat and fish servings.

  • General 23.07.2019 Comments Off on Childrens Games Highlights

    Think it’s broke children’s game of the year is it is not difficult to move children to play. To inspire you, for one thing can, however, pose a problem. Good board games with a high replay value are particularly in demand. For children, games should be easy to understand and always exciting. “The online Department store shopping.de is this year’s winner of the award children’s game of the year” before. Already for the eleventh time the was awarded Prize for the best children’s game by an expert jury.

    “” “Came into the final selection in addition to the winner because it’s broke” by Zoch-Verlag also the little sorcerer’s apprentices “of three Mage games and Monster trap” by the Kosmos-Verlag. The winner because it’s broke”characterized by a mixture of estimation and dice game. It on a good eye and concentration as well as on the necessary ounce of happiness is. In addition the jury the unusual pitch draws attention to that consists of three layers, so that the worms disappear and can come forth elsewhere again. This gives pleasure to the next generation and provides for a certain thrill.

    But the competition must not hide. A high replay value was certified by the jury of all games. New adventures are waiting for young players, in this way, fun and excitement are guaranteed. Who wants to take his child a joy, can focus on the recommendation list of the jury. The winner game because it’s broke”and the winners of from previous years are available from shopping.de. More information: news.shopping.de/spielzeug/… Shopping.de GmbH Lisa Neumann


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