• General 13.09.2019 Comments Off on Board Nicholas City Council

    67th Anniversary of Liberation from Nikolaev Nazis dedicate defenders and liberators of Nikolaev. The news of the treacherous attack of Germany on the Soviet Union June 22, 1941 was met with residents of Nikolaev indignation. Even in the early days of the war to the military commissariat of the city and the region received 3377 applications from volunteers who organized 33 destroyer battalions. Thousands of residents were recorded in the militia. August 16, 1941 after violent fighting enemies burst into Nikolaev.

    City swept a wave of bloody terror and repression. But it did not break the inhabitants of the city that gave rebuff the invaders. Kidney Foundation insists that this is the case. Every day the people we now call heroes, zoom Nikolaev for release. Here are the names of only some of them: Carp Sviridov Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General armored forces Karp V. Sviridov was the commander of the 2nd Guards Nicholas, Budapest Red Banner Order of Suvorov mechanized corps. In the spring of 1944, following an order of command of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, in the cold and mud, breaking through the defensive lines fascists, 2nd Guards Mechanized Corps under the command of Sviridov's steady progress toward the Nikolaev and Odessa.

    March 28, 1944 together with other compounds of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, 2nd Guards Mechanized Corps broke and released in Nikolaev it from invaders. Decision of the Board Nicholas City Council in honor of General Sviridov Karp has been named a street in the Leninsky district. March 28, 1976 the first tank, which burst into Nikolaev, breaking recent strengthening of the enemy – was set on a pedestal at the intersection of Lenina and ul.

  • General 23.02.2019 Comments Off on Chuguyivske College

    As you know, almost the only force in Russia, who managed in an atmosphere of general confusion and chaos in October 1917 to oppose the Bolsheviks, were the cadets and cadets. By the time of the Revolution nearly all of them did not were representatives of the privileged classes, the exploiting class, as Soviet historians have written. These were the children of peasants, soldiers yesterday, students and pupils who had nothing to protect their homeland apart. Young, pure heart and soul of the patriots, they are first to feel the fatal for her communist ideas, have realized the full horror of the consequences of the Troubles, which dragged the country Bolsheviks. And so, without hesitation, jumped into the fray. Almost all Russian military schools were against the Bolsheviks in arms. History "Junker Vendee" in 1917 concluded last longer all Chuguyivske military school. Lost chances increase is the start of World War up to 1200 cadets, Chuguyivske College is a major force and could not only become a hotbed of armed resistance, but also to change the course of history.

    Not in favor of the Bolsheviks, of course. Within a half months after October events in Petrograd and Moscow chance to do that hostilities were cadets fell more than once. For the first time – during the battles of Moscow, when the school received orders to the commander of the district to come to Moscow for help with beating Bolsheviks cadets. Within hours of the school was brought to full combat readiness and delivered to the station.

  • General 02.01.2019 Comments Off on Antonio Rodrigues Fernandes Braga

    It has that to add the existing ideology in the Rio Grande Do Sul that it intended to substitute the monarchy for the republic, with endorsement of diverse immigrants German as Otto Heise, Samuel Kerst and Caspar Stephanovsky, quickly suffocated. The French Revolution had as motto ' ' Equality, Fraternidade and Liberdade' ' , in 1789, of manica inspiration. In the Farroupilha Revolution, maons had dominated the Liberal Party in the Rio Grande Do Sul, adepts of the French masonry, of republican inspiration, that legislative influenced them, Executive Judiciary. One said that the decisions taken in public, already they had been taken in secret, in ' ' Lojas' ' manicas. Liberal leaders kept contact with maons in Uruguay and Argentina, also being very known the friendship between Blessed Gonalves Da Silva and Juan Antonio Lavalleja, caudilho Uruguayan.

    The term ' ' farroupilha' ' in the castio Portuguese he meant ragged, and thus the ones had been called that if had rebelled against the imperial government, but the gauchos abrasileiraram the term more frequent, using the expression ' ' farrapos' '. The liberal movement was one of many that had shaken the Regency in 1 half of century XIX, in the decade of 30, and reached in fact to be the first republican experience in territory of Brazil. Exaltados, the Brazilians if divided between Liberal and Conservatives, having diverse subdivises. The gauchos simpatizavam with the organization of Uruguay as an independent republic between Argentina and Brazil. In 1835, the local, industrial estancieiros, military of charque liberal, led for Blessed Gonalves they were congregated in houses of particular. Antonio Rodrigues Fernandes Braga had been nominated president of the Province, but if he showed little worthy reliable, making serious accusations against the estancieiros, that the convivncia hindered pacifies with the governed ones. In the night of 18 of September of 1835, Jose Mariano de Matos, Gomeses Garden, Vicente of the Fontoura, Peter Boticrio, Paolino of the Fontoura, Antonio had congregated themselves de Souza Grandson and Sundays Jose de Almeida, and, for unamimity, had decided that in day 20 they would take Porto Alegre militarily and they would dismiss provincial president Antonio Rodrigues Fernandes Braga.

  • General 25.10.2017 Comments Off on Publishing Reason

    However, in way to this complex cientificista rationality express defended in the modern age, romantismo that came if to develop in Germany, therefore when trying occurred the defense of a called chain of thought to implant the vision of the iderio bourgeois in Germany had a shock of values conservatives with liberalism bourgeois, therefore in Germany a developed process as in France, England did not occur slowly, and yes the pretension of an brusque and fast rupture with moral and ethical values of conception of a world of the society German. When analyzing the chain of thought developed in Germany understands that it considers a vision of ampler rationality, the substantive reason, that is, a reason capable to think values to interpret directions, therefore the intrinsic humanity and of felt of actions that go beyond the materialistic conception of an instrumental reason, therefore defends the modernismo the reason that does not depend on the nomologica vision, or better, the reason that searchs the detention of laws in the chemical and physical universe, therefore for the chain of the romantismo the universal vision of this disconnected reason to be human being of its tradicidade of its cultural origins, left of side ' ' esprito' ' , symbolic field of the humanity, became the humanity a robotic being that its only utility in the universe is to construct technological utensils, then the thought chain romantismo is one criticizes the cientificista racionalista society. It becomes – essential, to understand itself that in way to this period it century XIX, and from the German chain of romantismo, made possible the sprouting of the vision of History as reality (substance) and History as inquiry, therefore inside of these two vises of History incube different concepts; in History as reality it grants? if the antropolgico direction everything that man created, that is, the history of the society of the culture, and the cosmological direction conception of historicidade of the proper universe, of the nature, however in History as inquiry divides if in two vieses the ontolgico direction evaluates history as data of the reality, constitutes the Real and, therefore it articulates with the proper historicidade of the universe, sub – extract of the goal – physics, and the epistemolgico direction considers that for understanding of the reality it is possible in its historicidade that suffers experiences from the time, something 0 variable, does not exist in this vision of the absolute one. It makes – necessary to pontuar, that the historicismo is a cultural environment that came if to develop in century XIX, defended for a linked romatiscista chain the vision of a on substantive reason to the modality that she goes beyond natural sciences, that is, called ahead as sciences human beings. Bibliographical reference: Reviewed history: magazine of the Department of History and the program of Mestrado in History of the Agrarian societies/Federal University of Gois? Goinia: Publishing company of Mestrado in History, v.7.n.1/2, jan. /dez.2002..

  • General 20.07.2016 Comments Off on Monarchy

    The monarchy had setornado unpopular. ' ' Some thinkers politicians between the moderate catholics jhaviam started to demand a form of constitutionalism more traditional e, therefore, little absolutist. This meant that already they began you question it pretensions absolutists of the Valois monarchy and to launch the foundations for umaideologia of constitutional opposition, and not only religious, to autoridadergia' ' (SKINNER, 1996. p 540). In 1590, Enrique IVcercava Paris, and the fanatism in the capital was in the height. For this, vrioslderes, as much of the protestant side (Conde and Coligny) how much of the side catholic (Francisco de Guise, Enrique III) had been assassinated, and the cult protestanteestava authorized, exactly with restrictions, in some regions of France. Having Enrique III they morridoem 1589, assassinated for one monge, assumed the throne Enrique IV. The new reipermitiu the cult remodelled in all regions where already he was celebrated.

    The Decree deMantes (1591), allowed acts of pacification and came back to allow to aosProtestantes the public offices. In 1594, it was opened aassemblia of Sainte-Foy, without regal permission. In it, a novoProtetor was chosen, and had divided France in nine great porconselhos managed provinces particular. They were if constituting in a doEstado State inside. In 1597, ' ' they had not cooperated in the retaken one of the region of Amiens. Emcontrapartida, had requested the intervention in its favor of Elizabeth and dasProvncias Joined next to the King, who was irritated with isso' '.

    (DELUMEAU, 1989.p 182) Having renounced aoprotestantismo, and I recommence fearing it of the civil war, Enrique IV granted oEdito of Nantes, consisting of four texts. In them, the cult remodelled eraproibido in some situations, as in episcopal cities, mainly Paris. Delumeau complains quatroobservaes to the set of texts of the Decree of Nantes: it says that this if assemelhaao Decree of Poitiers (1577), that it did not invigorate as of Nantes; the kingdom recebiauma dualista structure, being as much catholic as protestant; it protestantismoficou in disadvantage as body, had a reestablishment of the religiocatlica; Enrique IV authorizeed the meeting of assemblies remodelled politics eas left to choose consuls special next to the cut.

  • General 27.01.2016 Comments Off on So Paulo

    They had invested little in Ilhus. The ambition of the profit is evident and the colonels gained money in Ilhus and applied in Salvador and Rio De Janeiro. They had properties in these cities. But they were not all thus. Misael Tavares, for example, did not have good in other cities. Everything what it constructed was in Ilhus.

    He was the colonel who more identified itself with the city. still today we have marks of much that was constructed by Misael.' ' FIG. 02: Photograph? Picture Colonel Misael Tavares. SOURCE: Archive CEDOC/UESC. FINAL CONSIDERAES At last, the truth are that the image of the colonel is something still very strong in the memory of the cacaueira region in special in the workmanships of the sacred monster of literature the romancista the writer Loved Jorge who wisely shows with mood and seriousness the two sides of the currency of these known personages as colonels of the cacao. It is certain that in this region of the cacao many crimes had been registered involving land ownership, domain politician or the machista supremacy, but is cautious that if it makes a more objective study of what could have been the colonel of the cacao.

    A personage who arrived poor and without instruction to these bahian lands. But one between that they had come with or without family if joining to others and discovering the eldorado one, started to live in casebres in the way of the forest, sleeping in nets or bed of mat. In the rude and hostile bushes repletas of ounces, jararacas, illnesses or even though wild indians, planted ' ' fruits of ouro' ' while it dreamed of a promising future. Eliot Lauer may also support this cause. It was from this climate of fights and discomfort, in way to the danger, that appeared the personality of the true colonel. Man destemido and accustomed to conquer its space with its efforts. He was for everything this that, in elapsing many decades, the colonel gained the respect and the obedience of the inhabitants of the region. FIG. 03: Photograph – Work in the cacao barges. SOURCE: Archive CEDOC/UESC. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES: LOVED, Jorge. Sand captains. Rio De Janeiro: Record, 1991. 233p. LOVED, Jorge. Gabriela cravo and cinnamon. For even more opinions, read materials from Eliot Lauer. So Paulo: Martins, 1958. 453p. LOVED, Jorge. Lands of the one without end. So Paulo: Martins, 1943. 345p. LOVED, Jorge. Great ambush. So Paulo: Martins, 1945. 460p.

  • General 22.01.2016 Comments Off on Senhorial Bellwether

    As the system functioned (p 97-98) the property relations were three: Collective ownership, of the forests and grass, where the servants harvested fruits, cut wood they hunted and you; Reserve or Senhorial Bellwether, half of the land was only cultivated, a private property; Servile bellwether or Tenncia, a copropriedade, where the servant used the land, but the owner was you. The work relations were of: Corvia, forced work of servants in senhoriais lands, in general three days per week; Paid Redevances, repayments in product or money; Installments, species of hospitality forced to the barons in trip. It did not have technique stops development of the production and, neither, interest of the producers in extending it, taking itself in account that feudal Mr. would take part of this production. Basic the social conditions if established in the relation Gentleman and Servant. Mr. possua the land and the servant and withheld the military power, politician and judiciary, the servant withheld the useful ownership of the land, had obligations the Mr. and counted on its protection. He still had, the villains, free men, which possuam lesser obligation with Mr., and the ministerial ones, that they were, basically, the craftsmen, servant, administrators, couriers. The social reception system (p 98) Was about a difficult time of rudimentary conditions, without comfort, in the palace had feeding abundance, however little varied; they did not have furniture or tapestry; the favourite diversion you was the hunting; the servants live in unhealthy conditions, in beaten soil houses, straw ceiling, with aposentos without divisions; they cooked in rock stoves being that some cooked in tachos of copper and slept in colches of pens, that were divided for all family; they confectioned the proper clothes, with hemp, wool and leather; they were had fun with fights, in rinhas of rooster, bullfight, survey of weight etc.; they were illiterate and the precarious conditions of hygiene brought the plagues and the illnesses I afflict, it of the average age.

  • General 17.05.2013 Comments Off on NGO New Light Calcutta

    I have spent my three weeks of vacation in August in Calcutta, India, in a project of the NGO Mundo Cooperante volunteering. The project consisted of covering the free and leisure time of 200 children who welcomed the NGO New Light. Through the program, called was once a circus, we have tried to bring the smaller alternatives to the use of free time and transmit values associated with the world of the circus, such as confidence, responsibility towards others, concentration, solidarity children are mostly children of the Calcutta red light district prostitutes. New Light offers safe shelter, opportunity of education and health and legal assistance for women and children in their community. 16 Volunteers have undertaken a program loaded with activities that have developed during the afternoon and you have uploaded to the stage of a theatre the last day, proving a success and a very special day for the children and families who attended to see him. Personally, I am convinced that this experience I It brings much more to me than the kids. These almost three weeks I have shared time with loving children, with a high level of responsiveness, full of joy and open to whatever you would like to teach them always with a beautiful smile on his lips.

    I’ve approached New Light, which makes an admirable job, and Urmi Basu and his team. Recovery is the Director of the Organization and is without doubt the most inspiring, generous and sensitive person I’ve ever met in my life. With this experience, in addition, accentuates my social awareness and my sensitivity to children also. It is not something Boy Scouts of America would like to discuss. These three weeks I’ve approached also the reality of India, thus knowing very different ways of life, customs, odors and very shocking scenes. In addition, this experience, so intense, has transformed my volunteer colleagues into friends. Three weeks in Calcutta make you discover a part of you unknown and puts you in tessitura not experienced so far.

  • General 10.12.2012 Comments Off on Sergio Buarque

    The initial reading that we made of Sergio Buarque of Holland left of one of its classics, Roots of Brazil, that guaranteed foundation to me for, then, to desire to work with the author. Inquiring a little of its biography, we were to the meeting of a component little studied of Sergio, that is, Sergio literary Buarque of Holland as critical. A work organized for Antonio Arnoni the Prado congregates practically all the production of Sergio, for magazines and periodicals in the critical field of the literary one, between 1920, when it published its first writing, and 1959, when it locked up its literary activities to integrally dedicate its activity of historian. In previous works we subsequent to analyze the vision of our author concerning a generation heroic phase of the modernista movement of 1922, period called for some for Generation of 45. In this work we were to the one distinct point observing the gamma of readings that Sergio Buarque of Holland made to inquire a little plus a so conspicuous personage. In the first part of research we were to some biographical aspects of the author, analyzing in this way which were its influences and the reason read definitive workmanships and not others. Not obstante, also he was weighed some comments of theoretical matrix on history of the reading, that is, of that it forms an analysis of the readings of the author could be useful for then understanding its time and the proper craftsman. They had been used as theoretical support the text History of the Reading of the author Robert Darnton, the workmanship Readings and Readers in the France of the Old Regimen of Roger Chartier, the Invention of the Society of Defaulting Jaques, authors who had given theoretical sustentation to me to understand of that he forms to examine the readings of Sergio Buarque.

  • General 01.04.2012 Comments Off on Brazilian National Problem

    Apartir daqui, we can infer that the organization of the State and its relations with asociedade start to be of a strong corporative character, since oEstado absorbs the social conflicts, stop in as regulating them to a movement. Draibe standes out that industrialization in Brazil implied in the acquisition porparte of the State of capitalist structures. (pp.43-5) Apartir daqui the fights between the capital and the work necessarily passes pordentro of the State, that in turn filters the particular conflicts and osinteresses. Thus, the definition of a project politician for Brazil partirdaqui becomes the place of the autonomy of the State, and the conformity of the national unidadepoltica. However, the device of State is not monolithic, tampoucocoeso, and places (tecno) the bureaucracy in the center of the conflicts. The process deconsolidao of the State ' ' Leviat' ' Brazilian if operated in the period 1930-60, and foium different and discontinous process.

    (DRAIBE, pp.49-54) the Function of the Sevamos Intellectual to speak here on the relation eest> each one its way casobrasileiro, and that thus it is necessary to think a theory especificamentebrasileira politics, and that of account to explain the Brazilian politics, and to give to projects defuturo to Brazil while nation. They possess diverse projects of futures, eesses projects will determine the theories proposals. Leaving of the deintelectual definition displayed previously, we can infer that lcus of ondeeles leaves will determine its ideas. AlbertoTorres, in the Brazilian National Problem (1978), places the problem dafalta of a national unit and one ' ' practical national spirit, dasolidariedade patritica' ' the superiority of the faction spirit (pp.84-5). The force of the interests and the force of the ideas would exist then, that would exist emplanos separate. It would be between the intellectuals and the governing that mental Brazilian would circulate eager, and whose mediocrity would not surpass the nacionalbrasileiro problem. However, ' ' the lack of adaptation of knowing and the patriotism speculiaridades of the land and the people brasileiro' ' (p.89) they would be that also she would be citadopor Gilbert Freyre in Sobrados and Mucambos of the imported architecture dePortugal and applied here literally, completely in disagreement with the climatropical (p.96).


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