• General 24.09.2013 Comments Off on The Grotesque Gandhi Boliviano

    JOSE BRECHNER complying with their theatrical newsprint media, the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, went on strike of hunger inside the Government Palace, demanding that Congress approve the law’s call for a general election for December 6, so that he can perpetuate itself in power. The President requires the favorable vote of the Senate where does not enjoy majority. Dale V. Atkins P.H.D. has compatible beliefs. A seat in favour of the opposition is the obstacle that prevents him from being absolute owner of the country. The Congressional opposition is in the hands of former President Jorge Quiroga, who ruled for just one year, but he knew how to take advantage of the presidential title, and today is a virtuoso guest speaker at any international event that justifies the existence of any Foundation. Quiroga is finished politically. His criticisms of Morales when he travels to other countries, do not agree with support that gives still in Bolivia. What extra in labia lacks capacity and political honesty.

    He was directly responsible for Morales came to power, by not have the courage to ask his impeachment and arrest by seditious when he exercised as President and Morales as an MEP. More later, from the opposition, allowed him to do what he wanted. Quiroga is located in the disjunction to approve or not the call for elections. He knows that his party never again will occupy a seat unless you entranced with the ruling party. His popularity, just like the other random candidate presidential, is in tatters. None manages to accumulate double-digit percentage in the polls. In addition to Quiroga which did nothing relevant during his Government he inherited upon death of the owner is Carlos Mesa, a populist, former television announcer, whose imposing ego stands to his appreciation of reality. After betraying the President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada who chose him as a vice presidential candidate, fact which led him to the Presidency, Mesa made its passage by the power a big vulgar, until being forced to resign party.

  • General 20.09.2013 Comments Off on Technology

    Day-care center School ' ' Feliz&#039 child; ' Peixoto de Azevedo Angelica teachers Maria of Jesus Marilene Branches The media and boarding technological in the schools Summary This present article was made a process of work of technology in the schools that take care of child in the series initiate and basic education stops to detect the habits of each child in relation the great ones technological discoveries, and as is made practise it pedagogical to introduce the medias tie the children therefore know it practises that it of different pertaining to school technology influences the children very likes to develop it for the medias and to motivate the children, the educators must take vary attitude to get an extraordinary change. For this in while educators had had we search if to constantly enable due the school to be a base to the child to go deep the development of these abilities and abilities. Kathleen Casey will not settle for partial explanations. The primordial paper of the schools and to search projects pedagogical to work the medias, therefore nowadays the medias they have an essential paper in the life of the human beings. INTRODUCTION Computer science and the media this being used each day more for the people and has a basic paper in our parents. To each day that passes, computer science comes acquiring each time more relevance in the life of the people and the companies. Its use already is seen as learning instrument and its action in the social environment comes increasing of fast form between the people. The number of families grows who possess in its residences a computer science device, a sound a TV among other that they influence the cominicao. This tool is assisting parents and children showing to them a new skill to learn and to see the world. When if it learns to deal with the computer new horizontes if they open in the life of the user.

  • General 20.09.2013 Comments Off on President of the Jury

    The president of the jury maintains that " they have secured a very elegant and integrated intervention, in which the new structures and the old walls of the building mezclan". The work of Ricardo BAK Gordon, has been evaluated especially by " relectura" that it has realised of an in center urban interior of apple of Lisbon. Tagliabue considers that this action is " a work maestra" that &quot can; to watch from outside, although does not see what it happens dentro". Other mentions and prizes On the other hand, the Catalan architect Enric Ruiz Geli has obtained a Mention by the building It hype, located in the district 22@ of Barcelona. According to Tagliabue, besides to have constructed to a building " absolutely fantastic and genial" , Ruiz Geli is deserving of the distinction because " it is the reinventor of the figure of the architect, who has transformed itself advisor of the client, his promoter and, in addition, patents everything what inventa". Prize FAD of interiorismo 2011 has been for Iaki balos by its work in the Foundation Antoni Tpies of Barcelona. The one of City and Landscape has corresponded to Michle Orliacq and Miquel Batlle by the Park of Waters of the Kitchen gardens of Vilabertran, located in Figueres (Girona). Other distinguished works have been " House for a collector nmada" , of Martin Lejarraga and Ana Martinez Martinez, in the section of Ephemeral Interventions. On the other hand, the FAD of Thought and Critic has been, also ex- aequo, for the catalogue of " Exhibition Laboratory Great Va" , published by Telephone, and for " Collective architectures: trucks, containers, groups, straight lines urbanas" , published by VIBK-Paula Editions Alvarez. Source of the news: Two Madrilenians and a from Lisbon one gain prize FAD of architecture 2011 jointly

  • General 19.09.2013 Comments Off on New Discoveries

    Greetings to all in the finals of analogies about castles in the games. Work done much. Thanks to everyone who helped me in this matter. I asked the right impetus, which was supported by many enthusiasts. Thanks to their help topic castles in games gained its current turnover. Summarizing, we can say that the collection of more than 400 pictures. Half of them – are full of gameplay screenshots.

    Significantly expanded the previous collections: Castle Games (Part One) – Castle on a hill Castle in the games (Part Two) – On the way to the castle in Castle Games (Part Three) – At the gates and into the throne room in heaven castle + instructions to create a heavenly castle remains only to describe how I was looking for pictures. First of all, I rely on their collection. For many years, only for themselves, sorted on the computer screen shots overall theme folders. For example, I was always attracted to knives in games, moon, clouds, sand worms, a sword in the stone, etc. So the foundation of any collection – this is my savings. Then, when I decided what will be the topic notes, for example, "Heavenly Castle", I begin to look at Google Image" different variations of phrases such as: sky castle in the game, Floating Castle, rpg castle, etc. In the end, look through thousands of pictures, where I find something what I need.

    Just use different foreign sites, for example, GiantBomb.com – there can find out which games were a particular item, location. But of course all of this without screenshots – they have to look for myself. I also help YouTube, and a most unusual way. I make screenshots of video clips:) funny sounds, it's because as take pictures with pictures. But sometimes there is no better way. Instead of the very reach of a particular episode or download save, I just look through the "video transmission", of which some do, and screenshots. The blessing is now on YouTube videos in high quality. And now enjoy the views of the castle in games:

  • General 13.09.2013 Comments Off on Deficit Limit

    PSOE candidate proposes to develop that aspect in a subsequent law. Many Socialists have expressed their doubts to constitutionally fixed a deficit ceiling. Zapatero proposed on Tuesday to introduce a deficit limit in the Constitution. The candidate of the PSOE for the general elections of 20-N wants to reform the Constitution do not include any figures for the deficit limit. Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba plans to develop an Organic Act, the discipline of deficit and debt rules less rigid than the Magna Carta. Address of the PSOE sources have explained that this is the proposal which Rubalcaba has moved to the Socialist Group, whose spokesman, Jose Antonio Alonso, is in contact since Wednesday, to negotiate with the PP. It aspires to that this reform is not only agreed with the PP, but be extended to the widest possible parliamentary forces with CiU to the head. Once numerous Socialist deputies have expressed their doubts before that haste and the convenience of constitutionally fixed a deficit ceiling, Rubalcaba decided Wednesday to assume the reins of bargaining and did so with the objectives of ensuring a certain degree of flexibility and the greatest possible consensus.

    Thus, Rubalcaba aims to make sure that the small print of the constitutional reform guarantees sufficient flexibility as the current Government to have room for manoeuvre faced with hypothetical situations of emergency, in which might need not maintain a zero deficit. The reform of the Constitution was proposed on Tuesday by the President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, during the debate on the recognition of a decree-law with new measures against the public deficit, and accepted by the leader of the PP Mariano Rajoy. On the Internet a citizen mobilization has collected more than 45,000 signatures in 24 hours for this reform is consulted citizens via a binding rrendum. Its adoption in this legislature obliges expedite to the maximum the parliamentary procedures, which have already been announced full extraordinary for next week in the Congress in order to give the green light to the initiative. Source of the news: Rubalcaba does not want reform of the Constitution to encrypt the deficit limit

  • General 07.09.2013 Comments Off on Skincare Made Simple

    Tag Away Natual Skin Care Made Easy With These Ideas Resource: Tag Away There certainly are a lot of different myths out there that give you incorrect natual skin care information. Proper skin care means overlooking this misinformation in favor of established skin care techniques. These data will help you learn how to just take proper care of your skin. To help with acne and get great looking skin, make sure to increase the amount of time you may spend outdoors and in the sun. Allow it to be a regular element of each day to invest sometime taking walks or playing at the park with the children. Sunlight helps the human body to produce vitamin D, one of the vitamins essential for healthy skin. Prior to going to bed, moisturize your face with an awesome lotion containing humectants see. As you sleep, developing perspiration and water body temperature rises.

    Perspiration may dry your skin, and applying to humectant lotion may help keep your skin hydrated. What you eat may affect the skin. Lots of people believe fatty foods or candy can cause pimples, but it is a misconception. Still, in the event that you have bad skin it is important to have an excellent diet. Your diet should include fruits, veggies, nuts, and a variety of whole grain foods. Delivering your system with the proper nutrients can slow or stop episodes. To keep up with the best look for your skin layer, it is a good idea to completely eliminate makeup before you go to sleep. Getting rid of makeup each evening stops in its tracks and prevents the develop of difficult oils bacterium.

    Good rest helps your skin revitalize itself. Lip creams containing SPF certainly are a valuable thing to regularly use to reduce the aftereffects of sun harm to the delicate lip tissue. This makes a protective barrier against harmful light that can penetrate that thin skin.


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