4,2 Speeches that permeiam the book Aiming at to reach the first objective of this article? to describe as if they constitute the speeches in the workmanship of Ana Maria Axe? we analyze the infantile book Pretty Girl of the Ribbon Bow. Considering the polissmico character of the language, we could notice that the workmanship is permeada by some speeches, that produce different effect of directions. In this manner, we identify the presence of three speeches in the related workmanship, that assume a interdiscursividade, therefore one becomes related with the other. First, we can affirm that the text ' ' dialoga' ' with the speech of the black conscience, a curly time that the author uses as protagonist a girl of dark eyes, hair and black skin, what it is turned aside from ' ' normality literria' ' , gift in stories of traditional fairies for example. Despite of history to initiate with the expression Age a time (…) (AXE, 2005, P. 02), the plot tells the history of a personage who does not resemble itself to the esteritipos of the majority of books. E, even so the girl is black, it is not bothered, making look like always the image of an extrovert, creative and smart child and that it is always if expressing of some form, dancing, reading, drawing.
This can be noticed, for example, in illustrations of pages 06, 07 and 09. In this infantile narrative, the author leaves in the space between lineses a speech that values auto-esteem of the black person, who, independently of its color, deserves respect. Thus, it search to awake in the reader a not-prejudiced conscience and anti-racist, who is something basic, in view of that daily live situations of discrimination against the population afro-descendant. After that, we perceive in this workmanship the presence of a relative speech to the beauty concept, that if opposes to the standard that is tax for the society through the devices ideological – school, family, media, books, toys etc.