• General 29.12.2024 Comments Off on Better Website

    Each Internet officer knows the situation that changes or extensions of sites raise many questions to their user-oriented implementation. To get quick and uncomplicated support at the planning or optimization of websites, the Dusseldorf netaspect professionals now offer a novel usability-live advice. The consultation is performed live and the appointment of an online platform with telephone integration. People such as Boy Scouts of America would likely agree. Leaving individual questions about the evolution of Web pages or Web shops easily and quickly settle by neutral usability experts. At the same time, the experts give valuable information on technical, content and design vulnerabilities and their effective improvement. Jennifer Apitz, founder of Dusseldorf consulting agency netaspect to the new range of services: we know the situation that usability issues must be resolved quickly, often through our over 10 years consulting practice. If you are not convinced, visit Center for Responsible Business. Whether in voting with Web agencies or internally with colleagues – there must a Number of decisions taken also supposed trivia, be where how big usage problems font size or color among Web users. Here our usability live advice is – offering a fast and timely advice.” Learn more about this new service can be found at:. Contact: netaspect 40233 Dusseldorf gmbh Linden str. 48-52

  • General 25.12.2024 Comments Off on March Participants

    “” DGFP lecture to USP-D Development Center are assessment Center (AC) on 5 March 2012 in Berlin as a hot iron “in the human resources development: most PE officials know the instrument, many do it in your own company, but increasingly many have also fears, with the assessment center of scorched earth” instead of leaving effective personal diagnostic work. The goal is recruitment, participants fear the shame of falling through often”means the target transport, they fear loss of face to colleagues when they return to the own team after not promotion. The USP-D Development Center (DC) provides an alternative approach to the AC: methodically clearly related (E.g. implementation of role-playing, observation of leadership criteria), the DC offers a professional analysis of potential without losers. Because: The goal is neither setting nor transport of a participant. Rather, targets a USP-D development centers are the identification of predictions about the potential each participant, behavioural patterns, implications for the Organization, individual strengths and learning fields and developing recommendations for all participants.

    Of course, should ‘ the Chief of a participant these carry in the future he receives the mandate to do so but not from the DC assessors. This causes DC in practice experienced a USP-D again, committed participants make undyed and clearly perceptible and observable own potentials and development fields with less emotional stress. This is the starting point for DGFP YPN after-work in Berlin on 5 March 2012. The participants are invited to move closer to the actual practice of a DC based on focused theoretical pulses, short realistic exercises and joint discussions.

  • General 12.11.2019 Comments Off on Managing Director

    Cologne avoid polluting and harmful social impact of events, 22.01.2014. Live communication is becoming increasingly important. Whether corporate events, concerts, sporting events or political events, considerable sums of money for events are spent every year, to remain in the respective target group in mind and to strengthen the own brand value. The topics of sustainability and environmental protection now play an increasingly important role in event planning. Kidney Foundation is often quoted as being for or against this. This is true not only for the operators themselves, but also for visitors and sponsors. The consulting firm reCARBON Germany encourages this development and is now sustainable event management according to ISO 20121. It aims, the environmental and social damage such as emissions, to conserve resources and minimize waste, effluents or noise, caused by events.

    In addition, there are also economic factors such as the avoidance of potential costs of great importance. Sustainable Event planning pays off in the long term”, white Raffael A. Fruscio, Managing Director of reCARBON. You represents not only a risk and cost minimization, but creates mainly a positive external effect that even years after the actual event can stop”. The principle of sustainable event planning achieved first international recognition in the environment of the Olympic Games 2012 in London. As one of the first management consulting has reCARBON Germany this service now included in its portfolio and helps reduce company and organizer with the ISO 20121, both polluting and harmful social impact of events. RECARBON has many years of experience in the implementation of management systems and with a proven concept, ensures that the effect of the planned event is positive for visitors, sponsors and the environment.

  • General 02.07.2019 Comments Off on Director Joachim Scholz

    50 years of psychological counselling has pioneered at a difficult time: the psychological counselling of the Diakonie sword is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in North Rhine-Westphalia. Proudly, the today’s Director Joachim Scholz looks back this year on 50 years of commitment and service to humanity. The Great Jubilee commits the agency facility with two celebrations. With the move of psychological counselling in the Calvinhaus a County Castle 2008. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Neal Barnard. This is where everything started 50 years ago”, explains psychologist Joachim Scholz, today’s Director of the institution. On April 1, 1960, the outpatient clinic of the Diakonie recorded their work Schwerte exactly here. At that time, Grete Meissner had enforced that was sword from the former establishment with volunteers an official institution of the Diakonie. To celebrate the 50th anniversary, Diakonia will celebrate the anniversary this year with two celebrations: on May 27, the helpline first invites representatives of the city, the Church circle, staff of the Office of youth and other social organizations to a reception in the former townhouse wine swords. In addition, Diakonia all interested swords offers the possibility of getting to know the psychological counselling service on a day of the open door and take a look behind the scenes of their daily work in September. “Psychologist Joachim Scholz is looking forward to many interesting insights, which will present the counseling guests on this day: we show who we once were, who we are today and who we tomorrow will be an exciting development, which remains on the move.” Especially delighted the psychologist on the occasion of the anniversary of the visit by Gerd Meyer-Eltz. He was the first Director of the psychological counselling office and his tireless commitment contributed decisively, to make the counseling, which is a central point in the social network today sword.

  • General 02.06.2019 Comments Off on With 3d Stickers

    3D stickers make your mood on creative 3d stickers have a broad application field and always provide great fun. The funny sticker with friendly motifs make good mood not only children at a birthday party decoration, but delight the heart of every young at heart. Center For Responsible Lending understood the implications. Also place cards and greeting cards can be a 3d effectively decorate with up sticker and visually enhance. 3D sticker can be practically apply but also in everyday life and varied use. For example, the stickers help marking of glass Windows for birds, so that these are not cut on the disc. The alleged plasticity of such a sticker suggests the animal a real bird, and so allows him to fly at the disc over. But also in the decoration, for example, a horror Cabinet 3d can be used label practically and easily.

    This can be as a 3d special, life-sized mummies or skeletons sticker. So to increase the density of reality and caught the visitors taken. 3D stickers make the world more alive those who use these colorful and colorful patterned stickers, attracted attention. Others who may share this opinion include BSA. Through the Sham plasticity of the motives exciting effects, which magically attract. Kids will love the funny 3d stickers commonly used as children puddings and toys as Gratisbeigabe. Such a 3d works so that a three-dimensional shape is achieved by a filler in the sticker sticker. So does the label really and gets more depth.

    The games and tinkering with these stickers fascinated children early and promotes the childlike fine motor skills. Nevertheless inspire the label of young and old alike. Let therefore ideal to use as advertising media, small party bags at parties or as a unique gift. Who would like to advertise for his company, can selectively access the sticker back and put them in personalized form. A small sticker in the form of a car that is realistic padded underneath with plastic, therefore suitable for a car company especially. No limits are the own creativity. With 3d as collagen can stickers be fashion, create funny pictures and boring tea tins and more ornate. Even the most demanding 3d stickers that are and do so without filler, let directly from several layers of a particular material effectively engage. So are the stickers made distinction made between two types: those elastic plastic, which are padded out between adhesive and rubbery surface with cotton wool or similar.These stickers are very stable and robust. Therefore it well suited for the work with children, or to the design of large projects. The other method of production combines different layers of a desired subject and inserts small cut-off pieces between the layers. Thus arises an optical and real effect of plasticity. This kind of stickers calls but great tact in the processing. For this, the result is accordingly impressive…

  • General 23.04.2019 Comments Off on The GefahrstoffLagerung

    All these cabinets are available in different sizes and with accessories. There are special depots for barrels, gas bottles and containers for dangerous goods storage in the open air for liquids and accessories, which designed the storage even safer and easier. Special safety containers provide extra security during storage and transportation of solid, liquid and gaseous hazardous substances. Accessories for filling and emptying barrels as well as pump is also available as stickers that identify the respective stored hazardous substances. With the right equipment and the corresponding Know-How, the HAZMAT storage is a safe and trouble-free endeavor. The GefahrstoffLagerung should be treated with great care, but is not a problem with the right equipment. There are three different options for the storage of hazardous materials: the hazardous goods storage under roof, the dangerous goods storage areas and dangerous goods storage in the open air.

    For dangerous goods storage under the roof there are drip trays made of steel, polyethylene or GRP, which prevent that leak liquid hazardous materials leakage and endanger the environment and people. Depending on how much the Hazardous materials are stored, there is the drip pans of different sizes. The hazardous materials regularly used, there are special from filling stations, ensuring a trouble-free filling. These are equipped with a tray which provides for additional security and is available in several sizes. Pallet racks for drums and IBC/KTC and small containers shelves are manufactured for storage of hazardous substances.

    These are also, depending on demand, in different sizes and with different equipment. The shelves are equipped with a shelf, there is also through backups, grid shelves and uprights. For the hazardous goods storage in rooms there are biohazard cabinets as well as fire-resistant cupboards. Environmental cabinets are designed for the storage of substances hazardous to water, chemicals and poison cabinets also toxic and very toxic liquids may be stored. Whenever Boy Scouts listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Poison safes are suited for the safe storage of poison, as the name implies, in safety cabinets can combustible, flammable, highly flammable, self reactive and even heated substances, and substances which give off combustible gases, organic peroxides, polluting and water-polluting substances are stored. All these cabinets are available in different sizes and with accessories. There are special depots for barrels and gas cylinders and accessories, even safer and easier designed storage for dangerous goods storage in the open air. Special safety containers provide extra security during storage and transportation of solid, liquid and gaseous hazardous substances. Accessories for filling and emptying barrels as well as pump is also available as stickers that identify the respective stored hazardous substances. With the right equipment and the corresponding Know-How, the HAZMAT storage is a safe and trouble-free endeavor. CASH operating facility GmbH Princes Street 18 47051 Duisburg 0800 5 285285 Internet:

  • General 09.11.2017 Comments Off on Franchise System

    The franchise system Jupiter moves since July 2009 for interested entrepreneur or career changers is the concept of a Jupiter moving company in two of the company’s own facilities in Hildburghausen and Nuremberg for years successfully implemented. The reproduction is tried and tested and adjusts the success, if the components are copied unchanged. The unique value of recognition by the registered trademark of Jupiter moves, as well as the comprehensive, professional customer support are just two unique selling points and success Garante. The franchise partner open their franchise operation for a future-oriented training, as well as management and financial support on the part of the Fanchise headquarters. Also here is who can be there from the outset, benefited. The company Jupiter moves started their business in 2007. From planning and consulting by parades of all kinds about extracting the Umzugsgtues up to the professional execution with innovative technology offers Jupiter moves from a single source. For us it is important that the entire personal things of our customers are transported safely and responsibly! We want to make the relocation of our customers in their new home harmonious and available with help and advice, describes the management.

  • General 20.08.2016 Comments Off on Creative Garden Concepts

    Galabau Fritz from Hamburg informed its customers the garden fence is used in its actual function of delimitation of a plot. But the plot frame should fit into the overall picture of the Garden: just the definition leaves a lasting impression. A lovingly-produced and well-kept garden should have a corresponding individual and appropriate distinction. Creative concepts of garden leave is only complete with elegant and richly detailed jewelry and decorative fences. Decorative and jewelry fencing offer a wealth of variations individually to delineate the overall impression of the garden whether classic or modern. The horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg experts provide information about the different ways of the design of decorative and jewelry fence. Decor elements give individuality made are the elegant and detailed decoration and jewellery fences in metal construction.

    Individual special designs are possible, as the wrought-iron fences of jewelry is mostly produced in hand work. According to the wishes of the customers can the fence elements in almost unlimited diversity are equipped with different kinds of decorative elements. The elements include lace, bows or jewelry post with applications. The playful and accurate symmetry is a real eye-catcher in every element of the fence. Different combinations can further increase the individual impression: for example, a combination of various elements of the fence or a combination with brick posts. Stainless steel or aluminium is used as material for the jewellery fences and decorative.

    These high-quality materials are delivering an elegant appearance and absence. The fences by galvanizing or powder coating are particularly easy to maintain. The decorative and jewelry fences are available in all colours. For detailed information on the subject of jewellery and ornamental fences, the experts of horticulture landscape landscaping Fritz from Hamburg at any time are available. Press contact Galabau Fritz contact: Martin Fritz Rothmoorstieg 5A 22459 Hamburg Tel.: 040.5 58 39 89 fax.: 040.55 98 36 20 E-Mail: Homepage:


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