• General 27.06.2017 Comments Off on Kickstart For Scrooser

    New vehicle category, innovative drive: German Start-Up in the field of urban mobility relies on Crowdfunding 2014, production runs a few hours before the team of SCROOSER Manufactory, has a young Start-Up companies in Dresden, his project SCROOSER to the most successful portal for Crowdfunding kickstarter.com, put online. 30 Days are now time to reach the funding goal of $120,000. An important step in the direction of production to be financed with the collected money. The SCROOSER is the unique mobility solution for the urban, environmentally-conscious individualists. The modern and extravagant lifestyle-city roller was developed on the basis of a classic scooter. Special features when compared to other means of transport, are the intelligent impulse engines based on electric motor and unique design. There is also a driving licence, helmet – nor authorisation. In urban usage, a single charge in eco mode lasts about 30 days.

    For those who where running too boring, driving to expensive and cycling not personal style is, the SCROOSER will be the alternative! Crowdfunding means to realize a product with financial support from a variety of people. The two main motives here are to support a project for charitable purposes, to its implementation to enable or support for a consideration that, for example, corresponds to a pre-order of a SCROOSERs. projects/905627905/scrooser-urban-mobility Kickstarter.com is a platform that enables the Crowdfunding for entrepreneurs on the Internet. Here it comes to realize products with the financial support of a variety of people. As consideration for the private investment in the project, various pledges will be depending on the amount of investment,”offered (premiums). In accordance with the terms of the portal of the financial transfer is however only, if the target sum is achieved by enough supporters in the targeted period or exceeded.

  • General 26.06.2017 Comments Off on Company Platypus Plus

    For nearly a year of Yegor Altufevo is powered by the company "platypus." The fact that there is a campaign called "Days of the Soviet trade." Platypus continues to please us excursions into the past and give an opportunity to recall real Soviet prices! Traditional Soviet goods in the traditional Soviet prices and the traditional Soviet conditions! How can you eat at the expense of the company? Our editors received a letter, where every detail is painted. Hello, my name is Egor. I would like to share with you a little trick. Platypus on shares may cast only one product on one card, so I registered the card at his wife over for a couple of friends, and his sister. As a result, I have five cards.

    Upon receipt of the goods, passports, one framed on the card, do not ask, but so many do. Action in the platypus is about 6 times a month, ie 30 items per month, I have a mere penny. Of course, I have to buy products, as well as all of you, but I buy a lot less than you, so as 360 items a year gives me a "platypus." Many may laugh at me, but everyone is spinning as you can. I get 360 items a year, the average price of a commodity 45 rubles, is 16200 rubles a year, if only I had 7 cards? or 10?.

  • General 25.06.2017 Comments Off on What Will The Dollar In Argentina For The Remainder Of 2008 ?

    The dollar hit a AR $ 3.22 for the month of April in Argentina. While many bought at these levels, projecting a shot of the dollar as has happened in the past at every crisis in Argentina, Martin Redrado sitting on its nearly U.S. $ 50,000 million in international reserves were told that no, this time it was not. Not only does it remained at that peak, but the dollar fell to $ 3.04 AR. He hinted that the central bank has enough firepower to repel any run. But also to reduce inflation (target missed) and get off the flight of deposits (achieved). But the voices of the industrial side already being felt. They protest because they removed the lower parity profitability in exports.

    In addition to lower export revenues for the treasury. The newspaper The Nation did a survey where local economists believe that will put the value of the dollar by year-end. According to Eduardo Fracchia, IAE, "The government, I believe, will not pursue a policy devaluation aggressive as I would expect the private sector, "and predicted a dollar to $ 3.15 by year's end. "Moreover, it will not drop the dollar in recent months as it would undermine the competitive exchange rate, which is a stronghold of the model." Camilo Tiscornia economist said: "Like, I think the Government has a margin large enough to handle your cravings for a good time. " He said the government is going through a dilemma: the need to "prevent further outpace inflation and the erosion of competitiveness.

    Fausto Spotorno, Orlando Ferreres study was very bullish, believes the bill will be placed "between $ 3.20 and $ 3.25?. Osvaldo Cado of Prefinex, predicted a $ 3.21 dollar. He said the massive capital flight slowed, but as "a trickle continues month after month that pushes up the exchange rate," and that "the government maintain the stable exchange rate while continuing the local business climate and volatile external" , reported to LN. (Prefinex is one of the consultants listed at the top of the Market Expectations Survey (REM) that makes the Central Bank (BCRA) in terms of exchange rate forecasts of reference. The average of all participants gives $ 3 , 1655 for December this year and $ 3.38 by the end of 2009). Estudio Bein, provides an exchange rate of $ 3.11 by year's end. "It is expected that the central parity remain stable or slightly up. The coming months will be quiet. What you can not do is a strong movement up, because that would go to inflation, "said Marina Dal Poggetto, an analyst of the study. Dante Sica, owner of the consulting Abeceb.com, the dollar will be between $ 3 and $ 3.10 at year end, although "there is strong pressure from business by the loss of competitiveness." And Miguel Angel Broda forecast $ 3.10 and $ 3.14, and a further devaluation in early 2009 with a 25-30% inflation between the real exchange rate is falling sharply, and if we add the drop in real value, is an explosive combination for manufacturers, hoping that the government of Cristina, who has stated in the past for a high dollar, it rises again.

  • General 19.06.2017 Comments Off on Where To Invest

    Allied attitude to the creativity alone can give good results. On the basis of this, the antenado entrepreneur search for solutions to shoot up its business. For this it goes behind efficient ways for the spreading in mass of its product, a marketing total directed toward its area of performance. A promocional toast is an excellent idea! It has a gamma of varieties which can be invested that they can generate a surplus. The promocionais toasts are excellent veiculadores of marks, logotipos, campaigns etc, because beyond offering a generous space to the mark printed in it, are distributed in used mass and constantly. Currently we come across in them with several of these toasts with prints of famous marks, then this is a signal that we must follow the example. However, it is necessary a little of caution in the hour to leave promoting its business in a toast.

    For example, the company of the drink branch will not go or she does not have reason to invest in toasts of the computer science area, such as door pen drive and mouse pad. This company goes, wisely, to divulge its soon in one door bottles. Another question to be pointed out is in the type of product which its mark is printed. The consumers unite the product quality to the mark printed in it, then if the product will not be good, of good quality and will have bad functioning, then these bad attributes will be added to the mark. Following this line of reasoning, the company Toast & She has taken, specialist in toasts manufactured in neoprene, develops vast varieties in promocionais toasts aiming at the development of the entrepreneurs in search of this marketing as half of spreading in mass, test of this are its fidiciary offices customers, many of great them formed by and famous companies which do not measure efforts to invest. The Blog of the Toast & It has led has updates of products and tips for this investment, which serves in such a way for companies how much for intelligent people with bold ideas. It grows professionally. It invests in its ideals and it counts on us!


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