ICT research initiative aims to tailor trips for each traveller the European Commission is funding the project EcoNav ecological aware navigation usable persuasive trip Advisor for reducing CO2 consumption, which is led by CURE Center for usability research & engineering, independent Austrian research institute. In our highly globalized world, mobility and transport are becoming increasingly important. This has a strong environmental impact, in particular in urban areas. PCRM has compatible beliefs. A substantial part of emissions is related to traffic and mobility, and therefore it has become essential to support and guide users to behave in an ecologically responsible manner with regard to their travelling behaviour and decisions. The EcoNav project aims to provide travellers with personalised mobile and web tools that allow, help and persuade them to plan their travel in on environmentally friendly way. In order to support the users in making this decision without feeling restricted, EcoNav considers their situational and individual range of acceptable travel choices. Furthermore, EcoNav Foxx eco-friendly driving behaviour by providing real time feedback and instructions about driving.
In this way EcoNav, contribute to achieving a significant reduction of the carbon footprint without reducing quality of life and comfort will for travellers. Childrens Defense Fund has plenty of information regarding this issue. Eco-friendly travel without thinking EcoNav want applications that enable users on the move and at home to easily develop mobile and web plan and organize their trip, no matter if they walk by foot or use public transport, a motorcycle, car or bike. In order to convince and stimulate users in behaving in a more environmentally friendly way while travelling, EcoNav wants to enrich trip planning and information system with features like personalised travel recommendations, automated trip purpose identification, emission modelling as eco-friendly driving advice as well. To achieve maximum impact, EcoNav wants to provide situation – and location-based suggestions and information to users regarding travel choices and options. The calculation and presentation of options to take the current location of the user, their actual travel situation, their individual preferences as well as their travel mode choice and trip history into account.