• General 26.01.2018

    A pig dreams of a Prince who becomes his friend, it was once a sweet, black-and-white piglets from the family of a few pigs. That lived on a small farm with the name “entenhoff”, located in Lower Saxony between Hamburg, Bremen and Hanover. It lived there with his 22 brothers and sisters and many chickens and ducks. All had one common, they were looking for a sponsor who sometimes visit, gives a name to them, giving them the “everyday food” and they then one day… So was looking for and also our black-and-white piglet waited for the Prince of his dreams.

    On August 12, he actually came, it was indeed not a Prince and he did also not on a horse. It was a radio presenter and he came up with a quick Trek and large Entourage. He took the small piglets on the arm, stroking it very sweet and let himself be photographed with him. Our little piglet was instantly in love and had to listen to his favorite stations now every morning from 5: 00 until 10: 00. It dreamed of, “Its leader” would adopt him and he then should bear its famous name.

    Some emails were written back and forth and it looked good for our piglets. Especially since the piglet who had agreed, for a charity auction is to let… Such a piglet would bring in an auction if it were then grown, so 400-600. A well-known piglets with a famous name of course even more. But on 19 August came the news that there would be no adoption. Were the men from the boardroom. Now, a world collapsed for our small, black-and-white piglets. How would like to have it played a famous name, time taken with a radio show and later sacrificed his life for a good cause. Now, our little black-and-white piglets sitting sadly in his stall. It is so sad that it even more in the morning can be consoled by 5: 00 until 10: 00 by his beloved radio show. Whether the men in the boardroom are aware of what they have thrown it? (Because: even PIGS have feelings) Sad greeting Helmut Ermisch of the entenhoff

    Posted by millionaire @ 5:02 pm for General |

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