• General 03.09.2015

    If you agree or not, in any way the law of attraction is something in your life and if you know you can use your life to attract the things you have in your mind I understand it or not, the law of attraction you leads to the ground if you jump from a building. If you sow a fertile ground beans and water it a few days will see the little plant grow. The law of attraction works similarly, you attract whatever you focus on what. If you want to take advantage of "the law of attraction" uses the technique of mental imagery. Form in your mind a powerful and realistic image of what you want to come into your life, or things you want to change for the better in your personality or way of doing things, the trick is "how much more vivid the image, the faster you come "Use the five senses to your desire or mental image is more powerful, once you look, feel, smell, listen," your imagination "are generating mental happiness (quantum) this makes you become a cosmic magnet attracting to you as imagined. NOTE: It is not enough that mental image is required to do things so that your wishes are fulfilled, this is where most fail at first do not worry about what you do to make your motion, little by little come the ideas of what we need to do, this comes from the mental image you put in your desire. Do not focus on what they DO NOT want, because it will come, if you have debts you pay approaches, focus on getting money, it works, and works very well, just a question that you have a blind faith that this is and will be If doubts are removed.

    Give an example, if I ask you "Would you like to have a million dollars?" I would say probably yes, and add me would answer "but" could not get it. If you notice well, did not ask that "if you could" only said that if "you like" notes where's the catch, you sought answers to justify your limitations, the real message was "wanting" without hindrance, the "As a" balance of big and powerful to be your "WISH" The law of attraction works the same as the laws of nature. People are a product of what we think, of what we eat, if you do not believe me look in the mirror and look in your spirit. The circumstances only reveal the character, no one is homeless, millionaire, scientific or saint by accident I hope things get into your life by the power of your wishes Ramon Salop (high interest)

    Posted by millionaire @ 6:02 pm for General |

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